6 Reviews
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Boring crap HBO - B "movie"
2 April 2012
I'm not even halfway through this flick and getting so bored that I need to go and get another beer.

I'm logging in to give you guys my piece of mind.

This "story" is just so confusing and not even worth wasting your time on. What is this? A redneck entertainment? Who wants to hear about the misery of a B-coop loser and a B-lawyer loser in New Oreleans?

This is just run of the mill - HBO boring sleeping between the commercials junk.

Why do people waste their time making a movie of a novel story that should never be written?

I want a refund from Block Buster for a movie that should never hit the shelves!




: (((((

by the way - I REALLY hope that the beautiful 50ies car was just a Hollywod decoy. If they destroyed a car like that for this piece of crap movie I'm going to chase down the director!
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Mr Goofy and Mrs Loser did it again! Time to pack it up and retire!
18 February 2012
We went to Blockbuster to find something for the kids for the weekend - and just seeing Adam's face on a DVD cover makes me throw up even without any food in the stomach. However I had to give in as the kids picked this movie.

I watched it between the house chores and cleaning up after the Sunday dinner and sat down with a beer halfway through the movie. The kids looked dull and I had not heard any laughters yet - just to confirm that they made a bad choice.

Adam should get the #1 goofiest movie award and get out of Hollywood. Seriously all his movies are just nerdy and this time he is playing a double role of his "twin sister".

It's a shame that someone dragged in Al Pachino into this dumb and dull movie - such a great actor has really sunk low in his old days. Why on earth does he waste his time on such crap? Then we have loser #3; Katie Holmes. She is probably still trying to convince her husband that she still can act. Cute as she is, she does not need to waste her time in Hollywood with Tom's millions of dollars that he is throwing around. She should stay home and raise the kids. That Tom Cruise is still flushing out money to the Scientology sect is just a shame. One day he will wake up and find out that he wasted half his life and millions of dollars to support the cult leader David Miscavige who is living a luxury life on his accounts.

Katie! Last thing we heard in the gossip magazines was that you are leaving Tom because of Scientology? GOOD! Make him chose! Your acting might give you better roles and chances with him out of the picture.

This is a seriously dumb and dull movie. The kids didn't even enjoy it and next time I will remind them about Adam and his goofy escapades.

No wonder we never saw it in the theaters and it will probably also be very short lived in the RedBox stands. Barf!
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Seriously lame and pathetic! Should never make it to the Red Box
23 April 2011
Friday night - kids are out on town for some fun and wife has gone to bed early and being bored I picked up a movie for myself.

Found "Mr.Machete" on the cover and expected some action and good relaxation to some snacks and a beer. Didn't expect much - but halfway through the movie I wondered why this movie was released in September 2010 and there was not more than one more review until today.

I found out pretty soon as I was dozing off and took breaks to the bathroom and loading up on some more beer.

Is this some covert promotion for what is a scam anyway? "Jesus". The movie had not even finished and I was typing these notes as it was ending. It was so boring and lame that I wanted a refund from Blockbuster! The actors are all B-actors and the owner of the company can not even fake a cry when he pretends that his wife is going to leave him, why he needs a 3 weeks vacation to turn his marriage around. The manager of the office who is doing well is hated by all the employees gets to run the office while the boss is away.

"Mr. Machete" - Mexican scarface B-actor comes along and wants "his money back" that the manager owes him from having skipped town years ago when he started a restaurant that failed.

Being the boss for 3 weeks - he fires all the regular crew and takes in a bunch of homeless people that he finds on the Jesus freak mission. They can not even read or write and magically they learn that over some days and turns into a success! Collects the $150,000 in pennies to the dollar collections and takes the cash to the gangster who he owes the money. He gets killed by a drive by shooting and . . . .

What is wrong with this director? Are they smoking crack in Hollywood and then make a movie of some fantasies? Or is this what America is heading for? "Rebuilding America with homeless people who runs Wallstreet when it has all crashed"? I didn't expect anything out of this movie but it just really got me upset thinking that some fake Jesus activity is going to set everything straight. The first review person needs to wake up and not be so lame. The movie was "released" 6 months ago and first now it was out on DVD? Oh boy! It should NEVER been have released and those actors should PAY for letting us sit through such meaningless Jesus brainwashing crap! This flick wasted 90 minutes of my life!
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Rabbit Hole (2010)
Do we need another heartbreaking sob story in today's real world?
13 April 2011
Nicole Kidman (ex Cruise) is a great actor and is constantly trying to keep up with her ex-husbands' past success. Tom Cruise by the way seems to be fading out and is not having much success as he insists hanging on to the cult Scientology and they are most likely milking him on as much money as possible.

