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The Year Earth Changed (2021 TV Movie)
A Short Glimpse Of What Could Be
9 May 2021
A delightly-photographed but all too short documentary about the amazing way Nature & the animals that live in man's ever-encroaching shared space have responded in the 'time of shutdown' - an ultra-rare chance for us to see how they should fare in a world free (or at least minimised) by the presence of man. As someone who works in the COViD frontline it's so nice to see some positive in the face of all this depressing worldwide news...for the negative reviewers on here - seriously? Just enjoy it for what it is...not pointless propaganda, just Nature doing what it does best.
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All Hail (Sir) Ozzy Osbourne
22 February 2021
This is one of the most warts & all & downright honest career documentaries I've ever seen about a Rock N Roll or (as in this case) living Heavy Metal legend that is covers the sort of from-childhood-life-to-Rock-Star, the all-too-inevitable downfall due to alcohol & drugs, to coming out the other side to present day that normally you only find in a long's raw, it's blatantly honest, contains some very sad & (full props to Ozzy, Sharon & their family for doing so) they bear their souls, their demons & yet their light-hearted view of life's bad times & share themselves & the music through it all...which is of course what kicked it all off, provides the magic, but can also be the cause of the darkside...just a wonderful, brilliant documentary on a genuine & honest working class bloke, who inspired generations of music lovers, fellow musicians & TV Reality show addicts all in one...he's unique!!
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Midway (2019)
A Good (current) Attempt at Remaking A War Classic
15 February 2020
The effects / CGI & attention to small details (horrifying or otherwise) of war - eg the poor burning sailors shown (albeit at a tasteful distance) falling from ships during the Pearl Harbour attack...certainly advances in technology have allowed better combat 'epicness' when comparing this to 2001's 'Pearl Harbour' which obviously utilised more real life shots than here. I don't mind the pace, the time spent on critical characters (nice that they mix ideas & info from other films, like Halsey's hospitalisation etc). Characters are generally very well-played (Patrick Wilson, a classic gruff Dennis Quaid, Aaron Eckhart, Etsushi Toyokawa & Tadanobu Asano & Woody Harrelson is solid in a rare serious/historical role), the photography is just lovely & w/delightful vibrant Pacific colour in outdoor scenes, possibly a little dark in interior main issue w/this picture is some of the pilot & crew leads who (accepting the classic presumption of fighter pilot types & their common/assumed over-confidence) just stick w/their starting personas of attitutude & arrogance, being continuously disrespectful of authority etc in a number of the main roles (esp.Skrein) who'd been flying for some years & would've surely lost that act pre-war, let alone once a combat veteran, right through to young inexperienced crew/gunners who even once 'experienced' w/multiple combat sorties, act like its their 1st fresh-faced flight. That character 'behaviour choice' made some of these men's portrayals seem VERY questionable to me & unfortunately shot holes in an otherwise decent attempt to cover a LOT of historical lead up, often forgotten behind the scenes / codebreaking coverage, the mistakes/choices on both sides in huge battles & the excellent action.
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SS-GB (2017)
At Episode 1 - I Like So Far...
25 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
1) Interesting so many reviews mainly concentrate purely on reviewers' opinion that the whole show is ruined by a (certainly at times) softly spoken lead actor/character... shame as this is not the case.

Sam Riley in this role reminds me of other popular UK Police/Crime investigators... Foyle, Morse, Holmes & long-running cast members from 'The Bill' who at times (or typically) especially the older, more seasoned officers, are fairly gentle in both mannerisms & their speech - probably finding it more successful with their investigating & the public's assistance? I really fail to get such huge criticism of the audio / his speech as the main comments...

The show very hopefully will appeal to fans of 'Foyles War' as it does me...the widowed main character here Chief Inspector Douglas Archer is also somewhat hen-picked & under-appreciated by his superiors (although more complex relationship & rank structure here as they are often German occupiers), appears quite a nice & polite gent just trying to do a tough job & bring up his son, made all the tougher by political interference.

I still adore Rutger Hauer in 1994's unfortunately all-too-rare 'Fatherland' as the best alternative-War-Drama...but let's give it a chance at least to complete the season?
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THE best take on the whole 'Bible Epic' yet...and hey it was fun.
23 March 2015
Not sure why people cant see this as pure entertainment...shame.

Wicked, epic film & one that to me has THE best & original take on the 'master race' Egyptian characters (especially) & their behaviour. How delightful to actually see sarcasm, cynicism & defiance in them...everyone from Pharoah's son to the rather excellent slimy Viceroy for a change - far more truer to human nature.

I don't expect to see a religion-based film & be converted to that faith or walk out of the theatre turned into a 'true believer' & that's not what I saw here as the intention...just the best version of the classic tale so far retold for the modern age.

Less of the thunder bolts & lightning / booming voice of god routine & more focus onto a far more believable simple, honest man that took some convincing as to his origins, but then gave his all to the cause (with some top FX thrown in)...well I enjoyed it, lighten up guys!
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A different & decent WWII film
15 October 2014
As has been said...yes it's a low budget film (explosions/FX etc lack realism)...however, that being said it shows a different side of WWII & (as I assume) some of the extras are perhaps re-enactment enthusiasts, a lot of the uniforms & equipment is pretty much spot on (for a change) although mostly all (including the tanks) are in a lovely new condition - not worn & battle-hardened at all.

There are a few plot holes & some acting is a little wooden / obvious & characters frustratingly lack a little 'get up & go' with each other, but it's not a bad film all in all, good to see some tank vs tank & anti-tank battles, as well as a bit of humanity thrown in between Axis & Allied troops/civilians. Well worth a watch.
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Being Lara Bingle - Nothing You'd Want To Admit To
12 July 2012
I've never been a huge fan of "apparent warts-n-all" reality TV shows that allege to show the viewer "the real side" of the 'celebrity' in question...possibly the one exception being Ozzy Osbourne who quite simply could not have acted that innocent & technologically naive which made for a real laugh when you see the 'Prince of Darkness' unable to turn on a new TV. THIS show however is the opposite...quite honestly WHY Ch10 perceive the public want to watch a show about a vain, airhead 'model' who's real only claim to fame is dating one of the Australian Cricket Team & having a naked picture of her in the shower leaked. If they wanted to even attempt to take on the equally egotistical juggernaut of the Kardashians, surely they could've found someone like Elle McPherson, Miranda Kerr etc etc an ACTUAL celebrity of (some) worth & class. Whatever they're paying them for this it's too much...I'd rather watch a documentary on grass growing or paint drying.
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Robin Hood (2010)
A great movie of the legend likely truer to real life...
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film with a friend last night & we both thoroughly enjoyed it - a very different twist to the Robin Hood legend - this I believed was likely far more closer to the real story (if true) and to reality. Who wouldn't assume the identity of a dead knight in order to gain quicker passage back to their homeland they longed to return to? I did like the little touches in the storyline, the bored chef by chance shooting the King from the battlements, the men noticing how many women were single in England as most were away fighting and the Loxley castle was probably in condition far truer to the time - dirty stone with straw underfoot. Lovely cinematography, solid acting, great sets, huge fight sequences, a believable hero & nasty bad guys & yes I'd watch it again at home - Well done Ridley.
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