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The Bear: Ice Chips (2024)
Season 3, Episode 8
Jamie Lee Curtis is Stunning
21 July 2024
This episode reminded me of my own experience with my mother who drove me, during a blizzard, to the hospital when I was in labor. I'll never forget sitting in the waiting room, full of expectant fathers, who visibly reacted whenever I had a contraction. My doctor was a woman, somewhat unusual in 1980. When my mother pounded on the labor room door, demanding to be let in ("I'm a registered nurse!"), my doctor asked me if I wanted her to admit my mother. "NO, PLEASE!" I immediately replied. And my doctor held fast and would not allow my mother in the room. Fortunately, my daughter was born in less than 20 minutes.

But during the entire episode, I was struck by how well Jamie Lee Curtis played the role of Donna/Sugar & Bear's mother. She was brilliant, ranging from obnoxious & pushy one minute to motherly and caring the next. This time, she didn't become violent & shared with Sugar that she was trying to change. (If this had been my mother, I would have been shocked). But this show follows Donna's frequent stages of estrangement with her children in a fair and convincing way. I was happy to see that she earned an Emmy nomination yesterday for her guest appearance in The Bear.
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Midsomer Murders: The Maid in Splendour (2004)
Season 7, Episode 5
Barnaby's New Persona?
31 May 2024
Although Barnaby has never been especially warm towards his deputy, Sergeant Scott, he is incredibly nasty towards him in this episode (Maid in Splendour). It almost seems as if he's jealously guarding his daughter (Cully) from him - as this is the first time Scott shows an interest in her. Basically referring to him as a deadbeat, yanking the wine bottle from him at the dinner table, accusing him of "drooling" over women during interrogations, and warning him not to be stupid are oddly out of character for Barnaby, who's usually kind to his Sergeant. True, the writers have added gratuitous buffoonery to Scott's dialogue with Barnaby (i.e., the film festival), but this too seems over the top. In fact, there were few characters in this episode who *weren't* over the top. The exceptions were Joyce & Cully. I've only watched up to this episode (Series 7, Ep. 6?) so maybe he goes beyond the pale in other episodes, but I was very irritated by his behaviour in this episode.
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The West Was NOT Won. It Was Stolen.
19 February 2024
An overly simplistic view of American Indian vs. Colonists' views of our troubled history. Treaty after treaty was made by the U. S. and then broken There is not a single treaty made between the two that wasn't broken by the U. S. That is roughly 1647 to 1984. The Treaty made by the US and the Lakota, for the Black Hills, is one of the most aggriegious. There weren't even ttraties made before US soldiers advertised for Indian Scalps ($5/men, $3/women, $1/child) in the Daily Cal -- UC Berkeley's newspaper. Who among you is descended from those who would kill infants for money?

Someday, I will count the number of treaties. Suffice it to say it was in the hundreds. I wrote my Masters Thesis at MIT on the treaties of Salamanca, NY and the U. S. The revelations I found were confounding. Check it out.
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15 November 2023
Fun seeing Vittorio Gassman in his first Hollywood picture. Funny coincidence: at first I thought the Hungarian dancer, Tanya/Bella was his real-life wife, Shirley Booth. I rewatched it on TVM to confirm that it wasn't. I'd read Shelley Winters' autobiography, and remembered that she'd been married to Vittorio Gassman in the 1950s. In any event, the actress who plays Tanya, Robin-Something, gives a wonderful performance, as do Vittorio Gassman and Gloria Grahame. There are several hateful characters in the film, especially the landlady's son, a fat pervert named Eddie, but for the most part, the characters are just doing their jobs, including the NYPD & the Immigration authorities who seem determined to spoil Displaced Person, Peter's chances to find a permanent home in the U. S. But I most enjoyed seeing Manhattan as it was when my parents were dating, before they were married.
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6 November 2023
I disagree that the original "Man Who Knew Too Much" is inferior to the remake. It's way better and I think, given the time period, mid 1930s, its plot and storyline is more feasible - more likely to have occurred then, rather than Morocco in the 1950s. The actors were impressive - especially Leslie Banks, Edna Best, and Nova Pillbeam, the actors who portrayed the father, mother and daughter, the Lawrences. Peter Lorre was his usual chilling best and that scar on the side of his forehead only helped to make him more terrifying. It was fun to see the similarities with Foreign Correspondent, which Hitchcock made only a few years after this film. I will definitely rewatch this as I prefer B/W films, and watching this was a bit like time-traveling.
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The New Adventures of Old Christine: Hair (2009)
Season 4, Episode 19
11 October 2023
I wish I could watch this episode again now ("Hair," S4, Ep19), but I guess I'll have to wait until one of my streamers runs it. There's a particular scene towards the end that I won't divulge because Spoilers, but just the same, I burst out laughing merely by remembering it.