However - this story is just not what we need on the big screens today. To me it was sad music all the way through and good acting with how to experience pain and the misery and trauma around losing a loved one.

Reminds me about another Scientology couple; John Travolta and Kelly Preston who lost their son due to an "accident". Lots of mystery around that death and cleverly covered up.

What all these Hollywood stars should do is lose their connection to Scientology. They would do much better without it but can not do it "officially" based on whatever threat they are imposing on them for quitting. Scientology claims their success, but that is not true, they are just parasites to naturally skilled actors. Some are brave enough like Nicolas Cage. He did it when his wife Lisa-Marie Presley failed to get him interested in the cult. He got rid of both Scientology and Lisa-Marie as he felt that they are just after his money. Good job Nicolas! See! He is more successful than all the rest of the "Scientology stars" together! This sob story just wanted me to get my money back from the video rental! We don't need to be reminded about more misery. You guys that like that stuff can pick up a book and crawl up in a corner and read it for yourself.

Cheer up Nicole!
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Battle of Los Angeles (2011 Video)
Save your $1 at the Red Box!
6 April 2011
Started off watching this movie and expected the worst. Correct - that is what I got and as many of the previous reviews above I agree. This movie is a joke and pretty much a commercial for the lame US military! It is so pathetic and lame that you don't know if you are going to laugh or cry. I'm glad I could stop the DVD and go to the bathroom several times, but I should have let it run as I know I wouldn't have missed anything.

One hero Sergeant who thought at the beginning of the movie that he retired from 20 years of faithful service, is being pulled right back into a war with aliens attacking LA. He becomes the "hero" that takes out the aliens command station and there the battle is won. Lame! While watching this movie I thought it was pretty good CGI, but still very unrealistic. Just another studio movie with skilled high school boys who know how to run a computer graphics programs.

We are being invaded by aliens!? You gotta be kidding me. This is such a joke and a MISDIRECTOR.

You have to understand that the threats of our everyday life is not from outer space - it is from ON THIS PLANET and the small group of guys that want to run and control everything. While the media is being totally manipulated and spitting out false information, we are being brainwashed - even by movies to think that we are "under attack". There is no reason for war and there are plenty of supplies and energy sources to sustain life for all people on this planet.

All similar disaster movies around 2012 is gearing up to make you think that something like this will happen - well, it WILL and it is all generated by our own clique of control freaks that just can not get enough money and power to retire.

What is being broadcasted here is another brainwash for the audience to make them believe that the "army" is the hero and America is saving the world! It is so pathetic and you have to be willing to look past the irony of the attempt to control our population.

You MUST be willing to discover the real truth and send out a wakeup call to all the people that are being fed false information.

As we are speaking we are being robbed and pillaged of all our resources by our very own government. We are about to get it to civil unrest for real from inflation and hyperinflation. The dollar is being crashed intentionally and you need to understand that this movie is just a distraction to make you believe that something bad is coming and "get prepared" and America will save you! The truth is that something really bad is about to happen and you better be prepared for real! Do some Google search and YouTube search on HAARP and then watch all these movies that are free streaming on line: www.zeitgeistmovie.com Find out for yourself before it is too late.

I you want to find out how to get prepared, there is another website where you can do your own study and and you will get plenty of information and from the Google search on this site; www.amero.mx This movie is a distractor to what is really coming. Get informed and study up on what is really going on. The Battle of LA could be named "the battle of the us population" from the evils controlling most things even above the governments.

Don't waste your time watching this movie. If I could give the rating it would be a -10 as it is just false propaganda for a fake operation and "preparing" the population for a DISASTER which will be happening soon anyway. Study the links above and be brave to find out!
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Airline Disaster (2010 Video)
Worst movie of the 2010
4 July 2010
Totally agree with the 3 previous posters - no need to elaborate on the same points. But there are so many things that does not make any sense. 10 hijackers have guns on an airplane? How is it possible to get through any security these days with a gun. The special FBI agent runs around with her gun and when she does some swift kicks supposed to be looking like some martial arts, they blurred the movie so you can not see any moves. The sky martial, an old retired man in the back corner looks like any old gentleman but totally scared and pulls out a cell phone and texts "I love you" - stands up and pulls out his gun also and one of the hijackers pops him. He knew he would be shot? It was so lame.

One third through the movie I wanted to turn it off, but I left it running while doing other things at the same time, just throwing an eye at it now and then.

It was B-acting, lame stunts, the air craft take offs are animations and so obviously studio done.

Do not waste your time on this. You will have a better time washing your dog or pulling weed in the backyard.

The producer should be billed for putting out such low quality stuff. This DVD should hopefully not even make it to Block Buster, NetFlix or the Red Box.
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