
4 Reviews
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9 September 2010
To hell with all the nay sayers. If you like spoofs & parodies & laughing in general then you'll love this flick. I laughed my ass off from beginning to end! Hell yes it's cheddar & corny but so what. It's rude, crude, & socially unacceptable & I absolutely love it. So tired of all the these Judd Apatow movies. Don't get me wrong some of them are funny but hey it's about time someone called him on that romantic garbage and made a real comedy. Ha. Really funny stuff here. So if you have a sense of humor and want to laugh then watch this movie. The people they got to parody the famous actors are pretty dead on for a parody especially a straight to DVD one. Thank god for Blockbuster or I never would have seen this flick. So I encourage anyone who watches this movie and actually likes it to log in and give it a good review I can't believe it only has 3 stars. Madness. it should be a 9 at least ha.I like to laugh, sue me.
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Extraordinary Tale of the Surreal!
31 May 2010
Terry Gillian at his best! If you wish to escape from the boring into something extraordinary then do so with The Imaginarium or Doctor Parnassus. My ONLY regret with this film is that I just discovered and had no idea it existed. MUST SEE FOR ANYONE WHO LIKES TO DREAM! Hope you enjoy it as much as me & my family did! Ledger puts on performance truly worthy of being his last film. Tom Waits is the perfect durbied devil. As for the rest of the cast I can't say anything bad, and must ONLY give them PRAISE! It's SO refreshing to see a new Gillian film. The man is a TRUE VISIONARY GENIUS! Anyone who hasn't seen other Gillian I HEAVILY RECOMMEND THEY DO SO IMMEDIATELY! I also recommend The Adventures of Baron Von Munchusen one Gillian's earlier films which involves a theater troupe as well.If you enjoy this film you will surely enjoy it.
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Goregasm (2007)
Must watch at least one
9 May 2009
Come on, the killer's named the Cockface killer...what good expectations could one have for it in the first place? With that being said, this film does not fall short on its delivery of over the top slap stick gore shock! It's definitely not for most Conservatives and not for most devout Christians. I love the C.L.A.M.!!! When I first heard that I cracked up! Definitely worth watching at least once. If you like bad low budget cheesy acting with lots of senseless gore this flick is for you. There's tits, weed, blood, & lesbians what's not to love? Because of that I give it 10 out 10! Watch, love it, tell your friends, and memorize your favorite lines. Don't forget to check out the band from the film the Pallbearers! I took the time to and was not disappointed! Enjoy!
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Hilarious!!! Mel Brooks does it again!
3 March 2009
I have to say that I was iffy about a Spaceballs cartoon, much less a flash one at that, but after the 1st episode I've become addicted!!! I love the original film, and hope that this series is laying the ground work for Spaceballs II: The Quest for more money! I like the fact that the series parodies more than just Star Wars, though it still does, see "Return of the Sithee" if you doubt it, but it works! I am disappointed that the show didn't get enough publicity. I just found out that it actually was made, after reading rumors about a new movie/cartoon for years and never seeing any progress. I'm not even sure if it did get aired or what channel it would have come on. Nonetheless, I am glad it exists..but if people want to prevent a new movie from being made, citing the poor rating of this series, I think they should realize had there been proper promoting for the series, it would most likely still be on the air. Good stuff! It's great to see that Mel Brooks still has it! Keep it up!
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