
2 Reviews
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So unbelievable yet so realistic
11 February 2003
I am not generally a fan of films that have "way out" idea's but this is one film that takes an unbelievable premise and makes it so honest and realistic.

"Happy Accidents" stars Marisa Tomei as Ruby Weaver, a woman who after a series of awful relationships wants to move on with her life and beat her "classic co-dependency" with the help of her shrink {Holland Taylor} Sam Deed {Vincent D'Onofrio} then enters her life. At first his little quirks {his fear of dogs, his "spells", his drawings} amuse her but as she questions him about his life, his story becomes stranger and stranger. Is he yet another "freak" she should show the door or is he for real?

The story is fresh, funny and quirky. It provides laughs, romance and the ability to take a leap in the realm of the slightly off-beat. It is a magnificent showcase for the talents of the beautiful Marisa Tomei and Vincent D'Onofrio. Why is that a man as talented as D'Onofrio, who keeps on putting in great performances {'Whole Wide World', 'Men In Black', 'The Salton Sea', 'Full Metal Jacket' to name a few} is not a star? There are many lesser actors out there winning Oscars and receiving millions of dollars per role and yet the average Joe can't even pronounce D'Onofrio's name? The rest of the cast are also excellent, especially Holland Taylor as Ruby's shrink and a greatly timed cameo from Anthony Michael Hall.

"Happy Accidents" is a fun movie with a lot going for it, the direction was great, the dialogue excellent and the cast superb. An great little gem of a movie hidden amongst a lot of fairly average fare at the local video shop. Well worth a look as you will not be disappointed! 9/10
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Desire (1992)
Romantic yet missing spice
28 January 2003
"Salt on Our Skin" is the romantic story about the passionate love affair between a Scottish Fisherman and a half French/half Scottish woman {Greta Scacchi} who spent long summers in Scotland where she begun a relationship with Gavin {Vincent D'Onofrio} that lasted until his death over 30 years later, despite marriages to other people.

The scenery is divine, as locations change between Scotland, Paris, London, the United States and the Virgin, unfortunately the script fails to match such beauty. The talented leads do well but due to a lack of action and lacklustre dialogue the passion they feel for each other is never quite experienced by the viewer.

The film is a girls movie, it's romantic, beautiful to look and is one for a winter's afternoon when curling up with a blanket and chocolate is just the answer. Vincent D'Onofrio, despite a suspect Scottish accent is another rather attractive reason to watch.
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