Basically, it entails New Christine being blamed by the mean parents at Richie's posh school, blaming her for being his being "Patient Zero" in the new school-wide lice infestation. Without proof, simply by sharing false rumors about her, they've made her feel so dejected that she goes to great lengths to prove them all wrong. Watch to the end - the ending's quite good!
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The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Christmas at the Berzattos
5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode reminded me a bit of my family's Christmas dinners. Estranged family members sometimes make it back, sometimes don't. Everyone's on edge, waiting for the scene that will inevitably close-out the evening. I was irritated with the way the Berzattos pronounced "Brasiole" and other foods (NOT the Italian way), but I enjoyed the steps Natalie took to keep her mom from drinking too much. My biggest surprise was finding out that Donna Berzatto was played by Jamie Lee Curtis. She was totally unrecognizable - I'd never have known it was her. She gave the best performance I've ever seen of hers. I must rewatch it now that I know it was her. All in all, a very good episode - star-making for several of the characters. Amazing.
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The Dark Wind (1991)
Very Unfaithful to Hillerman and Navajo people
25 August 2022
A friend of mine worked on this film. A fellow American Indian, she asked why the leads (Chee & Leaphorn) weren't played by American Indian actors, she was told it was because "there aren't any box-office Indian actors". It was insulting to have Lou Diamond Phillips and Fred Ward take the leads from Indian actors. "Dances with Wolves" came out tight around this was scheduled for release. Despite not having box-office Indians, it was a hit. And Dark Wind went straight to video.
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Seinfeld: The Deal (1991)
Season 2, Episode 9
One of George's Best Lines in the Entire Series
9 November 2021
Jerry and George are at Monk's Café, discussing Jerry & Elaine's deal for having sex without falling into relationship traps:

"I know less about women . . . Than anyone in the world, but the one thing I do know is that they are not happy if you don't spend the night. It could be a hot, sweaty room with NO air conditioning, and all they have is a little army cot THIS WIDE (picks up one of his french fries to show Jerry). You're not going ANYWHERE".
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Ted Lasso: Midnight Train to Royston (2021)
Season 2, Episode 11
Did NOT xpect to love Lasso. But I love Hannah Waddingham and Sam most of all.
1 October 2021
What is Season Two? Great/Sucks/Great/Sucks. I even love my grandmother's jewelry, stolen from her current "recovery home".
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Poirot: Wasps' Nest (1991)
Season 3, Episode 5
Peter Capaldi! Peter Capaldi!
25 August 2021
One of my favourite Poirot episodes. Beautifully acted by all four leading actors. The venture into 1930s fashion was superb. I always enjoy Poirot for the careful detail and attention paid to period details - clothing (esp. Hats), automobiles, architecture, furniture, and, especially, scenery. Watching Poirot is like time travel. And to have one of my favourite actors, Peter Capaldi (Local Hero, 1982), was such a treat. He plays a fantastically eccentric character, and though the role is minimal, he plays it to perfection. The plot is a treat as well. Without giving anything away, suffice it to say it is unlike any other Poirot dramatization in this wonderful series.
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The Crown: Paterfamilias (2017)
Season 2, Episode 9
Poor Poor Prince Charles
30 April 2021
I watched this series in anticipation of Prince Phillip crying poverty and begging for a rise in the Royal Family's allowance from the taxpayers. Was surprised to discover that both Prince Phillip and Prince Chuck were abused by their own fathers. It made me sick, this history. Boarding School is difficult enough when your parents support you. It must be brutal when they don't. Such cruel, cruel fathers. Happy to know Prince Chuck put an end to this tradition.
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Bed of Roses (1933)
Beautiful Jail-Bait, Constance Bennet, lures Kathryn Hepburn's Tracy Lord character into a life of shame.
11 March 2021
I think I just said it in the title. Constance Bennet and her jail-mate, Minnie (("Minerva")) for con(fidence job)s, are released on the same day. Watch immediately for all the banter. It's some of the best pre-code banter ever. Even better than My Man Godfrey.
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The Office: Stairmageddon (2013)
Season 9, Episode 19
Best Episode of the Season
10 February 2020
I hesitate to review this too warmly, as it may lead to over-expectations. But this is the ONLY episode that made me cry when I laughed . . .
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Foyle's War: They Fought in the Fields (2004)
Season 3, Episode 3
Love That Foyle
24 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Foyle is always fun to watch, not the least because it's educational. But this time, I got to learn about the Women's Land Army. Fascinating. The character, Betty, was marvelous. I was hoping she and Foyle would pick up later . . . .
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Big Little Lies: I Want to Know (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
eXtremely Disappointing
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Unfair, perhaps, because the first series was almost perfect, but I was so happy because it seemed as though Bonnie was going to get a fully realized - eroica - storyline. She was not going to be just the murderer, nor the token misfit in the creamy white community. But NO: she has to be not only both those things, but unhappily married to top all off. In other words, she was never entitled to her position in the community as she was faking it all along.

