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Wow just wow. Let me count the bad ways
22 November 2023
Bot just bad, but mind blowingly, despressingly, horrifically, nerve shattering bad. Bad everything. Writing, acting, plot, directing and editing seemed to be done by an 8 year old. Weird camera angles, unconvincing storyline and ridiculous bad sfx. Did I say how bad this thing is. Even if you were, drunk, high and zonked out of your gourd, this would still suck. Not a so bad it's good. It's so bad it's just BAD movie. I wonder were they found these "actors"? In a crack house? Some scenes didn't even appear to be rehersed. The director said, "hers the script, go at it". It just crazy and silliness on massive scale.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
What in the wide world of sports is this fresh hell
22 December 2020
DREADFUL, PITIFUL, AWFUL, HORRIBLE, MISCARRIAGE, UTTER ABOMINATION PRETTY MUCH SUMS OF THIS STEAMING PILE OF CRAP! Good God Bruce Willis and Thomas Jane must have huge debts to be cast. Needs to me removed and burned in public. Arrest the director and producers for inflicting harm on the public
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Kecksburg (2019)
Please abduct me away from the dumpster fire
20 December 2020
Good God this thing is horrible. And I mean a giant steaming, stinking pile of crap. Absolutely pitiful acting, none existent directinging, even worse writing and the negatives just keep piling on. I thankfully found this on Tubi, so it was free to view. And after the first 20 minutes, the thing stopped do to technical issues. The Gods we just in sparing me more of this tripe. Avoid at all cost
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Typical Found Film Tripe
29 November 2020
Why is it that people feel these found film, shaky cam, no budget backyard films are good ideas? Its all just lazy film making with zero talent individuals, no talent production crew and even worse writers. This crap is no different. Bad acting, abysmal story line, lacks suspense or horror, high school writing, and the shaky cam nonsense. Whoever made this movie should be banned from holding a camera or working in the industry again. Only leads to more garbage to pollute the airwaves.
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Daily Bread (2017– )
A worthy effort
30 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I found this by chance. I love these types of apocalyptic dramas. The series does have several flaws from weak acting, mediocre writing and plot, bad costume and set design, questionable science and much more. However the concept was interesting. It's a humanistic view on survival and trying to thrive when the world goes dark after a CME. I give them points for trying to get things accurate, i.e., prepping tools, collapse of civilization, and how quickly everything goes to pot. It should also be noted, this is a Christian production that tries not to come on too strong in its message. I appreciated that as religion need not drown out a moralist message and be entertaining. Reviewing the series webpage, the producers designed thus as some sort of vehicle for new talent to both explore their options, as well as showcase what they can do for the industry as a whole. God knows, pun intended, we desperately need an alternative to Hollywood. Despite its obvious flaws, it's still a worthwhile watch.
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Ahhhhhh. I want my time back.
27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet Mary Mother of God. Millenials really need to leave drugs alone. I knew going it this would be bad. But goodnight this turd is a putrified piece of crap. Nonexistent acting, no plot, no real action, Goofy characters doing unbelievably stupid things, followed by horrid special effects. While watching or rather riffing this mess with my wife, I commented "it's like they just gave a camera to a group of barflys, and asked them to be actors without any script or direction". Little that I knew at the time, this movie really didn't have any script. Sorry but I don't think improve works for any film. Especially one with untalented cast and crew. The zombies are incredibly slow, weak and nonthreatening. ***SPOILER ALERT*** Several characters make mind numbing stupid decisions like, walking up to a glass door full of zombies, to admire a cute zombie, and wait while said zombies break the glass and slowly walk to vote you. And where the heck is the so called Zombinator. Not is the any reason for the antagonist character reason for being. The paramilitary group is using RealTree hunters camp. Guess there was no budget for second hand military surplus clothing. Two 12 year olds and a have dozen 5th graders could make a better movie. For me this gets a firm -500 score.
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The Stray (2016)
Whats the point? Yet another badly conceived and executed mess.
2 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film, and I use the term lightly, seems written by a 5 year old. Poor dialog, script, editing and acting. I agree with a previous reviewer, that you can do a period piece on no budget. For example, the soldiers are all wearing BDU uniforms. Those werent even conceived and distributed until 1981! Next one of the military leaders is speaking in an Australian accent. Next the weapons used were not standard issue yet either. The homes, furniture and much more are way out of place. Lastly the plot is pointless and illogical. But seriously if you're gonna do a period piece, shouldn't the product staff actually do some research. Heck a quick Google search would have really helped. I don't mind if low budget movies have structural flaws. But that's no excuse for lazy film making and turn off an audience. At least the makers didn't load up fake reviews from friends. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this turd.
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From the Dark (I) (2009)
Complete and Utter Garbage
28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, and I use the term loosely, and just horrible from start to finish. Every was seriously bad. The acting was none existent, worse than amateurish, plot seriously contrived, writing was on a high school level and the director just phoned it in. Supposedly the plot revolves around some goofy frat kids having a drunken binge routine in the sticks. All of a sudden some random girl shows up collapsed at their door covered in blood. Apparently something has followed her and stalking all in the dark. ****Spoiler Alert****When the kids open the door and see her unconscious, said girl bolts upright sudden and says not to bring her inside. Then collapses back unconscious again. She did the a second time. Yet what made no sense is, is she was that lucid, why did she bother going to someone's door to begin with. Also she had been attacked the night before, walked all day through who knows, only to collapse the next night at their door. Just dumb plotting and pacing. Fails miserably as a teen slasher movie if that was the idea. I found myself rolling my eyes through it all. I tried to give it a chance but this turd assaults common sense and intelligence. Avoid at all cost. Honestly the rating on IMDB IS BOGUS. Too many directors and producers paying for fake ratings to trust the system anymore.
