
2 Reviews
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The Paradise Virus (2003 TV Movie)
A cheesy B-movie, which is exactly what I wanted! It did not disappoint.
12 February 2022
Melody Thomas Scott and Lorenzo Lamas are great in this movie. The plot is typical, cheesy, light sci-fi and exactly what you'd expect from a Saturday afternoon movie of the week from PAX. Nothing too gory. Nothing too violent. And it's a love story! LOLZ

This isn't an Oscar winning movie, but it is light hearted fun on a Saturday afternoon and worth a couple hours of your life if you like B-Movies.
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Battlestar Galactica: 33 (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
Soooo boring!
20 April 2020
This was dreadfully slow. There wasn't any explanation as to what was happening except one character saying something like 'why do the cylons come every 33 minutes'. They were writing on a dry erase board and one guy was wearing a shirt and tie??? This is supposed to be Sci Fi??? I got so bored I fell asleep 33 minutes in. THAT should be why it's called 33.
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