
2 Reviews
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Tower of Terror (1997 TV Movie)
14 April 2005
Has a cute whimsical side coupled with a bit of macabre.

Pretty much what you expect from a film with Steve Gutenburg.

A good movie to watch when you want something light and funny..

Reminded me a bit of Don Knotts "the ghost and Mr Chicken" in style only.

A bit too campy to really be scary..but the characters definitely lead you to believe they are scared...nice little twist through out.

Not for the hard core thriller connoisseur but definitely good for a laugh.

I'd recommend it to Don Knotts type of movie fan..

I wish they'd make more movies based on Disney rides..they only help enhance the park going experience as you can't help but think of the details you might not have noticed in the rides before watching.
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Lady of the House (1978 TV Movie)
Wonderful portrayal.
6 September 2004
I saw this movie for the first time and absolutely loved it. What was so incredible to me about it was the fact that it was based on a real story.

I felt that Dyan Cannon did a beautiful job portraying Sally Stanford as a true life person complete with intelligence, fortitude and humor.

Though I had never heard of Sally Standford, before this movies it prompted me to check into her life's story even further. It took great courage and determination for her to make so many changes in her life.

Kudos all around for this movie and it's cast!
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