
43 Reviews
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Big Fish (2003)
23 December 2009
What can I say? I'm a stuffy 13-year old teenager who doesn't take the time to gaze upon life knowing its surreal beauty. Even when my English teacher introduced this movie to the class for us to watch, I groaned. "Big Fish?", "Gonna be a sappy old fairytale!". And how stupid was I to even think that? Right from the very first minutes of the movie, I was compelled. My only words for Big Fish were "Beautiful, amazing, incredible...a sheer masterpiece!". It's weird to say because I never looked at a Tim Burton film that way. I've watched titles such as Edward Scissorhands and don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it immensely but it never really affected me that much. It's the same with fantasy, watching films like Narnia, I can never compare it to the beauty of Big Fish.

This film looks at life in a very passionate way. With the character of Edward Bloom as he introduces the true importance of life, looking through it in a very child-like imaginative way. I am a kid myself but I have never considered to look at life that way, which really opened my eyes. What I like about this epic is there are three different stories. One of Will's life, who's trying to know more about his father, one of Old Edward, as he lies on his deathbed, and one of Young Edward, who foresees the excitement and adventure. And what's great about it is that the film makes the best out of the three plots without creating any diversions.

We explore Edward's adventurous past as he goes through situations and sacrifices. The film is made with such precision and care as it stores the moments and delivers its material very well.

We get to know the characters a little bit as well. We investigate the true analysis of Edward's past and we see the helpless Will who is also trying to investigate Edward, but there is no need of investigating... just the situation of believing. Their relationship was very heartfelt. The character of Edward Bloom is astonishing. The lack of determination he had in the movie makes him a one of a kind inspiration. + Kutos to Ewan McGregor for committing to his character.

Billy Crudup was also great. As for Albert Finney, he gave a flawless performance and it showed the Edward who had done the exploration and seen the life.

Other characters like Helen Bonham Carter and Jessica Launge were fantastic too. Kutos to Carter as she had the task to play three roles and she managed it with consistency. Plus, it was a treat having Danny DeVito in the film as well.

Bottom Line: From an adults perspective, Big Fish sort of brings out the child in you; it makes life look so beautiful. All I would say is that I would strongly recommend you watch it; just let loose and enjoy.

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Filled me with hysterical laughs...great, great Christmas movie!
22 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been much of a fan of the HA movies. Yes I've heard of them but I never actually bothered to watch them. But after I saw this movie it made me realise how entertaining and hysterical they are. It was just yesterday when I was watching a TV programme, I realised that this film was on next and it was then that I decided to watch it (just to not be bored.) I had my doubts about this film, not knowing what "joy" to expect because as I've said, I never seen any of the HA movies nor the prequel: however I was able to catch on during the first 5 minutes of the film. Let me say I was throughly proved wrong during 5 or so minutes of the film. I half expected myself to switch to a different channel, never giving this film a chance as I felt that it was just going to be another boring Christmas movie. BUT, I was so overwhelmed by this film that I set off continuing to watch it...all the way through! I just loved it, I guess it just had that Christmasy spark and adventure. And let me say, it is very rare I would watch a film all the way to the end without even switching channels and feeling bored.

The plot, I admit, was typical yet it had a really big impact on the film as it gave it its surreal adventure. I really enjoyed it but I believe it was utter coincidence that a kid could board on a plane, not knowing that his family was on another flight and finally they are separated all the way across the country. It would be terrifying for me as I do not know what I would do without my family...knowing they're not in the same country as I am and I was alone! But from the movies perspective, some good things came out of it (especially when you're in the city that never sleeps!) Room service, dining, luxurious suites, credit cards..aah! Kid's lucky! And also in this movie the kid acts so calm and independent and yet he's not at all scared that his family is halfway across the country!

And speaking of being could you not be?? The mom + dad didn't look so worried when they soon found out that their kid is missing. Sure...despite the fact that the mom fainted, she didn't actually show any real worry! I was surprised that her and her husband was cracking up jokes in the police office when their son could be lost anywhere around the world...! And *psst;;;;spoiler;;;;* when the mom actually found her son, she wasn't even crying of joy! Finding your son in a big dangerous city would take a miracle (well, even though it's Christmas) and the mom was just like "Ooh, I'm so glad to see you!"... seriously!

Speaking of being serious...the films climax was one HECK of a ride! The booby traps from the kid was very creative yet amazingly harsh!! I was expecting that the two bandits were to be killed at the end of the movie as they were heavily electrocuted (you SERIOUSLY could die), pelted with stone-hard bricks,(again!) attacked by a heard of pigeons and various nuts, bolts and hammers and fallen through spaces leading to another cruel booby trap (ouch!) and yet they didn't seem to break any part of their body -- let alone be killed!

