
2 Reviews
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Great Low Budget Film
16 January 2012
This little film doesn't set it's sights too high but fulfills it's brief perfectly. Execution is nigh on faultless. Great acting, particularly from James Kristian and Kimberly Wintle. There's one conversation between the girls that evokes the simmering enmities of a million shared houses in all it's painful reality. All the observations from college life ring true, and of course there is identification with the core dilemma. There's also a good role for tea which any quality British film should have. Certainly worth a watch and a larger distribution. Well done to all concerned and I look forward to your future work
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Funny bloke with a camera
13 February 2003
To me the film centers around the central character's efforts to live life on his terms. These terms might be summerised as with excentricity, love, and gentleness. It is both sad and funny and really touched me. I'm not sure that it has a distributer yet but I saw 50 films in 2002 and I reckon this was the best.
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