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Same old, same old.
6 March 2024
Always starts the same tiring way.

The announcer introduces him to a round of applause, then he introduces himself to another round of Steve Harvey.

Then we see the same shot of the show-off drummer who exchanges finger pointing with Colbert (for some unknown reason). It's stupid.

Then the monologue. Each joke is oversold and treated like it's funnier than it is, but the jokes are hit and miss.

The writing is so-so and doesn't match up with the funnier Jimmy .Kimmel. Also Kimmel seems more authentic and the jokes roll out like well-oiled machine.

Colbert always seems to be playing a part, which has grown old over years of repetition.

I don't mind his political bias because after all, we're in the age of Trump and Trump's hate and stupidity beg for satire.

As you can tell, I like the Kimmel show more.
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Take A Look....Not!
17 January 2024
Marty: "Hey Rick, I found something...take a look!"

Rick: "What is it?

Marty: "It's a NAIL...and it's very Old!"


Marty: "We must be getting close to the treasure...the nail's related to the 17trh century pirate Capt. Laughin Inmagrave, now we need to drill down to 200 feet, because the sailors from 400 years ago would definitely have gone down that far with their crude shovels and picks."

Rick: "Yes, This nail is very interesting. ...Keep digging while I take a nap in the lab...."But first let's all look at each other in an intense way before the commercial runs."

Marty: "Uh-huh keep em all suckered for anther 11 seasons".
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South Park: Pajama Day (2022)
Season 25, Episode 1
An Okay Epispode
4 February 2022
The analogy of Covid masks to pajamas was obvious, but Trey Parker didn't seem to take a position. He made fun of both sides of the issue as each side called each other Nazis.

The pokes at Matt Damon were funny if you know that Damon recently made an ad promoting Bitcoin.

Mr. Mackey's voice is different.
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Star Trek: Wolf in the Fold (1967)
Season 2, Episode 14
I cannae give her any more, Captain
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The boys beam down to a pleasure planet where they can score some hot women. (as if the Captain doesn't get enough of that in what seems like every other episode).

But poor Scotty becomes the prime suspect in three murders.

In the third murder, Scotty says that he tried to save the woman but "something not human" blocked his way.

We find out later that that "something" was the spirit of Jack the Ripper.

But Jack has to possess a body to commit a murder, so why didn't Scott feel a human in his way instead of a "force"?

Well, Jack's evil spirit boards the ship, and Captain Kirk gets on the intercom to tell everyone to "stay calm", He also could've told them, "and suspend all disbelief", but then he would have to do that in the beginning of every episode of ST.

But Hey, The computer saves Scotty from murder charges!

The computer being a polygraph machine with a voice, which I guess, is now admissible evidence in a court of law.

Anyway, It all gets tied up with a pretty bow, as it always does, and as always, the boys are all laughing it up at the end...while brushing aside the death toll that week.

This time it was the violent deaths of three innocent women.

One of them being a crew member who was beamed down by Kirk just to be hacked to death.

"Hey Spock, Now that it's all over, let's go back to the pleasure planet..the women are so...."

I can see why I quickly stopped watching ST when I was a kid.

I thought it was all nonsense.

But now that I'm old, I'm watching all the episodes, most of which I've never seen before, because it's a guilty pleasure.

It's like reading a badly written sci-fi comic book and accepting it for what it is....nonsense.
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I like her singing...but
29 September 2021
Kelly is an excellent singer, so I watch just to hear her daily cover song.

Most of the time she's great in her versions, but sometimes she misses.(Kelly, Don't do Aretha or rock) After her song she always says, "There's my band, y'all".

It took me a little while to realize that "Y'all" is the name of her band.

Dumb name.

She might as well call them "The House Band".

I wish she could let us see and hear more of "Y'all", especially her main back-up singer, Jessi Collins. (I had to do some research to find her name.) Jessi is talented and very pretty, and maybe that's why she's kept in the dark, (literally)

I don't watch much more of each show because I'm wary of getting diabetes from the extreme sugary sweetness.

Kelly is the Jimmy Fallon of daytime TV, only louder.

I'm not against her for being exuberant, but geez.

I'd recommend watching it for the opening song alone.
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Trying to show mercy
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You can't judge this movie with the same standard that you might rate all other movies in the universe.

It is what it is...a 1950's low-budget drive-in horror flick.

It's dumb, it's campy, it's fun.

The acting is pretty good all the way around, and Sandra Harrison is interesting as Nancy.

When the local boys crash the girl's upstairs dance party, you don't know what to expect, but I didn't expect a choregraphed dance number with fully dressed teens to a really corny song.

(The innocence's of the 50s?...cute)

I also didn't expect such an abrupt ending with a lot of loose ends left untied.