Yeah, so the booby traps were (like I said) "harsh" and the film makes it look like it's so easy to throw bricks at someone and know they'll be just okay... and not dead!...

MY ADVICE: Don't let your kids watch this, seriously acknowledge the PG rating!!

But in spite of the silly action in the climax, I actually enjoyed the climax!! It was the best part in the movie and let me say it kept me on the edge of my seat!

See that's the thing with Home Alone 2, the action just keeps your eyes glued to the screen! There were also some REALLY funny parts as well, like when Kevin was trying to escape from the hotel and of course, the ridiculous climax! (as I've already noted!)

Pushing on to the characters, the relationship between Kevin and the pigeon lady was quite interesting. It just shows that Kevin was not alone and there was always a helping hand (which definitely came in use!*not saying any more, but you could probably work that out! sorry!*). Plus the scene where they had that talk, comprehending their feelings to one another was sweet, in comparison to the part when Kevin gave the lady a mini pigeon as a token of their friendship and saying "I'll never forget you..."

What would make Home Alone 2 even better is if there were two stories. One of Kevin's New York Adventure and also one about the family trying to find him. Sure we definitely touched on Kevins' side but what about the family? It would sort of be good if the film was created into like a 'Finding Nemo' type story (but NOT a big drama!) so we would have both adventures...

Overall it comes down to Home Alone 2 to being THE Christmas movie! I genuinely loved it, it was sweet, funny and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end. But seriously if you're watching this film with young kids, watch out for the climax! But other than that, I would definitely recommend it!

*********/10 stars!!!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year, everyone!


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A sweet, entertaining rom-com... why the low rating?
21 December 2009
Years ago, when my sister rented this movie for her and me to watch, I had my doubts. Monster-in-Law. How typical? Without even watching the trailer or looking up the plot synopsis, I already knew what this film was going to be about. A girl falls in love with a man, gets married, mets the mom, instant connection of hatred and it's war. That's why they translated the name "Mother-in-law" to the girls' opinion of her husband's mom - a monster and that's where the title "Monster-in-law" came from. Like I said = typical.

But surprisingly I was proved wrong. I found this film to be very sweet and funny. I was even surprised by the low rating on IMDb, what's wrong with it? Well to me it just simply ticked the boxes for a perfect rom-com. Lopez and Fonda were fantastic. I found them to be quite poor at the start but they simply got better as the film progressed. What a cat fight between them in the movie, they just gave me laughs! And also Viola's assistant Ruby was hysterical.

What I also love about this film was that the plot was unique (sort of!). I know, I know (and FYI that was before I watched the film) I said that the concept of the movie was very typical. But it actually brings the usual plot to a whole new level and unlike any other rom-com I've seen, this one simply stood out. And the film was more eventful that I thought. I thought the film was going straightforward - carrying the plot in a very bland way, but it was concept when one thing just let to another, I found (suprisingly) entertaining.

When it comes down to it, like I said, I was proved wrong about this film. This is a genuinely sweet, entertaining rom-com that delivers its material very well. One of the best rom-coms I've seen, but I only have one question (and as I noted this about 3 times in this review)... why the low rating? Come on guys - it's not that bad. My advice to the audience: don't be put off by its 4 stars - watch it; you could surprise yourself.

OVERALL RANKING: 8.2/10 stars


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Started off as dull, cheesy and cliché but then admitted itself to be quite interesting
4 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had no "raging" desires to see this movie once it aired in my country. However that did not stop me from watching it once it finally premiered on TV.

Evidently, a film with glimmering showbiz stars like Daniel Craig + Nicole Kidman is going to be quite interesting. We've seen them individually in action films like 007 (Daniel obviously) and sappy romantic films, but have we ever actually seen them on a fantasy perspective film? And speaking of fantasy this links to my valid expectations of 'The Golden Compass': a Narnia-stylised fantasy film. And was I right?

Yes, you could say it sustains all that but it also delivers the true essence of it but on the other hand - that doesn't mean it's THAT good...

The first 15-20 minutes of the film, I admit, was lame. And by that I mean dull. Dull because the first few minutes of the film introduced the fantasy genre in a very chEEsy way - plus it was all in narration! I also think this film was quick paced. Such as after the boring "story-telling" at the beginning, it then quickly buzzed into the action. And there are loads of cut-scenes. In every scene it's like a different event happening and when it's over, it just fast forwards itself to another scenario without even letting to film blend into the scene transformations on its own manner.

