
9 Reviews
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Paddleton (2019)
Brilliant! Low budget film with high budget performances.
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just found this film on Netflix and, despite its terrible title, decided to check it out, because I like Ray Romano a lot.

It cuts to the chase in the opening scenes with two bestfriends & neighbors in a doctor's office where one has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Fun opening, right? From this point on these two guys, who spend all of their off-work time together doing geeky things like playing a game they made up with bouncing a tennis ball off the back wall of an old drive-in movie screen, assembling cutout puzzles and watching endless Kung-Fu rental movies and eating pizzas. Boring? No way. They make a road trip to pick up the end-of-life meds that will allow the one with incurable cancer to legally take his life when the cancer begins to truly eat away his at his quality of life. If you can watch this little film without shedding some tears when that day comes, you are more controlled than I. Please watch this film to see what true friendship and love between two straight men can be.
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Queen Mimi (2015)
MIMI: "Yesterday is the past and should stay there. I live for today!"
11 August 2018
I just turned 81 and have been depressed about the few remaining years I probably have. Then tonight I discovered "Queen Mimi!" What a beautifully done documentary about an 88 year homeless woman who lived in a LaundroMat for over 20 yrs. after losing her family & house and every thing in it. She becomes a street person at age 50. It is so wonderfully filmed and edited and Mimi is such a positive character and ;loved by the Santa Monica, CA. neighborhood! Uplifting feisty and strong, You will want to be her friend too! Don't miss it.
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Another INNOCENT MAN faces the Dept. of Justice and serves 21 years!
19 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a brilliant documentary. Nick Yarris sits in a half-lit chair for most of his story and was so excellent that I thought he had to be an actor until the final credits! Do not miss this beautifully filmed, heart breaking story of "Justice" at its worst! After watching the film I sent him a short note to his Face Book page (you can Google it up). He lives in England for the most part since his release from prison for the twenty-one years he served for a murder/rape he never committed. At the time he was accused and tried in the 1980's DNA had not yet been "discovered" and only blood type was used to try and match killers with victims In the mid 80's while he is sitting on death row, DNA is discovered and allowed in court! Nick is ecstatic only to learn that the FBI has since "LOST" the evidence that would have exonerated him! It is 21 years of roller coaster riders and there just beginning!
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Whiplash (2014)
Simply one of the most engrossing films I have EVER seen!
1 March 2015
The reason this film is SO engrossing is the tension that begins in the opening and just when it is easing (you think) it hits you again. Simmons is the evilest, meanest, son of a bitch band instructor in a top music college. Young Teller is a drummer and the movie is basically their story. It is so difficult to review without spoiling this fine script. I can only say, you DON'T have to be a big band jazz fan to be mesmerized by the casting, acting, cinematography, editing, sound, etc. It SHOULD have won BEST FILM at the Academy Awards in every category including Best Film. I am not a RAVER ever, but this I will watch again tomorrow. Again from the very edge of my chair. And what PROOF that you don't need to spend a half-billion to make an amazing film. This film was budgeted at just over THREE million dollars! Simply a MUST SEE!!
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Refuge (IV) (2010)
It is nearly impossible to explain the "plot" of this this story, because it makes absolutely NO sense.
12 May 2013
I hope that Linda Hamilton saved a LOT of her divorce settlement, because this is without question the worst -- not ONE of the worst -- but THE worst film I have ever seen. She never could act, but she looked hot. Now she looks like road kill and her "acting" has gotten even worse! Reading in her biography that she was bi-polar helps a little to forgive her train wreck performance, but not much. The coke addiction she supposedly suffered from at one point in her life helps explain the lines in her once beautiful face. But, not much. She actually thought she was making a "black comedy" according to her interviews. Now, THAT'S FUNNY! It was simply sad that she took the opportunity and all the money she got along the way and this is what she ended up doing. How this production company ever got this film shot and more surprisingly released amazes me. It is not even amateurish. It just stinks.
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Broken Roads (2012)
A terrible waste of money and a terrible script and casting.
2 April 2013
I have only watched about half of this "film" and am amazed that it ever got made!! Terrible writing and the "direction" is worse than some home movies! Sally isn't bad (surprise) but the "grandson" could be her grandpa....terrible casting. Just all makes sense as to why it is on Netflix so soon (made in 2012). Just one of the worst things I have ever seen! Sally Kirkland has had a very strange up and down career.....this is one of the DOWN films, but she is better than usual now that she has attempted to play her age and stop trying to be a sex kitten! Who finances this bad a film. I see that the director also wrote the film. Maybe THAT explains it all. Maybe he also edited it!! Just awful! The grandson looks older than Sally!
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R U Invited? (2006)
If you give this film time to get the typical gay charactures out of the way, you will throughly enjoy it and the ACTING!
14 July 2012
I almost turned this film off several times during the beginning, where the characters were like a really bad take-off of queens, bitches, etc. But gradually, along with some truly great dialogue and some laughs and tears, I began to see myself and many of my old friends. I was really impressed with the writing and the non-acting delivery of the dialogue by the cast. Generally speaking it took me back to many of the people I have known and lust vs love. I forgot I was hearing written lines and think that every actor was above the usual "gay film" standards. Do yourself a favor and watch the ENTIRE film before you judge it. It is well worth your time and I guarantee that you will FEEL the story of each character. I really enjoyed watching a "gay film" that wasn't cheesy or phony or badly written, directed, etc. Excellent casting!
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One of the worst films ever made!
24 December 2011
I love a good love story..... but this is just terrible! First of all, Karen Allen is too "butch" to be believable in this role. Her French lover is an egomaniac and totally non-sexy. Sure he lets the camera show his naked rear, but he is boring in every other way. I can't believe the dialog in this film or the "plot." Stupid, stupid, stupid. Where did they find the financing for this horrendous version of Hepbern's classic film "Summertime" set in Venice? I could not stop watching because it was so bad! This film set the entire country of France,Karen Allen and whoever else was involved in any way back! When it finally ended ("died") I just thought: "There are probably people sobbing over this 'love story'." They should go plant seeds like Karen did before ending up in France!
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Broken Sky (2006)
The LONGEST and most confusing gay film EVER!!
17 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this loooooooooooong film a "2" because of the attractive actors and semi-sexy love scenes. Otherwise, if you can't read like a speed-reader you will NEVER get through the subtitles that try to keep up with the Spanish speed talking! And, what the hell is going on in the plot if you can't read the subtitles. Endless stares and goof-eyes and constant rejection. Just boring after an hour or so. Some good cinematography but also some so DARK you think your screen has burned out. How this won anything I will never understand. Difficult to talk about "ACTING" since the lead actors seem to just stare and look lovingly at each other when they are not pushing each other away. The character Geraldo is so attractive that it is difficult to believe that ANYONE would push him away. And what is with his mother? I just plain didn't GET IT most of the time except that there were three guys that all seem to have had a history with each other....but never figured out who was whose "EX."
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