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Kill Switch (I) (2017)
A Highly Disorganized Mess
21 November 2017
OK so I have no one to blame but myself for this. I feel for the trailer in thinking this might be worthwhile. I actually rented it and boy I'm sorry I wasted 5 bucks. I'm only 26 minutes in and I already hate this turd. Where to begin. Well as has been the top complaint of most reviewers, it the over use of the ridiculous first person shooter style. Not only was is nauseating done, but seemed extremely amateurish as well. I get what the director was trying to do but it really gets annoying after 10 minutes or so. It actually started making me sick to my stomach and giving me a bit of vertigo. And that's really something as I'm a recreational pilot for one. I've also seen other shaky cam movies I.e., Cloverfield, Blair Witch and a few others. None gave me such a physically unnerving feeling. Next was the tremendously bad acting and writing. The cast couldn't impart any true emotions or express their personality or even humanity. I just didn't have any connection to their characters. The script as equally atrocious in not providing and real storytelling or environment to the film. Everything seemed thrown together and disjointed from scene to scene. There was no setup at the beginning of the film to give the viewer any sense of scope or development to the events. Individual scenes where disjointed and out of place. I also had a tremendous problem with the rather hokey science. As science fiction fans realize, you do have to suspend your disbelief often enough. I mean we're not expecting to see a scientific documentary, but this thing couldn't convince a 6 year old any of this were possible. The whole premise for the new energy source was stupid and juvenile. Yes the sfx were decent at times, and others looked like they'd been cooked up on someone's laptop and thrown in at the last minute as a scene filler or to try for the WOW effect. Oh and you me more gripe is this film gave no sense of scale or location. One minute it looks and feel like Europe and the next the US. I also apologize to our friends across the pond but, the European characters accents sounded wooden and annoyingly unemotional. Was this done on purpose to make it seem like the Dutch characters are evil, or just poor acting by the cast? Can tell which but it didn't matter as the remaining cast did such a horrific job with their roles. Plot holes abound and are so glaringly apparent that the film as a whole looks and feels like a bunch of YouTube videos stitched together to make one whole. Didn't matter in the end anyhow as this one is a major fail. Hopefully someone reads these reviews and saves themselves the headache and their cash. Stay away far away from this dog show.
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Mayhem (2017)
Brilliant, Exciting, Bloody Good Fun
19 November 2017
The perfect film for a lazy Sunday afternoon. I happen led upon this film today while looking for something interesting to watch. At first I was initially skeptical when reviewing the trailer and description. I was happy to see it staring Steven Yuen and Walking Dead Alumnus, Dallas Roberts aka Milton. But I feared this would probably suck as so many films staring former movie favorites do with type casting. Yet it I held out hope and boy I wasn't disappointed. Good to see Steven Yuen land on his feet in a starring role since his character Glenn got Lucille'd. What I found delightful was the excellent writing, gore, acting an social commentary. Who hasn't felt like punching your boss in the face. Yes the premise for the virus is a bit overblown and unrealistic, but who cares. The story carries well and it's fun to watch. We've all seen or had management types like those in real life, and it's the workers who suffer. Anyhow it was good to see they didn't try to rip off TWD, except for one part where someone's says a TWD famous painted statement. Fans will know it instantly when you hear it. I loved all the violence and gore scenes. Tastefully done without going overboard. Funny as hell with the banter between the characters. What's not to like here. Yes the ending was a bit anticlimactic but didn't ruin the film by any means. Overall it was just a joyful way to spend the afternoon. BTW, I don't get all the trolls on IMDb. The movie wasn't trying to win an Oscar. Honestly some folks have no life and just look for any shady reason to complain or criticize to be relevant. Good luck with that and just enjoy the show.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Absolutely atrocious reboot
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a serious disappointment. This thing fails on so many levels, acting, writing, dialogue, setting, plot, visuals, characters, political correctness, science fiction, and that paywall bs. But perhaps the greatest disappointment for me apart from the disconnect from the original Star Trek universe, has to be the discontinuity with the storyline. Spoiler alert...First obvious mismash begins with the bridge tech. Listen closely and you'll notice they're mixing bridge sights and sounds from TNG, TOS and DS9. The technology is far beyond where it should be if the storyline begins a decade before TOS. As some have pointed out, nothing in the original through Voyager had things like holographic communications, or super duper thruster suits.its as if the network suits watched a couple episodes from each series and cherry picked what looked and sounded cool. And I'm sorry, but the PC of everything now is getting old and self defeating. What do we now have to include China in everything these days. Or how they utterly botched the Kilngons character and mythos, the Human/Vulcan character was horribly unbelievable as was Michelle Yoh's character. Everything about this thing stunk to high heaven. I sincerely hope they weren't trying to attract real Trekkies to this mess cause the failed pitifully if they did. I also think Gene Roddenberry would have disapproved and demanded this thing be pulled or not attempted. It's too bad cause I don't think this will last long with this new generation. So unless the producers rethink and recreate this failed attempt, I don't see it lasting beyond two seasons.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Overblown hype with a health dose of boredom and super-unbelievably
1 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen the first (1990) movie version of this book, I was greatly disappointed and often too frustrated with this current iteration. This thing suffers greatly from a terribly slow pace. I mean it's so dragged out in parts, you could leave the room, go cook dinner, do the laundry and never miss a beat. The acting was mostly passable, but I found the main protagonist Offred, to be painful to watch and forced at times. The cinematography was good, but the dark and dank atmospherics left a bad taste in my mouth. Yes I know it's suppose to reflect a dystopian reality, but its overused.