On the other hand, with the start being a let-down, the film starts to redeem its influence (well, that happened when we really started getting into the adventure.) It FINALLY started to deliver on a fantasy genre level. And I admit, it turned out to be a heck of a ride. The film introduced its other main characters (eg;- Orik the bear), its adventure and moreover - its enjoyment. So all in all, the second half of the movie + its climax actually turned out to be quite good.

However the ending looms into the films negatives. It seemed that the film was left unfinished. After that amazing climax - everything just went down so fast. Overall it turned out to be a poor ending. What a silly disappointment Are they gonna make the Golden Compass 2? (I hope so.) Because the film just left itself and the audience with unanswered mystery questions...

Well enough about the story, lets go on to the performances;-

  • Dakota Blue Richards: She started off surprisingly bland, but then as the film progresses, she started to progress herself and it really showed her true "acting colours". Overall she is a talented actress who has a bright film future ahead of her.

  • Daniel Craig + Nicole Kidman: Although I said the action was going to be "interesting": But to be honest, I expected better acting from them. I was disappointed to see that Daniel wasn't in the film much and Nicole turned out to be just a vague "evil person". Overall their performances were okay but nothing more than than that...

And as for the other actors/actresses, they were good as well. But I have to say that Dakota was the heart of the movie.

OVERALL: A film which starts off as incredibly dull, cheesy and quick but once we got into the action it got quite interesting but it just couldn't hold that for the ending point.

+ this film was a bit cliché. It mainly relies on special effects, scene setting and props to give it its title (which links to the cheesiness). But it was a rather okay, enjoyable fantasy.

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Bean (1997)
Bean rocks!
30 October 2009
I remember watching this film back in 2002, when my dad got it on video. I was only 5 then but I can remember I loved it and couldn't stop watching it. This film's great. Rowan was marvellous as Mr Bean. There's no other man for the job. His acting and all his facial expressions were just brilliant. The gags were hilarious! I practically killed myself laughing. Like Mr Bean's incident with the painting, that was classic. Best part in the movie.

Overall, this is one of my favourite childhood movies. Now we don't have the video anymore, it's a bit sad but I'm glad we still have a copy of Johnny English. Defiently recommend.
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And the title says it all!
29 October 2009
Seriously. When are people going to stop making this garbage? It's just so stupid. First we have the trashy Scary Movie series then people got inspired and made films like 'Date Movie' and 'Epic Movie'. And then this piece of junk blew in. I mean come on! This whole conspiracy is just going too far. Do the makers even know how agonising these movie are?! Have some dignity people! Unlike the same old hideous gags, the film makers got one thing right about this movie. It had the perfect title! Disaster Movie. Yes, it is a disaster. It's a disaster in so many various ways. In fact such a disaster that within the first 5 minutes of this film...I just couldn't take it anymore. It was just torture. I then switched to a different channel, relieving myself from the sheer disturbance I let my eyes and ears go through.

Overall, if you're looking for a short definition of this trash - look no further than it's 2-worded title! It just simply says it all! And sorry for my rating, I couldn't rate it below 1 star. I would rather have gone for -10000!
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Epic Movie (2007)
Just...a waste!
28 October 2009
Wow. I only have one question...should I call 'this' a movie?? No, I'm being serious. In fact, this totally counts as a pathetic attempt to a funny Scary Movie re-run which was homemade by a bunch of mindless wanna-be-director nerds. I totally agree with it's abysmal 2-star IMDb rating but I fail to understand why it's not in the Bottom 100. Everything about this movie is stupid. The gags were hideous. Not a single point in the movie that I actually found them'funny'. But (suprisingly) I actually found one thing funny about this movie. It's the attempts for laughter. The film makers spent like a year pointlessly trying to whip up laughable script jokes to entertain the audience, when in the actual film, they ended up not delivering. How dumb?! And the film characters that they were 'trying' to mock! Narnia, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean?! I mean come on!! You're just mocking yourselves! Overall, I'll sum it up by saying the film makers wasted a year of their life trying to make this junk and every bad word in this word describes how lame this movie is. One of the worst films I've ever seen. Epic Movie? Should be called Epic Failure!
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Duff fans will probably like this...(I did)
26 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, the only reason that I was quite keen on seeing this film is because Hilary Duff is in it. I loved her in the TV series 'Lizzie McGuire' and movie tiles like 'Cheaper By The Dozen', 'Material Girls', 'Cadet Kelly' etc. And yet again, she continues to shine like a star in this movie.

