
13 Reviews
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Siren (2018–2020)
This is Why I Stopped
22 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is why I stopped watching episodic shows!! You get pulled can't wait for the next episode only to find out they canceled...The few viewers don't count I guess? I was enjoying the way the story was going even though there were a few spots that made no sense. The acting was good on some but others failed. The writers made one or more of the main characters look really stupid and I was pulling my hair out at the stupidity. The other negative issue with me was the amount of drinking going on. I'm not a fan of alcohol but in almost every social scene or where two people were talking.... Alcohol was in hand. As I always almost every film and TV show...they gotta have that bar scene.... Despite its flaws, I was enjoying the progression of the story. This is 2024 and it doesn't look like there will be a season 4. Season 3 left us wanting more though and did not end or close the story. This is what is so annoying about episodic shows! Just make it a mini-series or a two-hour movie, please! Otherwise, I'm done with episodic!
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Hypnotic (2023)
Delightfully Entertaining
31 July 2023
I don't understand a lot of the reviews for this. I saw nothing bad about it compared to a lot of other Poorly written movies. I loved the sound track in this and the over all timing of most of the scenes. It was captivating and I enjoyed the plot twist.

Any movie that is not predictable is fairly written well. I thought the directing was fine and the characters did not do wrong.

The special effects were fine and not over bearing. I gave this 10 stars as it was a movie I could see twice without being bored, even though I already know what is going to happen. I am not a fan of Ben Afleck but I had no issues with him in this movie.

The concept of this movie had me more interested as it would be interesting if this Hypnosis theory was possible. Actually I believe it is possible. I don't know what else the other viewers were looking for but I saw nothing wrong with this movie and style.
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Dont Care of the Other Reviews
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People have a sick conclusion to the motive of this documentary and down rate it as "pure nonsense". But they don't come up with any answers themselves!

The point is, no one has the right answer despite some evidence appearing or calculated. This mystery will never be solved because whoever is involved doesn't want it to be.

I thought the documentary was put together ok.... Probably too much on the families feelings but it was well theorized and analyzed. Any of those are possibilities and makes you think.

There are 3 powers at work here... 777... 7 Russia, 7 USA, 7 China I base my crime investigations on numbers and I saw a lot of 7's and 17's on both MH370 and M17 But not going into detail as most of you will never understand.

I have been fascinated with how this story developed and the cover up involved as with most things. People are gullible and that's a plain fact. Many people are in denial and that's a plain fact. Things are not what they seem but you can give anyone a story and they will go with it or scratch their heads. I was surprised that through all the theories and speculations that no one even thought about the fact.... What if the plane never left?~
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It worked for me
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story worked for me but the only serious negative thing I have to say is that this was not made for those who suffer from Motion sickness! WTH is the deal with the shaking and constant moving camera even when there is no action going on??

KEEP the camera still!!! The fight scenes could use a lot more help!

I see a lot of comments on this and the disappointment Obi-wan is as I saw on Star Treks "Picard" But people have to realize, This is not about Star Wars alone, Its about "Obi-Wan" The story will be less action pack would think and more about how he became Obi-Wan. The dialogue is a little weak but it did not do much damage. Over all, Looking forward to the conclusion to see how things run.
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Halo (2022– )
Who are the other reviewers?
16 May 2022
Who are the other reviewers who rated this so low??? I don't know what they were expecting but this is by far an outstanding well done show! The acting is great! The sets are amazing as well as the music! The costumes are NOT cheap. I think other viewers expected this to be a show with a lot of shooting and killing or like zombie hunting BS. I don't see how they rated this as bad? Compared to most shows on these days.... This one blows it out of the ball park! If you're a hard core Halo game player then may be disappointed but that's because you expected the game.

The writing is done in a way that I cant predict what any of the characters are going to do! It's a mystery and not another one of those...."I know what's going to happen here!" I go nuts when the episode ends! I want more! Just when I had so much doubt of today's writers.....This comes through. As a life saver!
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Cursed (2020– )
Why was this cancelled
21 December 2021
I just finished watching the full Season one before looking on here to see that it was cancelled? WHY!? This was freaking awesome! Each episode got more intense! The Music score,acting, cinematography, dialogue were perfect! Other people rating low? Were they expecting a horror show because of the title "Cursed" Or were they expecting a comedy? Frankly, I didn't agree with the title myself. "Sword of Power" would have sufficed.

I think the production did a great job of putting this all together and I was looking forward to season 2! This is the reason I don't like watching episodic as I did in the past! You get pulled in to something grand only to find out it's cancelled! Just make it a 2 hour flick if that's the case and not a seasonal show! This is another minus point for tuning into episodic shows...
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Invasion (2021–2024)
S1E6 Home Invasion
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry guys but this episode was a total failure for me. I don't know what happened to the picture but even if I adjusted my TVs brightness, it was way too dark. There have been other films shot in the dark but you can clearly see. This one was a pain to watch. The Character of Aneesha was annoying in this episode. Nothing wrong with the acting though. More should have been done in the last episode and continued. It appeared like she was going to get hooked up with the Doctor she met or that the story would develop with them? I did not like that she suddenly decided at the last minute to jump out of the truck to run back to her family. In the previous episode, why didn't she tell the military she had family? Was she trying to escape and leave them behind? All in all, looking forward to more episodes and a conclusion to what is going on. But this is another one of those Episodic shows that you can only go so far until the audience goes "Meh" I'm not for a slow story within stories and splitting the show with different characters viewer and in the beginning I found this extremely slow for my taste and weary of another "Alien invasion" that points them as being always bad and of course the Humans win over all and the world is saved... but that's just me. But with each episode I found myself enjoying it more.....Maybe it was the music? Looking forward to the rest.
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The Witcher (2019– )
The best so far!
14 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand everyone's one star rating on this. Perhaps they expected the same as most shows. I thought this was WELL done...the acting and cast were amazing! The direction was great the Cinematography absolutely beautiful!

