Change Your Image
IMDb member since March 2010
Freaknik: The Musical (2010)
Pretty Good
7 March 2010 - 7 out of 10 users found this review helpful.
I was a pretty good video. The animation wasn't the greatest but the plot was pretty decent. I'd recommend it for a first view but I probably wouldn't watch it again any time soon. The plot had some good points to it that weren't typical of something you would get out of most Hip/Hop. The voice actors did a pretty good job. It was also cool that they had Kel Mitchell in it since I haven't seen him in anything lately. All in all I would give in an 8 out of 10. Not because it wasn't great but because it was lacking in some of the things that you would expect out of an animated movie but it did have some of the plot features that you don't soo to often in movies nowadays.
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