The idea of this movie was a bit random and cliché. Not to mean I hated to plot, but there's something about this film that reminds me of Camp Rock. A quite shy, nervous girl is picked to go to a big-time music school. At the school she finds great friends, a love interest, an arch enemy and her true voice. And then there's an idea of 'a final performance' at the end of the film which is a bit like the final jam in Camp Rock. How typical is that?! But there's also something about this movie that gives more than Camp Rock. Something extremely better!

I felt bad for Terrie in the beginning of what happened to her brother. However it was a bit predictable. When they were coming back from the concert in my mind, I knew they were going to having a car crash and unfortunately they did. Yes I hate when that happens in movies, something good and then a dramatic twist. Also I think her dad was quite annoying, especially near the end, where he just barged into Terrie's room, packing her things and forcing her to go home, just right before her performance. But I'm glad he took notice of her abilities at the end.

Hilary Duff (like I said) shined like a star in this movie. In my opinion there is no other Terrie, she was the perfect match to her role. Also, throughout the movie, she progresses in a fantastic way and I loved her song at the end. Her boyfriend was good too. I loved him at the part when he was drunk, really funny!

Overall, I would certainly recommend this film to Duff fans. Even though the plot is quite similar to Camp Rock, it was still a million times better than it! Everything about this movie makes it a simply entertaining music flick. And I wasn't keen on hoping the film would be that good but you could surprise yourself!
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What a great end to Wizards of Waverly Place! Best DCOM ever!
25 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not joking, out of all the DCOM's, this has got to be the best one I've ever seen. It was immensely better than The Hannah Montana Movie, Camp Rock or the hideous High School Musical. It was unlike anything we would see in the TV series. This movie brang everything to a whole new level. It was simply fantastic. Selena Gomez was the star of the movie. Her acting was superb. She progressed very well throughout the movie and throughout the series. David Henrie was good too.

The entertainment was bigger and better. The action kept me on the edge of my seat. For example: parts like at the hillside, where Justin and Alex made a stone bridge to cross the river. Also when Justin got stuck in quick sand and when Justin and Alex had to conquer the almighty cave (that was the best bit!). This all came from the visuals/special effects. They actually looked okay, quite realistic...great!

The chemistry between Alex and Justin was really sweet. I was actually surprised by that because you wouldn't normally see that kind of affection between them in the series. But my only negative in the movie is "the using magic in public" especially by the dad. Also, like at the part when Max turns the women into a dog, that was kind of stupid. But then again, surprisingly, people didn't have the eyes to notice anything.

Overall, having seen nearly all the WOWP episodes myself, I feel a bit sad because it's the end of the entire series. I loved the show and the movie. It was simply funny, charming and entertaining. To be honest, I wasn't expecting the movie to be that good but there's always a surprise waiting to happen in Waverly Place.
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Transformers (2007)
Great action!
24 October 2009
To be frank, I wasn't that keen on seeing this when it first aired on TV. My general expectations were that it was going to be another noisy robot action film. And how wrong was I? It was much more than that. In fact it was one of the best actions films I've ever seen.

I was never a Transformers fan because I got the idea from the TV series that it's just lame and cheesy. However from the movie's perspective, it brang the world of Transformers to a whole new level. Particularly why I loved it was because of the action. This obviously came from the destructive robots. They were simply amazing. My favourite was Bumble-Bee. Also, how they moved and transformed from cars to robots was well done. And not to mention the visuals/special effects. They were just out of this world.

The casting was superb. Shia and Megan were the perfect choice to play the roles of Sam and Mikaela. My only negative is their acting. They did some good performances but all of that needed a little more energy.

Overall, as I've already typed, this was one of the best action films I've ever seen. Great effects, great entertainment and great action.
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Takeshi's Castle (2002–2004)
Fun, but what's on the other side?
23 October 2009
I only started watching this since I was a kid. Having forgot about it and not seen not a single feature of it since the last 4 or 5 years, I was mildly thrilled to see that this show is still on TV. Let me say firstly that Takeshi's Castle is silly and daft. However on the other hand, it is extremely funny and entertaining. I loved yesterday night's feature with the Rolling Pins, Skittles, Bridge Ball, The Honey Maze, Dominoes and skipping stones. Obviously, the best was the rolling pins. Funny seeing people attempting a cross a river by spinning through pins and having these hilarious falls. Even though this show made me and my family laugh our heads off, it still has it's negatives. 1) It is Extremely DANGEROUS! Despite of it's lame funniness, the makers should think twice of what injuries people have had. It presumably seemed like a girl broke her jaw and a man broke his ribs while skipping stones. 2) They say it's a competition, but there's no winner at the end! They just have people who made it through all of the challenges, playing Dodgems or something at the end. Like I said - daft!

