
6 Reviews
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
Good and pretty entertaining but it should be better....
5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I can safely say that i was extremely pumped up from the first time i saw the first teaser from this movie...I am such a fan of the original tron that I could not wait.For the same reason i was terrified that it could be so bad that would kill the legacy of the original tron. I mean Hollywood has a really bad tradition with sequels.Well the good news is that the movie was actually good. The bad news is that it could be so much better. No it ought be much better.

I won't get to the technical details...I mean it is obvious from he trailer that in this aspect the movie is brilliant. Visually stunning, good cinematography and an unbelievable soundtrack. Daft punk were almost too great since i caught myself sometimes to just listening to the music instead of watching the movie. Which does highlight the movies weaknesses.

The characters were pretty good also. Bridges was just awesome, as usual, as he let a few bits of the "Dude" to spill into the movie. Hedlund, although not that great, was more then adequate for his character. And Wilde(OMG she was beautiful) actually portrays a pretty strong character while on the same time managing to create a vulnerability that really compels you to want to protect her. Something like Fifth element's Leeloo but with a more subtle performance which is good.

Now for the bad stuff. Well obviously the story... Although not bad it just did not go far enough to really interest you. And you could see the potential. The idea of the ISO's and the genocide, the constant chase for perfection and the betrayal of clu can make for a really deep and compelling story but the movie never really delivers.Instead the plot only scratches these things superficially. And the worst was how they wasted a character like Tron. OK granted that the actual main character is flinn in both movies but the damn series in named after this character. In the first movie the whole goal was for him to reach the I/O tower and he was essential for the resolution of the plot. Here he does almost nothing extraordinary until the end, which is really very predictable. And it is too bad since you see a great chance of good character development. The fact that he was captured and re purposed to serve Clu and how he struggles to escape from this through his relationship with with flinn could actually make for a pretty compelling story.It could easily be the main conflict of the plot instead of that between Clu and Flinn. Instead here he is treated like a second class support character...I mean come on...The movie is named after this character and that is the best they could think for him...It is a real shame...

Anyway overall it is good and enjoyable but you can immediately realized the potential this movie wasted.Too bad. Still I don't see why any fan of the original could not find it at least a little entertaining.
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Dogtooth (2009)
Brilliant but a hard movie to watch....
28 January 2011
I was very much amazed when i first saw this movie...It been so long since i watched a Greek movie using so bold images to present itself.I was even more amazed when i heard that it was actually presented with an Oscar nomination.I love it but I understand that it is not the type of movie that could easily have the wide recognition required for that.

Anyway as a whole this movie is a strict statement against manipulation and isolation that authority usually imposes on the people. Weather someone wants to interpret that on a society or family scale it doesn't really matter for the results and characteristics are the same. Although since I grew up in Greece i believe that that movie wants to focus on the outdated traditional Greek family values that for some reason still survive in many cases. The original motive of protecting the children leads to isolation, lies, manipulation, corruption and the creation of a world that makes twisted, incomplete individuals of both the parents and the children.

This is a highly symbolic film that uses exaggerated, harsh images and stories to get its opinion out clearly. Whoever tries to interpret the events of this film literally and tries to find realistic motives in the characters will fail miserably. It is over the top and crazy and weird exactly because it wants the show how unnatural this kind of relationships truly are.For me it was brilliant! If any of you find what I describe interesting just go and see it for yourself.
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Krull (1983)
Great film..Sci fi Cult Classic
9 January 2011
I really don't know why this film does not have the recognition it should.OK granted it has a cheesy and cliché plot.A Prince tries to save his princess from the ultimate space evil.And you can find 100 plot holes but...Still...It is an 80s fantasy movie...You just suspend your disbelief a little bit more than usual and that is all you need to enjoy an entertaining movie.Cliché but classical and enjoyable Hero/Chosen one story, AMAZING (AMAZING!!!!) soundtrack,pretty good acting,a few unique characters and the usual 80s atmosphere we all know and love.One can say a lot about the death of aesthetics during the 80s but what movies had back then was atmosphere.Photography ,lighting and cheap but well crafted stages. A feeling of (alternate?)reality that really could immerse you even in the most cheesiest of flicks. The best proof that is that even now 30 years later, with the audience eyes trained in all the crazy SGI, these movies still give the same unique feeling in terms of atmosphere, just as they did back then....

