
6 Reviews
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Pørni (2021– )
Porni is a treat to spend each episode with.
17 June 2021
A wonderful look at a delightful, intelligent middle aged woman who copes and deals with a delightful assortment of kids, relatives, friends, co workers and a romantic possibility. I hope we get to see more seasons in the future.
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10 June 2021
Everything's Gonna Be Okay is the BEST FAMILY SHOW ON THE AIR. BAR NONE. Please give us more seasons after this one.
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Land (I) (2021)
Good Grief
2 May 2021
Death brings pain and we all bear it differently. Withdrawal from life is a luxury few of us have. Robin Wright as the main character Edee gets the chance and finds help to both live on her own and to re-emerge into the world of the rest of us. A touching and poignant performance. Well worth 90 minutes of my life.
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Raw, literate dialog between two exceptionally talented people.
23 February 2021
Highly underrated, Intelligent, argumentative and brilliantly acted. Talk about critics having their heads up their you know where.... Give it a chance.
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Julia Garner is pure gold once again. Her portrayal of an office assistant who works like a slave and is treated as though she doesn't exist, must be true life for thousands of young women in the workforce of her time. I remember the assistants in my personal experience and the roles were identical. Shame on me and the mid to late 2oth century.
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The Goldfinch (2019)
Great Book, Awful movie
22 November 2019
This is the worst movie adaptation of a wonderful book that I can remember. They have removed what may be the most dramatic part, the entire beginning, and replaced it with lifeless references throughout the film. Shamefull. Don't waste your money to see it.
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