4 Reviews
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Halo: Combat Evolved (2001 Video Game)
2 December 2009
halo has to be one of the worst favorite games on the xbox.

basically it is just a shoot'em up with good graphics and 0 storyline. personally i don't like sci fi shooting games but if it had a decent story line it would be good but no. this is the crappy age of gaming where even nes games had more storyline than today's games, specially on xbox. i feel bad that there are so many devoted fanboys today to defend this pile of s!@# when it doesn't deserve it please don't fall prey of the good graphics.

call of duty is better

i give it 2 just for the graphics
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What a joke...
20 September 2009
this "show", just like every creationist one, is just one more blow to Christianity. they use no evidence whatsoever to disprove evolution, that they think is a religion, except the infamous banana proof which isn't a proof after all. kirk is just a moron who says "atheism is growing" and thats bad that people are getting conscious, and claims that christians are being censored. by whom though? So this "great show" is Christianity vs atheism not considering all the other religions around the world but just the Christian one. and i still cant get over the fact that they think evolution is a religion that ateists believe. when will they grow a pair and see that thats how life works instead of closing their eyes and ears and yell random stuff? 0/10
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Religious propaganda at its best
5 September 2009
How in the world did dreamworks make a religious movie for kids? This is just ridiculous propaganda that says its OK to kill babies because the magic man said so because he got angry at Egyptians. this fairytale to corrupt children's minds that Moses supposedly went through Nile or turned water into blood is just absurd. So basically they made a 2000 year old fairy tale look realistic to kids cause religion says so

I have to admit that The Prince of Egypt looks great and it has its good moments but that's all it has. The message is that Egyptians were evil and that Moses is our "Savior".

in conclusion, cartoons should not portray religious messages to youngsters because they aren't mature enough to handle them. 1/10
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King of the Hill (1997–2010)
The most boring, unfunny, and overrated cartoon series to date
20 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
King of the Hill is simply a boring cartoon series with some Texan family showing their troubles every day. If you are bored by that yet wait to see the episodes. The story goes so slow that it's even painful to watch and about that heart-warming thing that it delivers in the end, well i get that from the Simpsons, in a better way, so no thanks.

Of course, the boredom doesn't stop here. the animation is just horrible for a today's cartoon and, of course, all of the characters are a bunch of stereotypes mixed together that produce nothing funny. Speaking of stereotypes, there is a particular episode that made me personally angry (while i was bored). That episode with Hank's son playing football (soccer) instead of American "football" and that upsets Hank a lot and they characterize soccer as "girly" and showing off American football as the best choice (typical Americans). I guess the only reason why people like it is because it's pure American. (the flag is shown 100 times, trucks, American football, etc)

Anyway, there is really not much to say about the characters. Hank and friends drink beer and say "yep". His wife gets always obsessed or mad about something or someone. His daughter is plain stupid. His son has problems etc.

If there was a show to take off from Sunday afternoon this would be the perfect choice. 1/10 because cartoons are suppose to be funny or at least not boring.
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