
6 Reviews
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Really Cool SciFi Opportunity Turns into Terrible Teeny Drama
13 April 2020
I don't think I've ever written a review on IMDB. I was so disappointed with this show I had to. I love love love science fiction. I love alternate reality. Dystopian futures. This show's first episode had me hooked. By episode three the terrible dialog and teeny-drama completely lost me. It's not as bad as Riverdale, but way more disappointing.
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What the hell is this?
24 November 2018
I lasted five minutes before turning it off. Is this a kids show? Everything about it feels like a bad improv show. The intro song is stupid - is it supposed to be so stupid that it's funny? I don't get it.
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This should have won the Oscar
12 March 2009
I had the pleasure to watch the compilation of 2009 Oscar-nominated Shorts the other night on the big screen at the Bloor Cinema, and as far as I was concerned, this one was the clear winner.

The characters and the actors were good; the cinematography was there. But it was the great short story that really made it stand out for me. To be able to tell such a compelling story and to get the audience emotionally involved in the characters in such a short time frame is really the mark of a great dramatic short film.

I came away impressed and inspired. Too bad the academy didn't completely share my opinion...
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Gran Torino (2008)
Clint's still Clint, but the story is thin and supporting acting weak
12 March 2009
OK, I had high hopes for this film, and maybe that's why I came away thinking "meh". Clint Eastwood is getting up there in age, and that probably helped him pull off his curmudgeonly, over-the-top racist character believably. Fans of his will enjoy the movie if only to see him still up on the screen, kicking ass.

Unfortunately the story is a bit weak, and most of the supporting acting is weak. The main supporting kid is great when he's not saying anything and being the shy, introvert that he's supposed to be; when he tries to deliver any line or show any emotion, it comes across as forced. The girl has her moments and the grandmother is good.
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Worst Movie Ever
10 October 2003
I don't go a lot of movies in the theatres, but when this one came back out after being nominated for a pile of oscars, I made the mistake of assuming that it would be a great movie.

I can safely say that this movie was the worst thing I have ever seen. (of course I have yet to sit through Plan 9 from Outer Space)

I kept waiting for some sort of story to emerge that I could relate to on some level, but that never happened. But I waited through 3 long hours for it... and I still don't know what the movie was trying to say. I didn't care about any of the characters, and was actually just bored and little disgusted with all the bloody violence.
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Worst movie ever!
6 May 2003
I went to see this in the theatres after hearing about how many oscar nominations it was up for. It is painfully slow, very bloody, with no plot to relate to (unless maybe you live in NYC). The only reason I didn't leave before the 3 hours of torture were over was because I was expecting it to get good (oscar nominations) and I paid full price to go.

If you haven't seen it yet, don't waste your time or money.
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