
1 Review
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17 October 2009
This movie is excellent in portraying the high school life of these people. I watched this film to find an answer that I was searching for 8 years. And this movie gave me the part of the answer. This movie perfectly portrays who I was 8 years. Unpopular, depressed, emotionally unstable, and suicidal me. I know this story very well because I was one of them, just like Trevor. This movie made cry, and reminded me about everything in my past. Trevor was me, and I was him. This movie described everything about my dark past. But, i was saved, and Trevor was saved. He did what is right. and he had some people who supported him. Those people made him realize what is right, but also to confront it. Trevor was marely a person running away from all these peer pressures, bullying, violence, and himself. But, in the end he realized that he must fight it in order to do what is right. Now, I'm not talking about the usual "right" that others teach you, but your rights, freedoms, and will to stand up for yourselves. I never gave up to fight because I have people who love me, who admires me, who cares about me, and therefore I can continue to fight on. I was once a person with nothing, but now, I have something to long for, something to protect, something live.
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