
3 Reviews
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A feladat (1975– )
A film adaptation of one of the best Hungarian sci-fi writer, Zsoldos Péter.
30 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The story is a very philosophic one, like the best Stanislaw Lems' novels. More thoughts less action. The quality of the film is very 70s like (see "Space: 1999", filmed in the same year (1975)) in 3 acts. The brief story: because of some technical problems the whole crew of an interspace ship die on a distant planet. The ship waits silently for centuries for new crew to drive her home. Suddenly an early stoneage tribe appears nearby. She captures one of them and plants the knowledge of one of the original crew-member. More and more caveman turn into crew-member, but their smaller brain capacity cause emotional problems. Later on they find a more developed race. They fear of the possibility that they will be raplaced, but they capture some of them. A death fight begins between the two sets of crew-members. The rest starts they way back to the Earth. They could land on the Moon, but the life is changed on the Earth very much after some centuries passed...
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Meteo (1990)
This is one of my favorite Hungarian movies!
6 June 2005
IMHO this film is comparable to Stalker. A great anti-utopia with very good music! I could understand what is going on only when I saw it on the 3rd time. :-) It was taken in a beer factory in Budapest. The title is done with the help of Borland Turbo C 2.0 (does anybody remember this IDE? :-). The whole movie is very dark, rude and somehow morbid. Everybody want to leave this brake-down-looking world, but they have to get some money first. One of them creates a program, one get some money and they put on the horse-racing. Not easy to find a place where You can watch it, but it worth to see it! I have the movie on VHS (recorded from the TV) and the music on LP.
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Az eröd (1979)
Play war show from '79
17 February 2003
An exciting paint-ball fight with real rifles in the near future. Wealthy amateurs against mercenaries. The chances are mathematically calculated, but to err is human. The good never wins, but the bad never suffers. It is always good to see my favorite actors in their young ages... :-)
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