Overall, we know this show's fun but what's on the other side? Nothing but daftness, silliness and downright stupidness! It's entertaining but only when you're in the mood.
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Thoughts... Another little great episode!
21 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode classifies as my top ten Hannah Montana episodes. In fact, I think this even comes into my top 5. It was just one good episode.

Unlike some episodes, this one is very entertaining. It had the fun factor. Overwhelmighly, in some parts, it got very exciting and dramatic that you wanted to watch more.

It was great to see Jake Ryan back. I found him abysmally annoying the first season but now I sort of like him. His character mildly develops and matures throughout the seasons which is fantastic. Also, I like his new haircut!

The characters were all fab. Obviously, Miley's Miley, Lily's Lily and Robby Ray, is...well Robby Ray?! However, unsurprisingly, I found Traci somewhat annoying in this episode. Her voice is just so agonising. (And she says it's a "nazel condition", I mean what the heck's that?!)

The fact that Traci and Jake were going to get married, was just hilarious. And yeah, I think Miley still likes Jake because come on, her only excuse for them not to get married is that they're too young. Also, her attempts to sabotage their chances of getting married were really funny. Like when Miley and Lily get hold of Traci's wedding dress to stop her from taking the elevator, it was like a tug-of-war between Jake and Miley and Lily. And Miley dresses up as Cupid! Funny!

I felt sorry for Jackson back in Malibu, as his date was ruined and he had to deal with a bunch of wilderness kids. Rico, I must admit, was pretty mean in this episode. I mean come on Rico, cut the dude some slack!

Mainly due to the setting is in Las Vegas, the entertainment was bigger. Personally, I loved the whole scenario. It was unlike any anything you would find in a normal Hannah Montana episode. The gags were pretty funny as well but the best ones always come from Lily! Problems;

1) Seeming like the whole thing was a filmed TV prank show, why did Jake call Hannah Miley when he was on the phone with her?! Dude, you're on a public show, where all the cameras follow you! You might have just blown her secret.

You see that's the thing in a Hannah Montana episode, you always have these stupid plot mistakes!

2) Another plot complaint-- when the guy who was producing the prank show rips the Cupid wig off, he nearly ripped off the Hannah wig as well. In fact, you can even see an outline of Miley's hair! Seriously, Jake should know what would happen if we get too close to Miley/Hannah socially on live TV.

Overall, this episode may have it's negatives but you can't ditch the fact that it has the fun factor. It was no doubt that this is one of the best Hannah Montana episodes I've ever seen. Loved it.
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Hannah Montana: Don't Go Breakin' My Tooth (2008)
Season 3, Episode 3
Silly and babyish
20 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found this episode to be just one of them Hannah Montana episodes. The idea was random and quite stupid, a fork got stuck to Miley's tooth and when it eventually came out, she looses a filling. The only situation is (you always find this in her "life with problems") she is scared of going to the dentist. Wow. Miley is such a baby in this episode. Yeah, call me unaware, but I've been to the dentist before. He just did a few simple procedures on my teeth and cleaned them with this pipe thing. It was alright, I liked the part where he used the pipe thing on my teeth because it acts like a vacuum, vigorously sucking everything up. I know Miley had to have an injection on her teeth but come on she's about 15 or 16. If I was her, I would have just closed my eyes and though about something else and not run away screaming. Anyway, seeming like I'm only 12 and never had a filling (and trying not to), I wouldn't have anything to worry about. But anyway, back to earth, so yeah, I didn't ask for my mom or the dentist to dress up as kittens and treat me like a baby. But everyone has fears. I fail to see the fact why Miley didn't tell her dad that she chickened out of the dental room, with an unfixed filling. Also, when Miley breaks her tooth at the end because she was forced to eat a peanut, I found that completely silly. 1) She could have had the general sense to confess about her filling in the first place (STUPID!) and 2) Why did she go to the food show in the first place?? Isn't there an option of rejecting? And plus, her scream was unbearable!!

