
6 Reviews
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Vanity Fair (2004)
Costumes steal the show
22 October 2005
I was intent on viewing the film if only because the costumes were so enticing. And I was thoroughly satisfied. If you appreciate craftsmanship and imaginative period designs then I don't think you'll be disappointed. My emotional being was moved by the costuming alone.

And, as for the rest of the flick, it was to be enjoyed by a romantic at heart. I have not read the book, thus two issues arose: a) I got lost here and there, unsure whether a marriage or a death or some other event of considerable proportion occurred. As much as this bothered me, issue b) would deem that I did not know what I was missing if so great a plot were skimmed over. So, even though I may have been confused at times, seeing that I am unfamiliar with the novel's intricacies, I could fairly easily thread scenes together on my own. Honestly, this made me want to read the book even more.

I recommend renting the DVD--it was a worthy 2 1/2 hrs of entertainment and stunning visuals. If you go in with a laid-back attitude to be taken for a ride through 1800s England and aren't a stickler for details, then you'll surely enjoy it.
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Monster (2003)
Charlize steals the show
22 March 2005
After having seen an actual documentary on Aileen Wuornos (dir. Nick Broomfield), I had to see what all the fuss was about Monster. And, to be honest, I've never been a fan of Charlize Theron. I give her full credit--his was her role, she stole the show. Theron truly embodies Wuornos, she transcends most acting performances on the big screen.

As for the rest of the film--it was most satisfying overall, excepting Christina Ricci's portrayal. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for her, she's just too pretty for the role. If you watch Broomfield's doc you'll see what I mean. In the manner of accuracy, she didn't seem to add much to the film. Make sure to check out the doc and Monster to get the most out of it all.
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Man of the House (I) (2005)
11 March 2005
It is rather infrequent that I have such a strong desire to walk out of a flick and this was one of those times. What can I say, it was utterly boring and flat, with little (if any) chemistry between the actors. Why did Tommy Lee Jones sign up for this piece of crap? I left the theatre questioning how movies with this ridiculous and stupid a premise get made and even imagined in the first place.

It's not that I don't like cheerleaders (I mean, I don't really, but I did like Bring It On because it was well-done--well-written and well acted), but seriously folks I could have done a better performance than any of those gals. It's hard to pinpoint what exactly went wrong, when most of the movie was just, well, wrong. The script? Must've been a rushed job. The plot? Someone must've been stoned when they thought of it. The acting? Should I even start in on it?

Nothing original, just a waste of your time and money.
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Pixote (1980)
"either you deal or you'll get dealt"
7 April 2004
Pixote is probably the most powerful film I have ever seen. An aspect so rarely attained in most films is the gritty reality that Babenco exposes with paramount ability and care. It truly will stay with you forever--you will be touched in such a deep way no matter who you are, no matter where you're from, no matter what movie genre you favor.

Considering that Da Silva's own life was one of the streets, leading to an early death at nineteen, when he was killed by corrupt cops in a drug raid, the film becomes all the more disturbing when we realize that Da Silva truly is Pixote in a circle of life imitating art imitating life.

With no reliable source of aide, these street kids are forced to exist at a most extreme disadvantage. The brutal truth in this film may be difficult to digest, but we can't turn a blind eye. Ultimately, words aren't strong enough to do this film justice, you'll have to experience it yourself.
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The Party (1980)
what a classic!
20 May 2003
To be honest, I was surprised to read that so many other Americans had watched this film in French class--I also experienced it in my high school French class and thought it was ridiculously entertaining (and was surprised we were even allowed to view it!).

For the fans of the 80's genre as well as of foreign films this is a must-see! It's goofy, risque and just plain bizarre sometimes, but it is completely worth a watch.
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Dreamcatcher (2003)
what sort of nightmares does Stephen King have
22 March 2003
To begin, no I have not read the book, so who knows how my comments would be otherwise... However, I can say that I did enjoy the film. I am not one to go out of my way to see an alien sci-fi thriller sort of flick, yet I can respect and enjoy all sorts of movies. Dreamcatcher managed to be a film that held my attention all the way through, something very few major pics achieve these daze.

Yes, I may just be that strange individual (or perhaps immature, but I have to warn you that I am far from a 14 yr old boy) who could find humor in gastrointestinal issues and nasty crap exploding from peoples' anuses. This lowkey style of humor rocked my world.

More importantly Jason Lee had a fairly major role and he rocks my world, too. There's something about him that draws you in, despite his dorky demeanor in this film. And the fact that Donnie Wahlberg was Didditz, well I don't even know how to comment on that, let's just say I was quite impressed/surprised.

Overall it was an entertaining movie. The way in which they draw you into Jonesy's inner world is really well done, and I have to give the actor props for his external battle between normal Jonesy speak and British alien dude (should we even question that alien accent).

Bottom line: I'm not a big alien movie fan, but Dreamcatcher caught me with its style and wit. After seeing it I can only begin to imagine what runs through Stephen King's head on a regular basis.
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