
2 Reviews
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The Case for a Creator (2006 TV Movie)
it's a bit like Science, but with a twist
2 August 2009
I've seen this documentary knowing of its Christian biased view because I honestly wanted to learn what is the scientific evidence in the natural world, to a supernatural god. And although I've learn the reasons why the producer and director think like they do, I have to say, they should update their arguments. the director shows interviews with some scientists and philosophers where they basically say that it is impossible for life to exist without a creator, due to the fact that it would be improbable to happen any other way. and this is a problem. not one, I'll repeat, in the whole documentary there is not one evidence of god mechanism at work, not one proof of god as a creator can be seen. the whole premise of the argument is that the scientific knowledge we have now is way too incomplete and has gaps, therefore a creator must exist. but wait, wasn't it always like that? wasn't always the core of religious ideas about the universe, based on the lack of knowledge we had? don't scientists keep on working trying to find more and more?

I was disappointed with this documentary not due to the underlying religious views, but because i was expecting to actually find an intellectual case for a creator (you know, it says in the title), but instead I have this ongoing presentation of what science is still looking for, and then with a twist justifying the existence of a creator because those gaps exist.

and by the way, no, I'm not afraid of confronting my own convictions like the previous comment refers to. that's what I was expecting from this documentary. it just didn't happen.
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Heckler (2007)
Critic, not Heckler (misleading title)
29 July 2009
this film has several problems but not one related to what the film was supposed to be about. Heckler starts great and for about 30 minutes I really enjoyed the film. then, a change of subject happens. This film should be called something else because it is not about hecklers.

I'll try to keep it simple and positive - what I've liked; first 30 minutes. situations in several stand up comedy acts where we see how professional comedians deal with hecklers. not only that, it is also nice to hear their opinions on the subject.

the rest of the film? well, I don't even know what to say. it completely changes the subject. it is not about hecklers, it is about a plague called offensive film 'critics' (which I acknowledge that it is a serious plague). however I thought I was going to watch a film about hecklers (you know, with the title and all) and instead I get this guy feeling emotional about how these guys on the internet and newspapers treat his work.

I mean, it is nice to see him confronting some of these 'critics' and you kind of wish that this stuff could be done more times, but after a while it is just boring. (is this a criticism? can I write this? because you know, that's what I felt. it was boring. no personal attacks to the director or any cheap slander. I m talking about the rest of the film. Boring. )

sorry, it was a bit painful after the half time.
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