
5 Reviews
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Don't see this movie.
7 May 2004
Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good. Don't see this movie. It's not good.
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Km. 0 (2000)
Funny & really enjoyable
7 April 2004
I rented this twice. I didn't get the chance to see it the first time I brought it home. Something about it nagged me, so I took again. What a truly enjoyable film. A few times I could see around the corners of the script, but many times I was pleasantly surprised. There's not as much of the Madrid scenery as I would have liked to have seen as I've never been there. But beautiful faces made up for beautiful places.

The story line where the older woman meets a male prostitute was an interesting direction, though the results were obvious. The portion about the dancer and the man he meets didn't offer enough meat to be really compelling, so I couldn't give it a 10.

Regardless of the flaws, it was just plain enjoyable. I really liked it a lot. Take this one home!
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Gang of Roses (2003)
Possibly the poorest directed movie I've seen
20 March 2004
Hmm, Hip Hop music to a period western. Modern phrases like "cool" and too many others to keep track of. "The sistahs are in tha house"!?French manicured nails on hard riding girls. Microphone packs CLEARLY visible on Li'l Kim's back. I just can't go on with the litany of errors made by the director and editors.

The acting isn't as bad as I've ever seen. The women did well enough with a poor script.

It was weird hearing Louis Mandylor speaking in his native accent.

The girls are beautiful. The costumes fabulous albeit completely incorrect. I just can't believe they would dumb down what could have been a great story. I would feel offended to believe that this movie was loaded with such trappings that it would play well in the inner city.
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Waiting for the DVD
18 December 2003
The movie was awesome. Now, if you've read the book, you kept getting an elbow in the arm each time a scene came up that whispers, "wait till you see the DVD in August!" There were at least 10 scenes, conservatively, that presented themselves and were not fully realized in this showing. I'm completely satisfied with that because I didn't really want to sit in the theater for another hour to 90 minutes.

The visual imagery if ROTK is everything we come to expect from this series. The view over Minas Tirith was breathtaking! You don't believe you're there, you are there! The battle fields are awesome, the confusion, the resolve, the nasty bits. Jackson pulled no punches, just condensed them because Tolkien's level of detail would have bogged it all down if on screen.

There were a few departures from the book, but many are much less concerning than the ones in the previous movie. Book readers will cringe a little and get over it quickly as the movie moves forward with awesome scenes in Shelob's lair, the riding out to battle from Minas Morgul, the battle of the Pelennor Fields. I laughed. I cried. And I breathed a giant sigh of relief that this series didn't get muffed up like the Matrix! You can have love story AND action!

I'm definitely going to see it again to digest it better. I had a really uncomfortable seat above the entrance with a too-tall, opaque safety wall in front of it. My butt is still asleep from sitting on the edge of my seat than the movie required.

Also, I was with someone who knew nothing of the previous movies and hadn't read the books, so I now know, you CANNOT see this movie without seeing the first two.

To those wait and see people...get to the store, buy the EXTENDED editions of this first two movies and spend the money this time, you may just enjoy yourself! Yes, this is the best one.
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Not good, but watchable
4 December 2003
I wonder if Chris Lee couldn't decide to be a Scot from week to week. His accent wavers. It's not bad when it's there. Edward Albert is wonderfully cheesily evil. Christian Oliver is beautiful to behold, but don't judge a book by it's cover. Lindsay Wagner is good and wholesome and the kind of lady who revels in bringing out the best in people.

Basically, this is a Hallmark type production with all it's trappings - a sweet, well-intentioned story with a message. It's cute, watchable, and fun in that cheesy heart-felt kind of way.

Be sure you're in the mood before attempting to watch this all the way through. if your kids like the Power Rangers, they may like this one.
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