Overall, a (downright) stupid and immature episode! It was entertaining in some ways, but that dosen't score on the plot. I know, we're coming to the end of Hannah Montana and we've somewhat ran out of episode ideas, but why did the makers have to go for this?
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19 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
We all know that 'The Simpsons' is a very successful TV show and it's been around for quite a while (since 1989 I think, presumably) And after over 400 episodes, what are the makers of the show going to do next? They make a Simpsons Movie! I would say I like The Simpsons. I've seen a couple of episodes and thought they were really funny and entertaining. But what about the movie? Well, for starters, it's obviously had that fun factor. This presumably is a lead up to the jokes/gags which is what makes the fun. They're were some really funny gags in this like Bart's nude skateboard to the Krusty Burger. That was classic. However, in some, I felt that the film makers just wanted to make it really funny, that they ended up not delivering. All in all the entertainment was good. Another thing that leaps into mind is the action and adventure. You wouldn't find that in a normal Simpsons episode but to see it in this movie, is great! It got quite exciting in some parts, particularly at the end, where Homer tries to save Springfield. Also, I loved the fact that Homer and his family run away to Alaska because they're not wanted in Springfield. The characters were as funny as usual, but the most funniest one was that Spiderpig (aka Harry Plopper!) I actually found the Spiderpig song to be really funny.

Overall, I would say The Simpsons Movie is what we all could have hoped for. It certainly had the fun Homer factor! It may not be really good, but hey, you wanted entertainment - you got entertainment!
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Stuart is the most adorable mouse ever!
18 October 2009
I just watched Stuart Little 2 on television and even though I've seen it before, I have to say, it was great. This film, in my opinion, took a steady improvement from the prequel. There's more action, excitement and wonder to it which is fantastic!

The characters were all brilliant. Stuart and the bird are so adorable! Snowball the cat, well, from wanting to eat Stuart in the 1st movie, to being best friends in this sequel, I have to say it's all good. Also, I think the chemistry between them is really sweet because they embark on the adventure together, with no one else but them and there's a lot of friendship going on. Also it's great to see that Snowball always has Stuart's back like when the other cat in the restaurant wanted to eat him, he just stuck up for him.

Stuart's personality has widened. He's not only the sweet and adorable mouse but in this movie, it shows his heroic instincts. This mainly approaches at the end of the movie, where re-fixes his old aeroplane and flies around New York to stop the Falcon and save Margalo. Which purifies his bravery and cleverness.

In terms of animation-wise, it was good. Stuart and the bird looked believably realistic. However, my only negative point is The Falcon, who could have looked more "in-this-world", it looked so computer-animated that it somewhat gave away it's evil instincts.

Like I said, this sequel took a good improvement from the prequel. In this movie, there's a lot more plot and excitement to it, which scores on the fun factor. Stuart embarks on a mission to save his bird friend, Margalo meeting adventure along the way, I mean that's the sort of genre that keeps me on the edge of my seat.

Overall, I would love to watch this movie again. It is simply a wonderful family film. To be honest, I think this film classifies as my Top Ten favourite Family films! Why? Because it's fun, charming and enjoyable. Definitely recommend.
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I remember this movie! (RESENT REVIEW)
18 October 2009
*** This review was accidentally deleted by me, so I resent it ***

I remember watching "Sabrina Goes To Rome" with my sister when I was 8 years old. Even though I don't have an exact memory of it, I still remember I loved it. This film had a healthy mixture of adventure, excitement and a pinch of romance. Melissa John Hart portrayed the rightful role of a young witch in a quest to solve the mystery of a locket and release the power within to save her Aunt Sophia, meeting friends along the way.

Typically, this film isn't one of those expensive Oscar-nominated movies, but it's fun. It is my intension to travel to Rome one day and this film brought out the best of it. From beautiful landscapes to beautiful landmarks (Trevi Fountain) I should say it would be a perfect holiday! Recommended to any Sabrina fan.
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The Princess that ROCKS! (Happy 19th Birthday IMDb!)
17 October 2009
Normally, I'm not a huge fan of chick-lit Princess movies but this one however is a must see! I loved it! One of the reasons why I love it is because of it's fun. This movie throughly did not fail at having the entertainment factor. Everything the plot, the characters, made it the perfect Princess movie to date.

Anne Hathaway did a sensational job. In the movie, you can easily see how she progresses and builds confidence in her role. She delivered something entertaining to the audience, which is obviously great.

Julie Andrews is brilliant as usual. We've seen her in titles such as The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins and even Shrek and it was wonderful to see her in this movie. She was the perfect choice for her role and I think she was the heart of the movie.

