2 Reviews
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An Icon
16 February 2010
Some people have bagged out this icon, but his performance in this movie was as good as ever. It was convincing, honest, and true to script.

I worked with Mel on this movie so feel that any review I give will be biased - reviews are best left to the viewers, after all, they are the ones who determine its success or failure - but I can assure you he was the ultimate professional - his career has many years left!

Bad reviews are of course as welcome as positive ones - as long as they are constructive - they are an avenue not only for others to ascertain the value of a movie but also an avenue for those involved to learn and improve (as well as gather praise where praise is due) - but I would highly recommend you see this one and make up your own mind. It is highly relevant to the current economic stasis in this country and a hint of what may be behind the scenes.
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A bit corny but worth watching!
16 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie on pay per view after recognizing a talented actor from an otherwise abysmal movie I saw in Australia early this year. This movie was much improved (despite the Director/Producer of the abysmal movie also being somehow involved in this one - surely they could have done better?) While there are too many close up shots and the characters are not given scope to develop their own story (which would have given them some depth which is otherwise lacking), overall this movie has a load of potential and is worth a look.

There are some great scenes and SFX for a low budget film. The mutants were visible too soon (perhaps an ALIEN type of approach would have added more suspense?) but were high standard. The actor I was following up on out of curiosity was I gather supposed to be Spanish judging by his uniform but his lines were not written for that nationality - however he still pulled off his role well and by the end I was cheering him on, shooting it out alongside him and desperately hoping he was going to reappear as part alien part mercenary ready for a sequel. The actor with the Australian accent was also lacking, but again it may have been scripting rather than accent as his final scene was excellent and his overall performance was good - generally all three mercenaries gave strong performances and will no doubt be snapped up for other films if they haven't already.

Overall, I found myself rooting for the mercenaries and ready to choke a couple of the civvies they found - the sarcasm of one was more befitting of one of the mercenaries than a lab worker, another was quite emotionless (another off-cast from the failed Australian film I mentioned earlier), and the whining of another had me wishing he became dinner for a wandering mutant long before his real demise. But perhaps this was the aim of the writer - after all, how many of us love all our co-workers?

Allowing for the fact that this was a low budget film, a search on the internet shows that it has already made its presence known and it has undoubtedly recouped its costs and started to make a profit - so that alone gives kudos to those involved! Overall, writers, directors, producers and actors should be congratulated and be proud to have their name to this movie.

I would like to see this plot expanded - a sequel or series with the main characters developed further. An alien version of "Lost" with a part alien/part mercenary hidden in their midst as one of them and all fighting Satan woman would be a real ratings builder! Definitely watch this one, and watch out for the leads. No doubt we will be seeing more of them!
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