
6 Reviews
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Good movie, flat jokes but great ending.
3 December 2022
The beginning was OK, but felt rather weak, and the movie tried SO hard to be funny that it all felt kinda flat, Thor and Janes lines felt a bit awkward.

The ending was great though, the last maybe hour (from the shadow realm and forward) was fantastic, and Bale was SCARY as a bad guy and really made your skin crawl. The relationship between Jane and Thor was beautiful, especially the hospital scene.

All in all, would've been a great movie if they skipped the flat jokes and awkward lines, and also brushed up on the SFX a bit, because some parts looked SO bad, especially the first fight. The fight on the shadow realm was beautiful though, I loved the B&W and how mjolnir and the bolt made things a bit colourful while the rest was all gray.
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Uncharted (2022)
The most fun I've had watching a movie in a long time
16 February 2022
This movie is very much like the games. FUN. Exactly as it's supposed to be!

I had no real expectations on the movie, I like Holland as an actor and he did a great job. The movie was adventurous and it had all the elements of the games.

Wallberg was OK enough, didn't feel a lot like Sully IMO but it was alright.

Loved the hints to the games that you'd probably miss if you haven't played them.

Fun movie. Don't expect movie of the year or oscars, it's not its purpose. It's just supposed to be fun, and it was.
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This movie desperately needed whatever they edited out.
26 January 2021
It was an OK movie all in all, but it could've been SO much better. I was personally stoked for a horror mutants movie, but this is as much horror as any other superhero movie (and less than some) so I must say I was very disappointed. The idea of was there and it could've been SO SO good but in the end, it wasn't...

A thing that really distracted me was the actors weird accents. You have a group of really good actors here but the bad accents made them just seem mediocre.
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Did not expect this after the horrible mess that was the first movie.
4 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching Star Trek for the first time and so far I'm loving it. (Started with the 1960s series). This second movie really felt like the continuation of the series! How this masterpiece came after the first movie I do not understand. The first movie was the worst thing that could come out of this universe and this is (so far) the best.

I was at the edge of my seat the entire time, and the ending just wrecked me! Loved the openness of the ending as well, especially as we know what came after.

Fantastic score that fit perfectly into every moment.
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6 March 2019
I really don't get all the hate on here, it was a phenomenal movie. It's definitely one of my top 5 marvel movies of all time! It was fun and amazingly beautiful, and as a 90s-kid I loved all the cheeky hints to all the 90s-tech! Brie Larson did an amazing job and I'm hyped to see her again in Endgame!
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Man of Steel (2013)
Worst Superman-movie I've ever seen
30 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(If you have not seen the movie, it will contain spoilers)

Man of Steel was probably the worst Superman-movie I've ever seen. And that includes Lois&Clark and Smallville... I'm a huge Superman fan, and started loving superman as a little child and it's still my all favorite Hero. Sure, while the visual effects was really good, it just felt like they had some effects for no apparent reason. And houses falling for effects sake, it was so much of just that, only a lot of scenes with houses falling and people being crushed and so on, that it became boring.

The way Lois found out who this new savior was felt way to easy, it felt like she just followed a straight line and the *poff* she was in Clarks backyard. They took away all the fun where Lois is always trying to understand who Superman was and at the same time he was her colleague at work. No mysteries left at all. The kiss in the end felt really random, it felt like they just HAD to have it there. You had not felt any romantic feeling between them earlier and all of a sudden they have the most romantic kiss...

The man of steel was surely the darkest superman movie ever made, and with the darkest Superman. I think that the moment he broke the neck of Zod was worse for me than it should had been. For me Superman has always been there for me and the reason I always loved it was because he didn't kill. He was "to good to kill". If I hadn't already been critical about the movie, I was now. To kill someone in a movie has always felt like the "easy way" to get rid of someone, and it kind of feels like they could't think of any other way to get rid of him than to kill him.

Well... I really didn't like it and I kind of regret watching it.
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