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Darkest Hour (2017)
Gary Oldman nails it !
26 December 2021
This was a fairly accurate depiction of Churchill's personality and character. His effective use of the English language to inspire the British people was legendary, and many of his words will be almost as immortal as Lincoln's. Gary Oldman has given a great performance. Lily James was also well cast as his secretary. The almost impossible task of successfully evacuating 300,000 troops from the shores of Dunkirk went a long way in convincing the British people that, indeed, Churchill was the right man for the job.

The movie probably could have been much longer and still would have held my interest. The one brief scene involving Roosevelt was depressing and did not accurately reflect the eventual very close friendship between the two men. Roosevelt quietly assisted the British war effort in every way he could before we formally entered the war.

Although Time magazine named Einstein as Person of the Century, Charles Krauthammer thought that it should have been Churchill. This movie gives some indication as to why.
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The Tingler (1959)
Hokey "horror" flick
29 October 2021
I remember when this movie came out. I was 11 years old. The cheesy special effects made me laugh. A rubber "monster" and you could see the wires that made it move. It was gimmicked up by putting vibrating buzzers on select theatre seats to make them think The Tingler was gonna get 'em. I'll only say one thing complimentary about it. It was apparently the first movie to depict an LSD trip, and it shows Vincent Price reading a book about the effects of lysergic acid injections, although he uses the term "micromilligrams" which is a misnomer. Oh well, the easily entertained and easily scared might like it. Just be sure not to wet yourself from laughing too hard.
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A walk that goes nowhere....
20 May 2021
I read the Bill Bryson book and absolutely loved it. Of course, it was a true story about 2 guys who may have been a little older than average, but they still managed to walk more than half of the Appalachian Trail. This movie, however, is a joke. Two out of shape OFs in their 70s walk the AT?? Don't make me laugh. These two wouldn't have even made it to the starting line at the summit of Springer Mountain, much less 3 or 4 states. There are so many discrepancies here that I hardly know where to start, but let me list a few. After all the walking, they manage to lose no weight, their gear looks the same as when they started out and their packs don't look anywhere near as full as they would need to be to embark on such an excruciating journey.

They seem to spend more nights in motels than on the trail--any AT hiker knows that this is ridiculous. Motels are days or even weeks apart in many places.

They are shown cooking dinner over a fire. Any serious AT hiker knows that there is no firewood laying around on the overused AT--not even at the shelters--everyone uses a small gas or butane stove.. And of course, in the Hollywood-ized version of events, everyone's theoretical nightmare of sleeping in the mountains, a bear attack, magically materializes. There are no brown bears in the eastern U. S. But wouldn't you know it--they managed to locate the one domesticated brown bear in the U. S. who is trained to rear up and growl menacingly on command.and he manages to show up at their campsite. Wow--what a coincidence. Every AT hiker know that the biggest problem animals that cause havoc on the Trail are......MICE that inhabit the shelters. They are everywhere and get into everything No food on your person or in your pack at night.

So it seems as though the writers and producers didn't do their research very well and just wanted to throw a bunch of contrived situations at you to get a few cheap laughs. So if that's all you're looking for, go see this movie and you might be laughing enough to get your money's worth. But if you really want to see a fairly realistic movie about what it's like to walk a long distance trail alone, see the movie Wild with Reese Witherspoon.
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Dersu Uzala (1975)
A Kurosawa masterpiece
15 May 2021
The stunning Siberian scenery in this movie is probably the only glimpse of this remote region that most people will ever see, and a place where few humans have ever been. A beautiful story of friendship between a Mongolian hunter who lives there and a Russian soldier who is part of a team surveying the area. Each one is a stranger in the other one's world but gets to experience it. Which ultimately is more brutal--the wilderness or civilization ? Probably the best story of friendship that I have ever seen. The ending is very moving. Won the Oscar for best foreign movie.
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The Fugitive: The Judgment: Part II (1967)
Season 4, Episode 30
The final suspenseful and happy ending
10 May 2021
I remember the day almost like it was yesterday--Tuesday, August 29,1967--it was the night before classes started my sophomore year in college. The large TV lobby in the dorm was packed to the gills--standing room only by the time I got there. No matter--I was willing to stand for the best TV show I had seen so far in my life.

We finally got to see what actually happened the night Helen Kimble was killed. And the one-armed man finally getting his due.

And it was a memorable experience. I remember narrator William Conrad's final words after the upbeat happy ending-- "August 29th, 1967--the day....the running.... STOPPED ! And the whole room applauded. I was undyingly loyal to this series.after I went away to college, it was the only weekly show I watched without fail. The highest rated Fugitive episode and in 1967, one of the highest rated TV shows of all time.
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