
9 Reviews
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Who Doesn't Love This?
3 March 2022
So confused about this film's low rating! What a true hidden gem! By hidden, I mean buried by a low rating. But who is reviewing? And what is their motivation? Something like 78,000 ratings? That's a LOT of ratings! White only 211 reviews? Something smells fishy here, I tell you. Love the movie, the acting, the screenplay, the music. Excellent performances by a stellar cast. Laugh out loud moments. What's not to love?
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Main Street (2010)
More like this!
24 February 2022
Stellar cast comes through with brilliant performances in this tight little character study drama. Thoughtfully directed screenplay rounds out this little gem. This is exactly the genre I prefer, and it was beautifully executed. I really do not understand why this film does not have a better rating. Sorry it took me twelve years to find this treasure!
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
25 January 2022
I read the book in 2015, and absolutely loved it! Admittedly, the novel was complex and not an easy read, but it WAs a great read. Often, for one reason or another the screen version fails to deliver. This is not true for Station Eleven. The actors performances were top notch as were the casting, the screen play...I loved everything about it! Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant!
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7 January 2022
Brilliantly crafted film with nuanced portrayals by a stellar cast. One cannot help but feel like these "characters" are still alive and well right where we left them... Kudos, cast, director, author. A very fine film.
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Away (2020)
15 September 2020
The title says it all. The series is drama about the human side of being "away" on a mission to Mars. So yes, there is a sci-fi element, but the human element is front and center. I had no expectations going into the series as I simply wanted an engaging show for a bit of escapism. Now I find myself at 5:30am on a Tuesday morning sipping coffee and catching a few minutes of this engaging and well done human drama. For these few minutes I too, am AWAY. Nicely done, folks!
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Modern Love (2019–2021)
Feeling your feelings
23 October 2019
If feeling your feelings is not for you, for heavens sake watch something else! Readers of the Modern Love column in the NYT will not be disappointed. The series is unabashedly about Modern Love. It does not even try to be anything other than what it is. To Amazon, the NYT, the actors, directors, producers, et al: THANK YOU! Brave move! I loved it!
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Doonby (2013)
2 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I want to write this review primarily to warn people Not to spend money to see this film. We did, and only made it 1/3 of the way through. We saw: indie film, 7.0 score, blues. Wow. Silly, silly us! I assume these are nice folks who were involved in the making and distribution of this film, and I really really hate to say bad things about good people. But I am embarrassed for you! Plot: slow and painful. Acting: forced and fake. Thriller? Really? The few other people who gave this film a review that was positive MusT have a friend or relative involved in the production or distribution of the film and/or some belief system that promotes the agenda the film was attempting to promote. If you are looking to watch a thoughtful and intelligent indie film, this is not it!
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honestly bad
21 September 2010
I am beginning to seriously wonder what gets awful movies good reviews? Do friends and family of the cast and crew of these movies write the reviews? Does the production company hire people...if so, count me IN. The only way I could possibly write a positive review of this movie is if I was paid to do so. Damon's impression of William Macy's Fargo character was ridiculously unconvincing. The misplaced and unnecessary Austin Powers '60s captions were...what were they about? I didn't read the book, but I can't help but wonder how the movie compared, and if the book's character development was really so tedious? Perhaps die hard Damon fans are so enamored that they don't recognize a plain old bad movie? I certainly do. Waste of time...
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barely watchable
29 August 2010
How did this movie get positive reviews from ANY serious critic or IMDb user....seriously? Badly acted, poorly written, annoying and inappropriate overuse of period music throughout, glib tone...was there actually a director?...I want my money back! I can't believe I paid money to see this- they should have paid me! A big fat waste of my time! If I have anything nice to say about any part of this film, which does account for the score of 1 that I did give this movie, it is that is is mercifully finally over. Why I felt compelled to suffer through to the very end is a mystery...I think actually the movie was so BAD that people didn't even watch the whole thing or waste time writing an excruciatingly painful 10 line review...
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