
3 Reviews
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Damn Good Dog (2004 Video)
Excellent Documentary
17 April 2006
Damn Good Dog is an excellent documentary that all UGA fans should see. Most other people (Excluding the rival fans) will also enjoy learning about the great tradition of the UGA mascot. Sonny and the rest of the Seiler family starts at the beginning and gives a very thorough look at all six generations of the bulldogs. Events such as the 1981 Sugar Bowl, Buck Belue's miracle pass to beat Florida, Herschel Walker's 1982 Heisman trophy ceremony, and Uga V taking a chomp at Auburn's Robert Baker are recalled. It also features some great commentary by the Seiler family and UGA icons such as Vince Dooley, Herschel Walker, Larry Munson, and Erk Russell. So if you get a chance, pick up a copy to learn about college football's greatest mascot.
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The Amazing Race (2001– )
Good season with a horrible ending
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching season three on GSN. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I absolutely hated seeing Zach and Flo cross the finish line first. Every dime of that money should go to Zach for keeping his cool and not smothering Flo in her sleep. That girl has to be the whiniest, most annoying person that I've ever seen on TV. She threatened to quit nearly a dozen times! I was hoping that Zach would knock her upside the head with one of the paddles during the water challenge in the second to last episode. Maybe that would get her to shut the hell up.

Flo is a horrible person who I hope Zach seriously distanced himself from after the race. But knowing him, they're probably still best friends. That dude definitely has something in him that most people do not. In the dictionary, the new definition of the word patience should read "See Zach Behr."
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I love it
26 January 2004
This is definitely one of them guilty pleasure kind of movies. It's one of them movies that I watched very often when I was just a little kid and it was first debuting on HBO. Most kids didn't get to watch this kind of stuff when they were just six-years-old, so I was fortunate. Of course, I didn't really understand a lot of humor and mostly what I took from it was seeing naked girls for the first time.

I recently found the movie on video from back in the day, so I just finished watching it for the first time in years. I'm now 22, and it makes a lot more sense than it did when I first saw it about 14 years ago, especially the line that Wendell uses to win over Nicole. The one nude scene early in the movie gave me a whole new kind of feeling as well. :)

After seeing Tim Robbins in movies such as Bull Durham, The Shawshank Redepmtion, and the Hudsucker Proxy; it's amusing to see him play the role of a college party animal named Mother. Some of the actors do seem a little old and overdressed for spring break, but it's still pretty funny and worth watching if you have some free time and feel like reflecting on the '80s. The movie has too much sentimental value for me to down it, so I give it two big thumbs up.
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