
9 Reviews
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Gwen (II) (2018)
Their horror is the horror (minor spoilers)
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With a couple of minor flaws that I consider passable, I really enjoyed this one. Cinematography is wonderful, acting is superb across the board, but specially the three main characters. Sound design and score work really well to make you feel unease, cold and oppressed.

The bleakness and depressing story makes you feel the fact that for some there's just no light in sight, all the way to the end. The cycle of behavior and illness causing others to reject them, which causes worse behavior and illness. I think it works because is believable, and because through all their misery and despair, they persevere, and show incredible strength through unimaginable suffering.

It's a window into a piece of a horrible life, no highs, all lows, no triumphs, no redemption. Like Diane said to Bojack Horseman, sometimes life's a b*tch and then you keep living.
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Assailant (2022)
Talk about making bad choices
25 March 2022
It can be entertaining at points but the cliched bad choices made by the characters had me wanting to roll my eyes so high up they would turn backwards.
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Live action coyote and road runner
22 September 2021
This is a cartoon made with computers and some real people. I get they're going for over the top entertainment but this is ridiculous.
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Hunted (IV) (2020)
Not worth the 60 cents I paid
8 June 2021
Talk about making bad choices? This is what happens when people make only bad choices, plus when random things happen. Don't make a bad choice, pick something else to watch.
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Just watch Rick & Morty S01E04
28 December 2020
It could have been a lot more, but it's kind of sloppy and this has been done before (or parts of it in different places).
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Written by a 12 year old?
26 December 2020
Honestly it feels like written by a child. Things just come to be because they're needed for a scene, characters are as flat as they can be. There isn't a lot of sense, or continuity, or reason... but the part that got me was the obvious doll and crap effects on the Cairo road scene with the children. Seriously?
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Bojack ended and everything is worse now
10 December 2020
This show is so, so much more than just jokes. For being a show based on anthropomorphic animals it speaks volumes about human nature and the human condition. Funny, witty and at times heartbreakingly beautiful and raw.
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You can see it really trying
25 October 2020
This is a four, but I'm adding a star for effort. If you watch it with the reasonable expectation of it being from the economy side, it's decently entertaining and goes to places where I didn't expect, comically exaggerated effects that's seem on purpose.
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The Sinner: Part VII (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
Answers and connections
14 September 2018
Many answers given in this episode, and the connections to understand how things have come to be. I think all (maybe except Pullman) are doing a great job at transmitting the gravity of what they're going through.
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