
6 Reviews
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Handsome devil
29 December 2010
On to the movie, it was pretty entertaining as far as indie films go. Jamie Sheridan played a complex, tortured and in the end, cowardly role. The destruction of his own life and other women around him is very sad indeed and art mirrors life. Not the happiest film certainly not a four star but certainly worth renting if you like something different than buildings getting blown up and cameras that spin. The tender scenes both gay and straight are done realistically and leave little to the imagination where sex is involved. I like Jamie as an actor and I was surprised that he took to this role and even more surprising was seeing his name as one of the producers. Good for you, Jamie. Handsome indeed.
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hitchcock kiss
11 September 2007
My Mom and I just watched this movie on DVD, not the greatest copy but very very viewable. some really good and creepy scenes that almost reminded me of the old black and white The Haunting. Also, there is a scene where the hero and girl are attending a 60's wild night club complete with Go Go girls in cages, I howled, but then the mood deepens as they stare at each other in lust, pure unadulterated lust. I was almost embarrassed for my dear sweet old Mom as the couple meet lips and violins swell and the camera swirls over was truly a hitchcock moment. It was a long hot kiss and they end up horizontal. Worth the price of admission alone. I read one comment that there is no gore, HA! The opening scene where the magician pierces his wife on stage, plenty of blood and you see the sword goe thru her body! not for kiddies! To buy this movie on DVD, go to, click on movies and television and type in Two On A Guillotine. Look for the DVD cover with Romero's picture. It'll be a black and red cover. It is DVD and widescreen and excellent copy.
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rather watch water boil
27 November 2006
This movie was awful, not funny and the acting was unfabulously bad bad bad. You want funny and intelligent, watch Adam and Steve. That was a howl. You want romantic, watch Mambo Italiano or Kiss Me Guido. You want a young ensemble cast on a shoestring budget yet enjoyable and lovable, watch Lie Down with Dogs.You want to be bored soft, and watch a gay train wreck with the cast ad libbing and going way over the top, watch this nonsense. Just awful. And the people who did laugh at this? I want the drugs that you are on. The worst acting was done by the character Sunny the real estate dealer. She growls and squinches her face to let us know she is angry and the potential buyers run out of the house. Yeah, that's funny alright. When she gets out of her funk, she dances on tip toes and sings as she twirls around the room. Yeah.... that sounds like laugh out loud comedy.
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The Roost (2005)
I didn't like Halloween the first time either
5 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As my headliner said, the first time I saw John Carpenter's Halloween, I thought "why the hype?". It didn't scare me, I remember feeling tense but with no real sense of release or pull out the stops non-stop horror. But the one thing Halloween did do to me was got me wanting to see it again. somehow the suspense created in that movie kept it intriguing, mysterious and above all Haunting! so, when it came back out to the theaters after its initial release, I went and saw it again and loved it. so much that I have seen Halloween ad naseum. The Roost had this effect on me last night after viewing, I thought.....huh. suspenseful, well done, grainy artsy inventive not unlike the first evil dead with Its Bad Sound, grainy pics, etc. The Roost kept me glued and tense throughout the whole movie. I wanted Evil Dead but got something else. I wanted Blair Witch but got something else. The Roost just could be a classic waiting to be realized. I will watch it again and savor the suspense. (spoiler alert!!!) best scene that I recall after the one viewing that sent Shivers up my spine is when dead Grandma goes by the window with the guy hiding in barn oblivious that she'll be coming round the corner when she comes..... heh. give it a chance like I gave Cabin Fever, which of course I now love as everyone else does. Roost beats hell out of the Hollywood schlock release Bats.
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Prophecy (1979)
Don't Move, Don't Breathe, It knows you're... good eating!
20 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
when the commercials first aired all over the TV with the "Don't Move Don't Breathe, It Knows You're There!", I was really psyched up about seeing this. Also I had read the David Seltzer Excellent Read the year or so before. When we finally saw it at the theater, I walked out feeling kind of "eH". It was okay, but I thought the monster could have been so much cooler like it was in the book. In fact the monster in the book kills a grizzly bear by swatting it so hard, half of the bear is skinned in midair! When I saw the pics of the monster, I thought it was that bear from the story. "Surely that can't be the monster, the monster has to be so much CooleR!! nope. Looking back, I was disappointed, hoping for it to be such much better But now I can't get enough of it. Maybe as an older wiser guy, I appreciate the fun, and the good juicy horror scenes interspersed with some messages. It is very relaxing to watch and wait as the suspense builds up for the horror scenes. some of today's movies just don't get it and try to slam you over the head with nonstop action and camera shots and angles so goofy and fast (Thirteen Ghost remake...oh so bad) that you can't decipher what is happening. I also Love the Monster as it is now and wish they could come up with a model from the camp scene. that would really SnaP!! get this on DVD! and Paramount, how come no extras? Not Even the theater commercial? Paramount has got some good movies under its belt, but won't give them the proper treatment. All the Friday the 13TH movies for example.
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loved the Trailer!
10 May 2006
I have recently found it on video, probably a pirate copy but none the less.... I remember vividly sitting in a dark theatre with my folks and the theatrical trailer for this came on the screen. A bus full of SCREAMING girls goes careening around a mountain road and I believe the windshield gets smashed or something as shocking to my young mind. Thats all I remember and for the longest time i thought the title was 13 SCREAMING GIRLS! When I finally came across the pirate video, I was somewhat disappointed that it was more of a spy thing than a haunted house kind of thing. Check out the superior Castle film I SAW what you did (and i know who you are). Now, that 's a film that delivers what this should have.
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