As I have said, what makes this the perfect princess movie is the fun factor. This mainly focuses on the jokes, which is part of what delivers in the entertainment. There were some really funny ones such as Mia's reaction to her being a princess and the royal dinner with all the posh people. But also, this film has this light-hearted feel to it which is one of the reasons why I love it so much and one of the reasons why it makes me smile.

Overall, this movie (I can't believe I'm saying this!) is by far the best Princess movie I have ever seen. I know it's a bit cheesy but like I said, it is simply delightful and it delivers. By the way, I have heard that today is IMDb's 19th Birthday I would just like to say, congratulations to everyone, that's IMDb staff and all for marking the 19th anniversary of this successful website and it's been a pleasure writing all my reviews on here.
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Drake & Josh: Movie Job (2004)
Season 2, Episode 3
Movie Geek? Just kidding Josh! (Spoilers--MINOR)
11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Life's not very good for Josh as Drake gets a job at the Movie Theatre (where Josh works, what a nightmare - working with your brother!). Josh, despite his attempts, dosen't seem to impress his boss while Drake is stealing Josh's spotlight and gets all the credit for doing nothing. And its not until things get out of hand.

This episode was very funny. For me, it was one of the best Drake and Josh episodes. Josh was really funny, like his remark when Drake gets the Assistant Manager job, "EVIL!" and when his boss kept on getting his name wrong. "Josh! My name... is Josh!" Drake was great too, especially at the part where he made up the story about Megan and her friends being Norwiegan. Also, Josh's "little" Golden Ball incident was funny too.

Overall, a one good episode. Filled with laughs, I loved it! Drake and Josh rocks!
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An 8/10 for "What's New, Scooby-Doo?: There's No Creature Like Snow Creature (#1.1)"
2 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this episode this morning and I loved it! I mean I don't occasionally watch Scooby Doo but there was nothing else on TV so this was my only selection for entertainment. After watching this episode, it made me realise how fun Scooby-Dooby Doooooo is!

It was a pretty random episode because when I think of Scooby Doo, I think of the movie Chill-Out Scooby Doo when they we being chased by the Abominable Snowman. I know in this case it's not (it's a SNOW creature) but it seemed usual with the "spine-tinglers" and the commotion when the monster was in the atmosphere. Because we see that in every episode and the stupid thing is is that they're actually scared for nothing due to that the "monster" ISN'T real !

The entertainment was great! I loved it especially when Shaggy and Scooby were being chased by the monster and they were snowboarding down the hill and all over the place! Velma, Fred and Daphne were good too. Parts like when Daphne gave Fred the superstition because Fred didn't want "a girl like Daphne" to go out on her own in the dark.

The monster again was nothing new. We've seen it all a thousand times. In every episode, why don't they try to make the monsters/ghosts more realistic and scary? And I found it odd how the guy who was pretending to be the Snow Creature kept its cover with a costume made out of glass. Wouldn't you be able to just see him?

Anyway overall I'm quite starting to like the Scooby Doo shows. They're very fun and entertaining (but sometimes you can only say that WHEN you're in the mood.) So next time when their just showing the regular Phineas and Ferb, The Suite Life on Deck etc. episodes I'll try to switch to Boomerang and watch this, along with Tom & Jerry.
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Guys can sometimes be jerks!
26 August 2009
Josh asks Miley on a date. But the problem is that the date is at a Hannah Montana concert. So Miley acts as both Hannah/Miley at the concert but things don't go according to plan...

What an episode! This show has really progressed. But... I don't understand why Miley always get herself into crazy situations like this, trying to act as both Miley and Hannah at the same time and even though it never works...she still does it! What's the point?

But on the plus side this episode was very enjoyable! Great laughs as well like when Miley was trying to impress Josh, Robby interferes and getting all bratty with him. Lily and Oliver were good too so was Jackson. But I think Josh was really mean to Miley at the end when he just left the date. It shows that guys can sometimes be self-obnoxious jerks!

However overall a great episode filled with a hundred laughs. Fantastic progress since the last episode. Well done DC.


(8/10 stars)

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Hannah Montana: She's a Supersneak (2006)
Season 1, Episode 3
24 August 2009
Miley and Jackson while at the movies catch their dad on a date with a woman. So the two disguise themselves and act "super sneaky" in order to find out more about this mystery woman.

First off it was disappointing we didn't actually Aston Kuchter in the episode (isn't he supposed there in his own movie premiere?) but never mind that, the show is improving and making good progress. Now in this episode we move on to the emotional scenes rather than the random funniness which is good and also very effective

Robby Ray is one of the highlights of this episode. He was really funny. So was Jackson and Miley it was hilarious how they acted all sneaky and stuff at the movies.