It looks as though the producer said, "Alright, that's enough, the teenies got their 25 cents worth."

I gave it a generous "7"...just because.
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Star Trek: The Enterprise Incident (1968)
Season 3, Episode 2
Flawless Plan
21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, So here's the plan.

An extremely valuable starfleet captain deliberately sends his ship into enemy territory where he quickly finds enemy ships around him and threatening his ship's destruction.

So, He boards the enemy ship with his first officer, where his first officer blames the captain for the encroachment and the captain is locked up. (all as planned) But the captain's death is faked and he is transported back to his own ship.

Then the cap gets disguised as an enemy soldier and transports back to the enemy ship and proceeds to steal their valuable but unguarded cloaking device while his first officer distracts and wows the female enemy commander with his quiet steamy hulkitude.

Then they're all back to their home ship (along with the Spock-groupie commander) and live happily ever after.

Prefect plan, and Starfleet Command signed off on it.

What could go wrong?
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Star Trek: The Way to Eden (1969)
Season 3, Episode 20
Ridiculous..but what else is new?
10 August 2021
I'm old enough to remember when Star Trek was new.

I was a fairly intelligent kid and found the show to be pure nonsense, Stopped watching it, (except occasionally), and stopped altogether when I saw the moronic (Kirk and Spock as Nazis) episode.

But recently I started watching some shows that I had never seen before just because I wanted to know why Star Trek:TOS is such a culturally iconic TV show.

I'm supposed to take it all as camp?

To me, Batman (1966) was camp, funny camp. It laughed at itself.

Star Trek took itself seriously, especially with the sledgehammered social messages.

Last night I saw this hippie episode for the first time, and was a little angry that the producers/writers had so little respect for the intelligence of the viewers. (Yes, 52 years later...but still...they wasted my time).

It's understandable that the interactions and comradery of the Enterprise crew is compelling and entertaining, but to me, the whole premise of the show, and all similar sci-fi shows and movies are impossible to accept.

For example, some facts from the internet:

Our galaxy, (the Milky Way) is 100,000 light years across.

Even if we ever could create a ship that can travel at an incredible "Warp" 10, (ten times the speed of light), it would take 10,000 Earth years to cross it end to end, or 5,000 years to go half way.

The nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri (4.2 light years away).

At Warp 10, it would take over four months to get there from Earth.

Yet Star Trek makes is seem as though they can travel between stars as quickly as it takes to go to the grocery store.

Also..our own tiny planet has a multitude of races and languages, yet on ST, too many alien beings from thousands of light years away look like white Northern European earthlings who speak perfect English.

This is partially explained by saying that these planets were "seeded" with humanoids by the Federation, but how could these civilizations have developed so quickly and isn't this a violation of the "Prime Directive"?

Also..the Captain of the Enterprise is considered indispensable to the safety and lives of the 400+ crewmembers, but he is always one of the small group who beam down to possibly hostile planets.

There's more, but that's enough.

Sorry for the typos and if I've offended any Trek lovers, but I wrote this to be corrected if I need to be.

BTW...The cast...was ...great!

Thank You.
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The Blacklist: Brothers (2020)
Season 7, Episode 17
Lighten Up Folks, It was a Good Episode
13 May 2020
Some complaints from whiners who are mad that Spader got a break from his his hectic schedule and didn't have to appear in this one. This isolated episode should be judged on its own merits, imo. It's a good story with good writing and acting, and even though I'm a big fan of the show, it's not as far fetched as many episodes have been. I also see the copycat acting experts once again criticizing Megan Boone's acting. I think Megan does an excellent job and I couldn't imagine anyone else in the part of Agent Keen. Good Job!
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Star Trek: The Changeling (1967)
Season 2, Episode 3
Interesting but Flawed
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
1. How could that little metal box that looks like it was made from a child's erector set destroy billions of lives, or even have the power to fire the equivalent of 90 photon torpedos? 2. Why didn't NOMAD know that Kirk was an "imperfect" biological life form the moment he met him, and why did Kirk stupidly admit to NOMAD that he was just one of them? That mistake could've cost billions of lives. 3. Why didn't Kirk order him not to harm any more of his "units" early on. 4. How did Uhura recover so much learning so quickly? Especially since she was just reading grade school readers and not being reprogrammed in any way? 5. Why the levity at the end of the show considering how many billions of lives that were lost, including four members of the crew? Does Kirk only mourn when one of his main officers are hurt or killed?
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Adam Ruins Everything (2015–2019)
Funny and Informative
27 August 2019
I just discovered Adam Ruins Everything a few days ago and now I'm recording it and watching every episode I can get. I see the reviews are cluttered with angry right-wingers who are trying to destroy this show because of its leftist bent , but with over 5,000 votes and a high rating, it tell me that most people like it as much as I do. All I can say is, if you're a right-wing nut job, DON'T WATCH IT and turn on Hannity. Or better yet...Get A Life!
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Perry Mason: The Case of the Demure Defendant (1958)
Season 1, Episode 16
Scratching my head on this one
5 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Perry asks a couple of kids to search the bottom of a lake for a bottle of cyanide while he's sitting with his back turned eating a hot dog?

