6 Reviews
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Good Old Trek but editing needs to tone down
5 June 2022
It's Trek. Rodenberry would be proud.

But a little too cutty. For the editors on the series, slow down the pace and you'll nail it. Think about pacing and building dramatic effect. Review the original series and watch how they used pauses and letting the actors do their thing.
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One word...
26 September 2020
Ugh. Hallmark Xmas movies are more entertaining. Sorry folks. Try harder.
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The Boarder (2005)
26 September 2020
So confused on so many levels about this awful attempt. Can someone explain how these "movies" (and I use that term in a generic sense and apologize to real filmmakers) get made?

Terrible in every sense of this English word.
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Checkmate (II) (2019)
26 September 2020
Bad acting, bad photography, bad production values, bad directing. Sorry gang. Keep trying.
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Finding Hope (II) (2019)
Just bad
13 September 2020
Sorry folks. This is a poorly written, acted and hacked together script made with awful production values.
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The Coming (2020)
w h a t . t h e. e f f . . . .
13 September 2020
No words can describe what a piece of poo this is. The unbelievable content aside, the production/post production quality is beyond horrendous. Story - abominable. Acting - laughable. Concept - WHAT THE EFF???

Bad, bad, bad, bad... just terrible.
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