
5 Reviews
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The most hilarious western on TV
23 October 2003
I loved this show! I spent more time laughing at this show than any other on tv with maybe the exception of I Love Lucy.

Bruce Campbell plays Brisco County, Jr. who is a bounty hunter trying to find his father's killer, John Bly. Julius Carry is his friend Lord Bowler. While Brisco and Bowler travel around looking for John Bly, they run into Dixie Cousins, Brisco's sometime girlfriend and saloon girl, and a host of other characters that make up this show.

My favorite episode is one I've always called The Elvis Episode because I can never remember the real name of the episode. In this episode, Brisco and Bowler are aided by Aaron, the sheriff, who happens to dress in leather, has his hair slicked back into a DA, and runs around acting like singer Elvis Presley. In one scene, with the gang in jail, while Brisco and company are given a meal of bread and water, Aaron gets a huge tray full of food. He then gives the delivery person a tip and then says to him "This don't feel like no pound and a half of bacon". When the delivery person hands over the bacon, Aaron takes his tip money back.

What I love about this show is it is just plain hilarious from the get go. Brisco's horse, Comet, thinks he's human and not a horse. Socrates Poole is a friend of Brisco and the proverbial wet blanket.

I'm just sorry this show had to be canceled so quickly because it was such a laugh.
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Just Cause (2001–2003)
Great Drama!
8 June 2003
Just Cause is a great drama and certainly one of the better well written shows on the television today. Ex-con Alex DeMonacco was sent to prison for five years for being set up by her ex-husband on insurance fraud charges. While in prison, she earns a Law degree. Once released from prison, she goes to visit Hamilton Whitney (Richard Thomas), a corporate attorney to hire him to appeal her conviction to the governor of California to be granted a pardon.

In the interim, she bullies Whitney into giving her a job as a paralegal until her pardon is granted and she can practice law.

Elizabeth Lackey does a wonderful job as Alex, and Richard Thomas gives an outstanding performance as Hamilton Whitney.
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Ryan's Hope (1975–1989)
I love this soap!
1 May 2003
I love this soap. It is so well written, and the characters are so wonderfully portrayed. It's so easy to love them all, and so hard to even hate the bad guys (mobsters Tizo Navotny and Joe Novak).

The family devotion the Ryan's have for each other is so often overlooked in today's soaps. They all stick together, no matter what the circumstances or consequences.

The acting is excellent, and the writing is awesome. This soap should still be on the air instead of in reruns on the soap channel.
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Coupling (2000–2004)
Hilarious Britcom
20 April 2003
When a friend of mine told me that Coupling was the "British version of Friends", I was ready to give it a pass since I find Friends banal, stupid, and unfunny. I told him I would watch one show and make up my mind from there. Was I glad I did.

This show has me in stitches every week, and by the end, my ribs are hurting from laughing so hard. I never got that from any episode of Friends.

The characters of Steve, Jeff, Patrick, Susan, and Jane are funny. The other female character, Sally, is annoying since she spends most of her time whining because she is in love with Patrick, and Patrick doesn't love her. If she's not whining about Patrick, she's usually whining that she has her mother's neck, and that seems to be a fate worse than death.

Steve breaks out into long monologues that have you practically rolling on the floor by the time he's finished. One such monologue consisted of a diatribe about not having a lock on the bathroom door, and how the bathroom is the last room of privacy for men. This also included a rant about how men don't understand potpourri ("Looks like breakfast, smells like your Auntie").

Jeff is a true space cadet, and one never knows what is going to come out of his mouth next. Jeff runs a close second in making the show next to Steve's monologues.

Overall, this is the best British comedy to come along since the classic Are You Being Served?
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The High Chaparral (1967–1971)
Most Excellent Western
12 April 2003
The High Chaparral was an excellent western. The show had it all-- superb acting, awesome writing, great storylines, characters that had a sense of humor, and gorgeous horses.

Cameron Mitchell was clearly outstanding as Buck Cannon. Never one to back away from a fight, Buck always came to the rescue when needed.

Henry Darrow also did a wonderful job of portraying Manolito Montoya.

Although other westerns were on the air longer than The High Chaparral, I loved this one more than the other ones that did run longer. The characters were more lovable and more believable.
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