
1 Review
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Mindless Prejudice Prefers Easy Rumors And Innuendo
14 April 2009
I too, am disturbed when the popular media is made to serve the easy-bigotry of its creators. In this case, the historical record of the Catholic Church's repression of rivals makes a tempting target for those having pre-existing animus against the Papal See.

However, history repeats itself and now it is the Catholics suffering a sort of media witch hunt, ironically. But exaggeration of the actual numbers of Inquisition victims does no service to the cause of Truth. Unfortunately, I feel the exaggerated claims of this program have trivialized the historical facts it has sought to dramatize.

Likewise, I prefer verifiable sources and referenced facts to the urban legends repeated by lazy or intellectually dishonest people who defend this manipulation with further rumor mongering that states "PROBABLY greatly santised", and then (predictably) offer no citations to back up their "probable" claim.

However for the thinking audience, "probable" is not enough. Transparency of the producer's methods and use of legitimate source material for any claims are the minimum consideration that this show's creator's owe its viewers.
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