
2 Reviews
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30 May 2005
This movie should be required viewing for ALL Americans, our allies, and anyone who's ever considered f**king with this great nation. Team America embodies the bravery and dedication that America is all about...we don't back down from any one or any thing. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are silly and vulgar with South Park (not to mention downright blasphemous), but Team America makes some real statements about patriotic duty and is even poignant in certain parts (I almost wept when Gary visited the Viet Nam War Memorial). I put this movie up with my all-time favorites, Red Dawn and Black Hawk Down. America: F**K YEAH!
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Misunderstood masterpiece
30 November 2002
This movie actually surpasses the original novel, because of amazing performances by John Glover (Smallville) as Brother Leon and Wallace Langham (Veronica's Closet) as Archie Costello. While typically labeled an 80's "Coming of Age" film, this is not a feel good teen movie like "Dead Poet's Society" or "The Breakfast Club." This is a dark story about human cruelty and manipulation, no more "Coming of Age" than "Donny Darko."

Director/screenwriter Keith Gordon attempted to moralize the ending...a mistake from an artistic standpoint, but probably wise, considering the audience (American public). Consequently, most viewers are confused, rather than angry, with the outcome of the movie. Just another example of a masterpiece too realistic and uncomfortable for mass consumption.
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