
3 Reviews
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No Ordinary Family (2010–2011)
If You Like Superheroes, This Is Your Show...
27 September 2010
I'm a huge Marvel fan, and I found myself fascinated with the Pilot. As the other reviewer mention it feels rush, but that is always the problem with pilots, so I tried to see past that and enjoyed it already knowing what to expect from a pilot episode.

The acting was great, the visual effects were great, maybe in the theaters they would've looked fake but for a TV show they were topnotch, the writing was 'meh', but it has the potential for improvement.

Can't wait to see if they can grab all the potential the pilot showed and turned it into a classic. Hopefully it won't end up like Heroes.

And I wouldn't say it's a mix between Heroes and The Incredibles, IMO it's actually more like The Incredibles meets Fantastic 4.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
As the Mad Hatter said, Alice has lost her Muchness.
8 March 2010
Let me tell you, been waiting for it for almost two years; it was mid '08 when a friend of mine said to me; "Burton is doing an adaptation of Alice in Wonderland!" a) I love the animated version b) I like Burton. So this became my must watch film since then.

So, obviously I had huge expectations. Did the film meet them? I'm afraid it did not; to me it looked like a Disney product painted by Burton, not like a Burton product distributed by Disney.

It looked amazing, give me Wonderland over Pandora any day, and the 3D was awesome.

The customs were brilliant and the score amazing as always.

The acting was one of its high points as well; loved the March Hare it remind me so much of the animated version, Helena Bonham-Carter as the Red Queen owed Wonderland, our leading lady did a fabulous job, she has great potential to become something great, Johnny Depp as always fits perfectly in Burton's world, Anne Hathaway was over the top perfect, subtle, and her unique charisma contrasted beautifully with Helena Bonham-Carter's wicked character.

The screenplay was weak, for someone that wrote such great scripts like Beauty & The Beast, and The Lion King, I was expecting something with more heart.

Rating 6.50/10, but I'm willing to give it another try in a couple of weeks but in a 2D screening.
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And you thought your family had problems?
16 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
****This may contain minor spoilers**** The Storyline: Wow, this movie is a revelation. I mean everybody is all "It's about a junkie and her sister's wedding." Well I disagree.

This movie it's about a family trying to struggle against a tragedy that happened several years ago. And how the blame of that said tragedy lies on the shoulders of our lead character Kym, and how she seeks for attention and forgiveness the wrong way, which makes her create a catastrophe days before her sister's wedding.

The wedding represents harmony, a moment to share with your family and friends. But in order to get there you need to get over all the problems and differences you have with them. Kym was not able to do so, first she never forgave herself for what happened to her brother, and second with people treating you like crap and not able to forgive you makes the first one more difficult.

This movie was written so beautifully and the way it was directed and acted make it one great journey into their world, very personal; it felt like you were just another guest feeling awkward because they were trying to fix their issues with you watching.

The characters: It was very easy to understand and sympathize with Kym, at first you think she is just a rebel kid playing the "no one understands me" card, but after she tells all her partners in rehab about her brother you just want to get up and hug her.

To me Rachel (the sister) was a complete immature, she was suppose to be a Psychologist right? So then how come it was so hard for her to understand her sister? I know girls want their wedding to be about them, and they will freak out if someone tries to steal their thunder from them that day (That's what we learn from Annie the last time we saw her on the big screen, right?) But come on! The father was just trying to hard, paying way to much attention to Kym and protecting her, that made it come all the way around, which was his true feelings; unable to trust Kym.

The mother was just a b!tch. It was obvious that she just ran away from her misery life and left her family, not making herself capable to go step by step trying to move on. And it was obvious she never regretted that. Not wanting to be part of the wedding and for me it just felt she was there because she had to.

The Groom was just perfect, he stood by her fiancé every moment, was very supportive and neutral not taking sides.

I also want to add something; everybody complains about how long some scenes were; the rehearsal dinner, specially the toast scene, about the dishwasher scene, and how Kym blame mom for everything.

The toast scene was a bit long, there were too many people taking and it was just use to learn more about the background of the family. It could have been shorter though.

I completely disagree with the dishwasher scene, that scene just show us that they did love each other and were happy about the wedding and enjoyed their selves as family, but that little thing in their past will always be there and will never let them be what they wanted to be.

And that scene with Kym and her mom was the best of the movie. Kym didn't go there to fight her mom and blame her, she went there first because she had no other place to go, and about when she asked why she left her son with a junkie, she was not blaming her mother, she wanted her mom to tell her that there was good in her and that she loved her and trusted her, that she was her daughter and she never saw her like a junkie, in other words, she was looking for sympathy from her mom.

Last but not least, Anne Hathaway was at her best here.

I have to be honest I only watched this film because she was on it. And I'm glad she was, because this movie is a must watch, and if it wasn't for her I would've never watch it.
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