
2 Reviews
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Tag (I) (2018)
It was funny, I guess, but the female journalist...
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like the title says, I guess it was funny. I mean, I laughed at several points, but I just could not get past how utterly superfluous the female journalist was.

I have a hard time imagining a Wall Street Journal journalist would spontanously chase a story about a group of adult men playing tag without even consulting her editor, (not uncommon in movies, I know). I kept looking for a good reason for her to be there, and it just never came! It was so obvious she was there for exposition, it was painful. And she stopped being exposition after they told her they play tag, and just became a random person tagging along! I concluded early on that she was Jerry's actual fianceé, sent to spy on the guys and get to know his friends, before betraying them at a crucial moment. When Leslie Bibb showed up I concluded that she was a hired actress, but no.

The female journalist was so bland that I kept waiting for SOMETHING to happen to her. I hate this trope but I would have almost prefered for her to become the love interest of one of the guys, but that didn't happen either. I didn't even get the feeling that she'd become friendly with the guys - heck, I don't even remember if she had a name!

It was a good movie that subverted some tropes and fell straight into a couple of others. I liked that the fianceé was supportive the way she was, and I'm glad that it had a more 'realistic' ending than a happily ever after where everyone got paired up, but I'm sorry, I just cannot get past that Wall Street Journal journalist!! I'm so confused about it that it's making me angry!
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Offended and disappointed
11 May 2009
I just saw this movie, and as a Dane, I'm offended and disappointed. It was just so... bad! The plot seemed unoriginal, the cast was .. well, disappointing, and what happened to Paige's hair? Movie 1 it was brown and straight, but now it's unnaturally curly and blond? And the actor? Kam Heskin? Not really...

But what I had the biggest problem with was that this was supposed to be about a Danish prince, and that most of the movie is supposed to take place in Denmark, yet there were no Danish actors (in the first there was at least one), and the actors who where supposed to be Danish couldn't even speak Danish properly, and they almost didn't speak the language at all! I know Danish is a hard language to learn and to speak, the Queen of Denmark's husband doesn't even speak it that well after many years in Denmark, but then you need to employ at least A FEW Danes, instead of just teaching the actors a few words.

Most of the characters' names weren't good either. I don't know if the writer researched Denmark or Norway and Sweeden when finding names, but names like Rosalind and Edward are very rare, and not exactly typical royal names. Harald is not common either, at least not in Denmark. One of our princes' is name Felix! Joachim! Christian! Frederik! I have a whole list of this that seem wrong about the movie from a Danish perspective, I just needed to vent a few.

It just really annoys me that they couldn't take the time to make an effort. I heard the first movie was inspired by the love story of our future king and queen, Frederik and Mary, and in that case, I'm offended on behalf of the royal Danish family.

Gads, that movie was bad.
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