
5 Reviews
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Never stopped smiling!
19 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had to write a review for this, without even seeing the other reviews, because I just wanted to spread the laughter. I never stopped smiling the entire time the disc was in the player, and that includes the special features. I did not watch all of the special features, but if I ever buy this movie, I'll be sure to do that. This movie is so corny, but it's ever so funny. Jennifer A. gives the perfect performance for her character, that I would've never expected. Hands down, an upper if you're feeling down. And the only spoiler is that they are probably gonna make more of these movies, as Charlie Day, and I think one other actor hinted at in the special features. And my main reason for the review, was to boost the ratings, because of how much it makes you laugh; laughter is definitely the best medicine from this movie.
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Home Sweet Home (VII) (2012)
20 May 2014
I cannot believe that anyone gave this film more than one star, unless they know someone associated with this "production". Maybe they like looking at pretty girls... how hard up you must be to see a pretty girl. Pretty girls, and nice scenery, that's all this movie has. Period. The script is so bad, no wonder the acting was so horrible. A monkey could have figured out a better plan for any of the characters' actions. In other words, there are so many opportunities for any of the characters to do something totally more sensible than what they chose to do. Actually, in my opinion, the insane woman made the most sense out of any of them! Just one of the weirdest experiences I've ever spent looking at a TV screen. Don't waste your time.
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Dark Feed (2013)
"Horror" trying to get into it...
19 May 2014
Thank you IMDb for existing, otherwise I may have finished watching this ... whatever it is. I tried, and tried again to give this movie a chance, turning it off, doing something else, turning it back on, and just could not stomach it, without at least consulting this website. And thank you to the other members' reviews, so that I did not have to be tortured and endure the entire film. I don't even have A.D.H.D. ... it's just severely boring. There is an ancient proverb that says you must hear the whole matter before making a judgement, so I consider the user reviews that "hated" it to be the conclusion of the matter. I looked up the rating before I watched it, and considered 3.5 to not be bad... in my opinion that is highly overrated, as you can assume by my lowest option of 1...
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Felon (2008)
Must See!
16 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is my second official review of a movie on this website. I felt driven to do it, like I did my first one, but for truly opposite reasons. The first review I did was for a really crappy movie that I would not want anyone else to waste their time on, that I gave a 1 because there was no 0 option. Now, with this movie, I wanted to give it a 10, but I felt compelled to be 100 percent honest with my soul. I also wanted to write this review to encourage everyone to watch the special feature, inside the shark tank, because it adds to the realism of the movie. I watched it afterwards, but I may have given the movie a 10 if I had watched it before the movie. That's the only reason I clicked the contains spoiler tab, because it may or may not spoil it for you. The acting was awesome, but I seriously admired Val Kilmer's performance in this movie. I've seen some really great Kilmer films, and some not so great, but this truly was one of his best performances.
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Re-Generator (2010)
8 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I simply could not finish this "movie". This is my first official review, because I care about people and their time. I don't know how to sum up a worthless "item" in ten lines or less, without providing, at least some, spoilers, so I'll give it my best shot. My first issue is the horrible acting, especially when you see a grown man cursing, and perhaps mistake him for a 10 year old cursing for the first time in front of his friends. I'm not a fan of cursing, but for crying out loud, if you're gonna curse, do it right! The summary is what grasped my attention at the video store, and I thank God that I only gave up 50 cents of my hard earned labor (for 5 nights) for this travesty. If there were other options for star ratings, I'd give it a 0.00000000000000001 simply because it looked better than a VHS, as it is on DVD. So, to summarize, don't waste your time.
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