Did the kids parents know about this?

How did Tragg know to look for a second. bottle at the bottom of the lake?

There are other issues for me here, but I thought I'd just mention the major ones.
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Perry Mason: The Case of the Silent Six (1965)
Season 9, Episode 11
One of the Best
12 June 2019
Good writing and great acting, especially by Virginia Gregg. Watch her on the witness stand as Mrs. Oliver. Nuanced, and compelling. But the whole cast was great.
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Too Far-Fetched
8 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love the PM show but... Why would Della and Paul willingly drink a "tonic" from a shady doctor whe the knew it could cause them harm? Why would Perry face manslaughter charges just for asking the guy to get a medical exam.? He had to get one anyway. Why would the doctor, (the good one), tell Perry and Della that Paul was still in danger of dying when Paul was perfectly okay in his hospital bed?
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Family Guy: Island Adventure (2019)
Season 17, Episode 17
A Pleasant Surprise
6 April 2019
After last week's surreal catastrophe I am pleasantly surprised to see a decent and funny episode. Most of it worked really well. Shows that involve the friendship between Stewie and Brian are usually pretty good. By the way....I'm always amused by people who say that they're going to stop watching Family Guy. Anyone who cares enough about a cartoon to write reviews of it on IMDB isn't going to stop watching it anytime soon. Why even bother announcing it? Anyway, I hope we get more good shows like this one. Cheers!
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Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (2019 TV Special)
I don't get it, maybe it's just me.
5 April 2019
I was immediately bewildered at the size of the audience. THAT MANY people buy tickets and show up to a ONE HOUR COMEDY performance? Okay, maybe the tickets were cheap, but there are crowds, traffic, babysitters, etc etc, to deal with. People must be starved for entertainment. I don't know if I'd even go through all that for the second coming of Jesus. I'd probably just wait to see it on NetFlix. Kevin didn't seem too bewildered by, or even appreciative of, the size of the crowd. He complained that the cheering wasn't loud enough...okay, okay maybe it was a joke, but I guess he's used to massive crowds. I'm not too crazy about the gratuitous vulgarity. Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Pryor, and Sam Kinison use(d) vulgarities. but they used them to embellish their jokes, they weren't used as a crutch. I came across this because I was searching for stand-up, and I like a good laugh once in a while. This wasn't very funny imo. I shut it off half-way through and then checked out Kevin's "Laugh At My Pain" show, which is funnier, but not by much. I think I'm being generous in giving it a 5 rating because maybe it's just me.
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Getting addicted to Perry Mason
27 March 2019
I never saw PM in my life until recently, and now I watch it every night; but a couple of points.

When new evidence is brought into court by the prosecution, why does Mason always seem to have not seen it before? Didn't they have "discovery" back then when all attorneys have to be made aware of any new evidence before it is brought into the courtroom?

What's the story with Perry and Della? Are they romantically involved, and if not...why not?

Anyway, I can see why Raymond Burr won two Emmys for this role. Great acting!
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Whiplash (2014)
I never liked jazz
25 April 2015
most people don't.

Jazz is dying for that reason.

As a former drummer, if I had the choice between being the core drummer at Lincoln Center or being the drummer in a famous rock band I'd choose the latter.

Most music fans don't care how fast someone can drum and they don't care for drawn out drum solos.

Also, if there ever is another Buddy Rich or Charlie Parker, they'll be playing as unknown session musicians...there would be no fame and glory or people talking about them after they die..except for friends and family.

They had their time and their time has passed.

Great movie by the way, even though there is a massive plot hole with the JVC concert at the end..(as mentioned in this forum).
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
Riviera Hotel Shark Jump?
28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, I've been a regular viewer for a few years. They don't usually get any compelling evidence of ghosts, but I always tune in every week to see if this is one of the few times they will.

Recently, I thought it was pretty bad when they heard a slight blip on their ghost radio and made it out to be Johnny Cash saying, "I do". Even worse when they took it in for voice analysis and LO AND BEHOLD it was an exact match of Johnny Cash's recorded voice! stupid, or just playing the viewers for stupid

But this latest episode at the Riviera Hotel with aging burnt out rocker Vince Neil, and his gaggle of groupies was really pathetic.

Maybe this show has "jumped the shark".
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