
12 Reviews
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Painkiller (2023)
18 August 2023
What a sensationalized piece of crud. This is no more than an exploited fictional work of someone's imagination. Drug addicts are going to be drug addicts no matter what they have to do to get drugs. I know people who suffer from real pain and taking away effective medications have hurt the ones who really need it. Not only that but now that the actual drug addicts cant get prescribed medications we have a fentanyl problem in this nation that is being ignored and people are dying by the scores because of it. Thinks like this series perpetuate lies pushed by people who dont understand what real pain is like.
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Single's Inferno (2021– )
Single's Super Slow Getaway
7 April 2023
This show is so proper and filled with conscientious comments that there is nothing "inferno" about it. The challenges are weak and the paradise dates are filled with appropriate dialogue and them eating. You would expect some heated sultry action with a title like Single's Inferno but there isn't any of that. Eight episodes of people just talking and then in the end they get to hold hands to say they want to date.

There is no real drama, no passion and no love triangles. It is more like watching awkward people trying to figure out how to flirt for the first time.

Then there are the "spectators" which remind me of the guys on Most Extreme Challenge, but with none of the charisma.
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8 November 2022
What happens when you take a decent movie about Japanese lore and try to make it a John Wick, girl power knock-off? This inane piece of garbage where John Wick is actually mentioned. I gave it two stars because the fight scenes were tolerable, unlike the writing, acting and dialogue. This is a horrible grab for views using a popular movie. If you feel the need to watch, just go in knowing that there is nothing really redeeming about it and could be entertaining if you are doing other stuff and only pay half attention to it. There are better things to watch on Netflix if you want a strong female herion.
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Elvis (2022)
What is that accent?
2 September 2022
The thing that caught me off guard and actually ruined the movie for me was Tom Hanks accent. It sounds way more like a bad German accent than a man from the south. Is that what Tom Hanks thinks of people from the south? Does he associate the south of American with '40s Germany? Either way it was distracting that I couldnt concentrate on the movie itself.

Everyone else seemed to play their parts well enough. Too bad Tom Hanks has become so full of himself. He is actually the reason I waited to try and watch this movie when it was free through HBO Max. Even being free it couldnt be rescued from Hanks.
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Ugh, I hate to be the one to say it...
22 June 2022
This is unfunny from the overly scripted Lilly and Jane bits to the female comedians. Even the ones that are funny cant save that poopshow that this is.
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Not only is it slow, it's depressing
20 June 2022
With the cast of actors and actresses in this movie I thought there is no way it could be bad. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. While they all deliver in their respective parts, there is zero development for any character. The pace is very slow and the movie carries a heavy tone the whole time. The laughs are few and very far between.
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Just not good
16 May 2021
After watching this I finally realize why they usually go after big names to voice cartoons. The voice acting is just bad and having a female actor voice the main character who is a teenage boy is a horrible choice. All that before we get to the anti-oil message of the film. Do people not realize everything oil does? I know they don't but I don't need to see indoctrination coming from a child's cartoon.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
What a piece of garbage
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with you getting a back story on a horrible, disgusting woman who conspires with doctors and elderly care facilities to put old people away against their will and take all their money, homes and vehicles for her own gain. She is the kind of person that deserves to buried in a shallow grave. She puts away the wrong old person who is the mother of a Russian mafia boss. The Russian comes after her and nearly kills her. BUT miraculously she survives her car being dumped into a quarry filled with water, after they put water directly into her lungs to speed up the drowning. She them comes back and takes down the Russian mobsters, all by her lonesome. It is such BS that she didnt get what was coming to her, took down the mob and everything else that ends this movie.
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True paranormal investigation
27 December 2019
I see all the low ratings because people think the show is staged and one person even said "vague" evidence and I have to think people don't realize that all of the shows in this series are a conglomeration of their complete investigation which spans months, even up to a year, in the location. This is not your weekly tv show where they spend one night, two if you're lucky, and make a decision. The evidence they collect is always pretty shocking because of the time they spend in each location. So I suppose that if I wanted to watch a show like this and the evidence put before on film would alter the way I had to think about the universe and my surroundings I would call it fake, vague, staged and even fugazi, too. Lucky for me I am not so naive about the afterlife. All that being said, other than the first couple "A Haunting on ...." (where they weren't as experienced at presenting their evidence) the series presents some of the most shocking evidence of hauntings I have seen on a consistent basis from a show. This episode (for lack of a better term) does not disappoint. I suggest watching it with a very open mind as it will test some people's belief systems but if you can you will enjoy it.
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It's ok...
5 May 2018
As a fan of the real Infinty War saga in Marvel comics this film held no surprises other than the fact that it lacks so many of the heroes that actually faught in the war, including the one that saves the universe (and I'm not talking about Captain Marvel that the epilogue eludes to). It was entertaining at the time but it really was nothing more than a "look how many big name actors we fit into one movie" experience.
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Variety (1983)
Past garbage is still garbage
8 February 2015
This movie was horrible. The description has nothing to do with what happens in this movie. The critical reviews just prove that critics have no taste. This movie is slow paced and goes no where. 80% of the movie is her following a guy around that bought her coke at the porn theatre she works at. The rest of the movie is disjointed discussions with her boyfriend or her selling tickets at the theatre. If you like really slow go nowhere movies that are the quality of a movie recorded from TV on your VHS player then this movie is for you. If you are looking for something with a good story, good acting or semi erotic (like this is advertised as) then look else where.
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That's My Boy (2012)
One of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time
18 June 2012
I went to see this movie for Father's Day with my teen age kids and wife. All five of us were laughing the whole time, as well as the rest of the audience at the time of our show. Anyone who says this movie is not funny or a waste of money really needs to either get a sense of humor or maybe should not go see rated R movies. This movie is filled with classic Sandler humor from start to finish. It even has twisted feel good story mixed in for added measure. Almost every joke was a crude one and every member of the cast was in on them. I would have no trouble going to see this film again and laughing just as hard as I did the first time. IF you like to laugh and you like Adam Sandler you need to go see this movie.
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