As for the members of the Monterey 5 who were not traumatized (Madeleine and Renata), only one of them received their just desserts, in my opinion: Renata. That storyline was delicious. Both partners deserved each other and Laura Dern's performance was brilliant. She really deserves a Golden Globe, Emmy, and SAG for her performance in the second series.

Madeleine, the Story's Chief Villain, is the only one of our Heroines who is rewarded in the end - or at least, she is the most richly rewarded. A decidedly unsatisfying result in this day and age.

Finally, I think the subplot that disturbed me the most was the sensational sexploitation of the domestically abused Celeste. That twist came out of the proverbial left-field and seemed to serve no purpose other than to satisfy some perverted writer's fantasies. It was wholly unbelievable and cheapened the entire series - it turned it into a low-grade soap opera.
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Deadwood (2004–2006)
The Most Faithful Western Ever
6 March 2019
As an American Indian, I wasn't allowed to watch Westerns when I was little. So of course, I watched as many as I could. My freshman year at Stanford, I got an "A" on my review of John Ford's Western in Film History. In 2004, I watched Series 1, Ep 1 of Deadwood with an open mind. It didn't disappoint. Since I'd gone to Catholic School for six years (grades 3-8), I wasn't at all offended by the cussing. I was only shocked by the pigs' occasional diet. Had never heard that before.

The use of the word "massacre", describing the BATTLE between Custer's troops and the Lakota and Cheyenne at the Little Big Horn is confusing to me. I thought "massacre" only referred to armed soldiers/marauders who killed *unarmed* women and children and men of all ages (cf, Sand Creek Massacre and "Battle of Wounded Knee"). Custer's defeat came after he and his men invaded Indian Country, far better armed. So I reject the "Plot Summary" IMDb lists here.
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Law & Order: Asylum (1991)
Season 2, Episode 4
Lemonhead is Brilliant
3 March 2019
This is one of my favorite episodes. And "Lemonhead" is my favorite guest actor EVER in this series. I especially love when he answers, "Come in!" when someone knocks on the door to the interrogation room. His scenes are wonderful.
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Roma (2018)
As an American Indian, This is What (Someone) Thinks of Roma:
24 February 2019
Roma was beautiful. So appreciate that an actual Indian actress was employed. -Yes, it's undertood that white/gringo people prefer the media's nomer, "Native American" - but Indians don't.

Anyway, Re ROMA: Appreciate Alfonso Cuarón so much more after this movie, and cheered when he won "Best Foreign Film" for ROMA at the Independant Spirit Awards tonight. Hope this movie wins Best Movie AND Best Foreign Film at the Academy Awards tmw night. oK - and Best Cinematography.
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