Overall this episode is very good very funny and quite sad (like I said about emotional.) Getting better Hannah.


(8/10 stars)

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Hannah Montana: Miley, Get Your Gum (2006)
Season 1, Episode 2
I guess it was better than the 1st episode
24 August 2009
Oliver is practically in love with Hannah Montana. Miley figures she should tell Oliver her secret but if she tells him he might be in love with Miley too as well as Hannah. So Miley and Lily make a plan...

Yeah let me say this episode was better than the 1st episode in my point of view. This episode had much sort of a longer 3-dimensinal plot to it with lots of the things happening like on the other side it was also Jackson's life rather than Mileys "life with problems". And the 1st episode had sort of a simple solid 1-dimensinal plot. So it was good progress.

Mileys Miley, Lilys Lily but I found Oliver very annoying in this episode. His love for Hannah is like a teenage girls love for Edward Cullen. He says words like "Hannah Montana is my love, my destiny, my goddess" and always talks about her hair and "feminine beauty". Also when Miley spills the beans to Oliver she did that in a very weird way. Gum was the answer. It was constant chewing and chewing and blowing bubble balloons then she takes off her wig and says she's Hannah Montana (with all that gum still on her face!) What was that for? It was just disgusting.

But overall a very good episode, better than the 1st one. But I found Oliver (and Miley too) really really nauseating.


(7/10 stars)

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"CRAZY" way to start the show but what the hey? It's great!
23 August 2009
Alex wants to blow off her wizard lessons to compete in the "Crazy 10 Minute Sale" all to find a cute jacket against her rival Gigi.

Well this was the 1st episode of WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE and yeah I guess this was a crazy way to start the show but who cares? This is such a great show and its supposed to be crazy. Also I think this was a brilliant introduction to the show. The concept of this episode was a bit stupid (just girls going to a sale and fighting over a jacket) but overall it is still cool. Alex (Selena Gomez) was very funny in this episode and we still haven't seen the best off her yet. Gigi appears to be just a popular girl at school who hates Alex (with 2 weird assistants who have funny noses) Max (Jake T Austin) was good as well. Very funny (especially in the wand part).

To sum it up a fantastic introduction to the show. Even though the concept is crazy its still a great episode.


(7/10 stars)

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I used to LOVE this show!!
23 August 2009
I remember this show! I used to watch it when I was 8 years old when it used to be on TV. I wonder why they cancelled this show?! It's brilliant. It was very sc-fi-ish and mysterious.

In a boarding school called Blake Holsey High Josie Trent is the new girl. In her 1st day she finds out there's very strange events happening in the school like a vortex in a classroom leading to a wormhole. Along with her friends in the Science Club Josie investigates the secrets of the school and soon finds out the school is not what its actually like...

This show was great! I love it and found it very entertaining.

BRING THIS SHOW BACK ON TV! I really want to watch it again.


(8/10 stars)

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Unique, dark and surprising. Very impressive! (minor suggestive spoilers)
21 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film 4 hours ago (I know I'm quite late!) and yet still it disturbs me. This was a very impressive horror flick. It had everything in it; plenty of horror, gore, darkness and uniqueness. I was wasn't very satisfied at the beginning because it had such a slow start but as the film progressed in to 10 minutes or so it definitely got better and started looping in to the terrifying action. Unlike any other horror films I watched this has got to the most unique. I mean this film had sort of more depth to it than the 2nd movie but I'm not saying its better its just a good start to JEEPERS CREEPERS. And the "thing" feeding on humans. Very scary. And the scene in the abandoned church where all the dead bodies were was just gruesome. The music...the music! Whenever you here the 60's Jeepers Creepers song, it's coming after you! How scary is that?! Like in the radio it played that song and that "monster" was right behind them! That was just classic. Very funny yet brutally scary! The ending was surprising also. I was even more surprised to hear the "Boogeyman" song in the credits. I think the producers should have stuck to the Jeepers Creepers song because come on it's not Boogeyman! Is it? See thats the things, what is that villains name? Because I keep on calling him "thing" or "monster" and the credits presume hes called "Boogeyman" (even though we already have a Boogeyman!) I have no idea... But overall I love this horror flick. Unique like I said and scary and surprising. Looking at some of the comments I don't understand why people hate it. Well for me it was actually very well done!


(8/10 stars)

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