I'm reading that a lot of people are not introduced to the characters properly and I would say wait? It may be revealed in season 2? Every show has it's flaws but this was ok in my books. acceptable levels. I have to agree on one though about the jumping of timelines....Writers and Directors, ya got to be careful with that or your audience will become lost. Not everyone is intelligent. I was lost in the very first mins when we jumped back to the castle and I was seeing the queen still alive...

I watched the 1st 2 episodes, if a show hasn't caught me by then, I jump to the last one, if that doesn't work, it's a bust but on this show, the first 2 had me watching the entire season. Compared to other stuff right now...The Witcher wins in my favor next to Lost in Space. I have played the game and love it! but I was keeping the game and the show separate.
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Very well Done!
6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I love period movies and this is my new favorite! Hawaii, has always been an interest to me considering I have ancestors that are Polynesian. I had no knowledge of Princess Kaiulani, and I am at awe that this was part of the history involved in the deceitful making of a nation.

The acting was amazing! The cinematography and wardrobe were amazing! How I missed the release of this movie in 2009 is beyond me.

I recommend this movie for anyone that likes period movies, Romance and historical.

On a side note, what I find interesting is in real life how Princess Kaiulani died. Inflammatory rheumatism? can be a variety of is written that she died of pneumonia? Was it that? or was she poisoned? Considering what she went through and what she had done....

What a cover up that would be...anyone could have planted in the papers that the cause of her death was inflammatory rheumatism. Interesting!
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
Lots Of Action!
5 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This has a different taste than the previous Borne Movies. For example, it had the longest car chase I have ever seen except for Fast and furious. The acting was excellent, the script dialogue not the best. Borne most of the time walking from one place to another. And this review is going to comment mainly on the camera work of the scenes. What is it about some movies where the cameraman needs to have the camera shaking or moving from side to side? Is it understood that there are many people who get motion sickness? I had to walk out of the theater to get fresh air!

When you are talking to a real person in life, do you naturally move your head from side to side and up and down? It just felt like so many scenes had a rocking camera as though the camera man was drunk? The fight scenes I give 2 stars. I have seen better fight scenes with eh camera completely stationary! My wife doesn't get motion sickness but even she complained about the constant camera work as being "Like being drunk" Really guys! In reality a person is trying to focus on the activity of an event, not make his eye balls roll out of his head!
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The Whispers (2015)
Just watched the last two episodes!
30 August 2015
I just watched the last two episodes back to back and I didn't want it to end!!! Absolutely incredible writing!!! Kudos to the writers for those two episodes!

There were a few flaws though but none the less it was incredibly entertaining and took my breath away! Any show that can fool the audience as to who the suspect is....Keep the audience on the edge of their seat and make them forget to breathe, is a show that deserves the best of reviews! I don't know why there were other reviews with negative views...Compared to most shows, The Whispers, rules!

I have the feeling of not being able to wait until next season! I'm hooked and cant wait to see how the second season pans out.

Also thanks to the cameraman for not making a shaky picture. Some shows really over shake the camera to bring on a different approach or feel of the scene but it's most often not needed.

Great show! Great actors!

Thank you for restoring my TV show interest!
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Ender's Game (2013)
Fantastic, Sci FI
15 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Another fantastic Sci-Fi Movie! Don't watch if you read the book....Folks never learn that the Movie will never be as the book is. Overall fantastic Visuals, Acting, Music and directing! Very entertaining! If you are a sci-fi fan and have not read the book...I highly recommend this movie! There is a wonderful message in the story of this whole film...see if you can find it! Even though the concept of this story has been told, (Aliens attack and kill humans) the concept of what is used to lead the war has not been used to my knowledge. Harrison Ford delivers, Ben Kingsley drives it, Asa Butterfield, brings it home! If I do read the book, to me it's just another version of the story and wont spoil the main concept.
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After Earth (2013)
28 October 2013
I don't understand the negative reviews? I don't think those who gave it a negative review saw the point in the whole movie? and how is there no story to this? There is a story or plot and the acting was great!...I have seen some really bad acting in Movies such as the "Green Hornet" but it was not here in this movie.

I am not a big fan of Will Smith and considering M. Night has had some bad raps in the past and the reviews all pointed to this movie as the worst they have ever seen. I was not interested in seeing it however, I was tempted to watch it to see why it was so bad.

This Movie was the best sci-fi I have seen in least it didn't have a giant octopus killing everyone as such a movie I have seen this year. I would have never imagined Will Smith to write this type of story but he did and my hats off to him! If you are looking for a "Hang-Over" type movie here, you wont find it. NO Drinking,Drugs or rock and roll! All in All, I loved this movie and watched it twice....Kudos to Will Smith and family!
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