Krull has that exact feeling of its time.And the Glaive..Which fantasy buff cannot dream himself wielding such a weapon.(Yeah I know geeky as hell but true!).Any way if you enjoy this particular genre don't even think of not seeing Krull.

Cheesy, Corny but It has everything a good fantasy movie needs to be entertaining...Give it a chance....
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Oh dear god....
6 January 2011
Why oh why didn't they try a little bit more.Just a little....Or maybe they did try...Because you have to try hard to have such a shitty and boring story and to destroy the main characters in such an extent.And the villain...The nasties...Really....It went from the Nothing to the Emptiness and end up in the school bullies?Going from abstract meanings symbolizing the disappearance of imagination to the school bullies?The first time i saw it i actually stopped watching it in the "bike scene".Unfortunately i made the mistake of continuing it some other day...Wish i hadn't...

Go watch the first movie again which is a masterpiece of children fairytale movies and don't ever touch this one....

PS And all you trolls reviewing this saying it is fantastic and tricking people in to seeing this awful thing...YOU ARE TERRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!
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Interesting take in the phycology of terrorism...
25 October 2010
Very well made documentary well structured on the motive and evolution of terrorism.It gives a number of interesting reasons and explanation of the world and the history and the social problems that produced the individuals that participate in such organizations.It almost gives a real and human aspect to them.The idea of how a human being is transformed into becoming such a type of murderer.

Although it must be said that it leaves out a very important aspect.The responsibility of the Western countries on the creation of the circumstances leading to the rise and influence of terrorist organizations.Granted of course that the subject of the movie is not centered on that aspect, so it is quite understandable that it is not analyzed that much.One though has to explore Western intervention, alongside the events depicted in this movie, to have a more complete picture on the subject.

Lastly I don't really see why some see this as giving a bad name about Islam...It just analyzes the motive of RADICAL Islamists.It never even crossed my mind that this movie attacks Islam, before i actually saw someone commenting on it.And I still think it is not.It comments on RADICAL movements and I don't really think anyone in the right mind can really confuse typical Muslims with the radical sects of Islam that are depicted here.Unless of course he is a complete idiot....
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This is BAFTA's best picture for 2010?
25 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am so surprised that this movie is getting awards for absolutely nothing....

This so called realistic and objective movie seems like a propaganda filled stupidity that insults both peace advocates and solders...The Iraqis are portrayed as crazy bombers and the solders are portrayed as independent thrill seekers.

When discussing realism I must say that I'm not in favor of the war down there, I haven't been in the military and have no idea how things are done but...I 'm pretty sure it is not like this. Except for the first scene of the movie the rest seems ridiculous and fake.The squads seem that they don't follow a single rule and do not have a single superior to keep them under control or give them hell because of their stupid heroics.And I may not be a military man but I am an engineer and i know that cars cannot catch on fire by a single bullet and that a butcher doesn't have to get out of his shop and wave his cell phone( so that the men he is trying to kill see him) to detonate a bomb. And if someone thinks "Well its not realistic because its poetic" I tell him: There is a difference between poetic and stupid. The scene when Clive Owen gets out of the building and no-one shoots because of the baby in "Children of Men" is unrealistic because its meant to be poetic.Certainly you don't see something like that in this movie.

From a Cinematic point of view the script is just a series of missions without any reason,The characters do not progress at all and the story is full of clichés. The unexperienced military doctor that does crowd control like an English butler and then dies horribly, the scared solder, the thrill seeker with an underground sense of sensitivity and the list goes on....

As a conclusion...WHY OH WHY DO PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE THIS MOVIE...Even if I was a solder i would probably be insulted by this....
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