
4 Reviews
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Pretty good
29 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film was pretty good. It contained explicit drug use(which you may be thinking is no big deal,but i mean every time you see someone their's a joint in their mouth),and contained pervasive language.Other than that its pretty funny and really action packed. It's about a drug dealer and his buyer who witness a murder and freak out. it's very entertaining and a movie you could probably watch more than once( meaning it's worth buying at the store). so if you don't ming Language, drug use and violence this is the film for for you ,and if you do mind those. with some modivation you'd find yourself enjoying this film too. 8.4/10
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18 December 2010
This film was phenomenal it was one the best films i have ever seen. Now you might not listen to me because i giving to much praise but this was a hilarious film for older teen's and adults I mean it's funny at times and serious at times what I'm saying it nows when to stop being funny and be serious. the bad side is it contains very explicit sexual material and deserves its 18a rating, and it contains a butt load of loopholes, but if you view as a cartoon kinda film you don't care. this is a film that is worth spending $19.99 on at you local movie store or whatever because it's horribly awesome.It's not deserving of its 6.7 IMDb rating I give it a 8.9/10
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Jackass 2.5 (2007 Video)
It's not that bad
18 December 2010
People have been raving about how they hate this film so much and it should have been a contemporary disc but i honestly don't think it's that bad it's probably the worst in the series but that is not saying much. It's very sexually explicit it is probably deserving of the R rating in Canada but otherwise i liked it, but regarding everything i just said it's probably;y more of a rent movie. Some of the scenes really shock you like bam showing his d**k and johny likewise it makes you not like them as much as you did with the others but the rest don't surprise you, and this film is like all about bam he is in like every one of the sketches so if you not a big bam fan this isn't film for you but it's OK 7/10
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Unexpectedly Great !!!!
6 August 2010
When I First Heard Of This Movie I Thought It Would Be Awesome Because I Of Cours have never Heard Of The "Movie" Series So I Liked It Every Joke was Funnier Than The Last every Characters Was Cool Then I Heard About 'Epic Movie' 'Date Movie' and 'Scary Movie' And That Kinda ruined It But I Still Kinda Liked It Then I Started Finding Out What All The Sexual Remarks Meant and It Kinda Tipped The Scales But Overall It was A Decent With Pretty Good Actors. Also You Don;t Need To Buy It Because It Premeries Like Seven Times A Week On The Direct TV Movie Channels. (I'm Just Trying To Find Something To Say Because It Taked a Lot of "Imagination" To Make Ten Lines Of A Movie Review
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