But what really irritates me the most is the whole premise of this show. An earlier reviewer said it best, "it's too politically driven and not relative to the 21st century". The plot calls for more than a suspension of disbelief. You have to discount any/every common sense or that something like this is reasonably possible. It's as if the writers all got together and developed an idea that ALL Christians who somehow, completely overthrow the government, round up or kill hundreds of millions of other Americans, or at least convince people to throw off the old US Government, in favor of a Theological government ruled by a small and select few. even worse one ruled almost exclusively by white men.

Furthermore, it's an indictment against white women giving up any control or advances in order to kowtow to said men folk. I mean come on people, Christians have their moments of stupidity, but none are about to do anything resembling that. And then there's the issue of being politically correct in writing this mess. The producers and writers would have us believe all other ethnic groups would be in cahoots and allow this type thing to happen. In the original book, blacks and other undesirables are round up and placed in extermination camps, ala nazi death camps, and not integrated into this new society. The book explains that there was a limited civil war using nuclear weapons on its own populace which lead to the coup. In my mind, the premise of the novel would more appropriately fit this view.

Then there's the idea that women would so easily give up their human rights and be easily lead to breeding ceremonies. Forced rape is acceptable, but a single man accused of rape is torn to shreds? Come on really! But the coup de gras has to be (SPOILER ALERT) the handmaids are used as commodities to be traded? WTF. Now after all the build up and hyping the handmaids being vassals to breed a new generation to allow this society to rebuild and thrive, they would for some reason trade away their future. And as said earlier, ever hear about IVF? Would that not be more acceptable to such a pious society? This is the height of stupid ideas. Why cut off your nose to spite your face. If Gilad did such a thing, that would doom said country.

Again here is a perfect example of how the writers and producers just using that as a plot device to both exploit women or push gratuitous sex. It's just bad writing in my mind. Why can Hollywood make films without the need for explicit and pornographic sex. Instead or writing a good, solid, and believable human drama, we the audience are again subjected to using sex as a draw and going one up on the shocking sex. Yet another example of poor writing talent.

Lastly for me, has to be the total disregard for Offred's life and love for here husband Luke and missing daughter. Yes they touch a bit on their backstory, but Offred seems to have immediately forgotten all about her husband. Even if she thought he was dead. Barring Luke being a complete cretin who beat and cheated on her, I don't think this a reasonable assumption. Preferring instead to focus on Offred becoming romantically attached to Nick the Driver. This then would suggest that Offred is indeed a very loose woman who cares only for herself. Although the producers did do one episode about Luke, it's as if someone on the writing floor suddenly remembered Offred was married to him before and decided, "Hey guys maybe we should say something about Luke".

I just can't watch this thing anymore. Too many stupid mistakes, poor scripting, plot and slow as molasses pacing make this show unwatchable. The 1990 version and book were far more relevant and believable. I knew it was doomed halfway into the first episode. Still I wanted to be fair and give the show time to develop. Now it has become an assault to intelligence. Instead focusing on ridiculous, politically motivated ideals without a snowballs chance in hell if succeeding. Unfortunately there's far too many people who go for this sort of thing, regardless if nothing like it is remotely possible. Choosing instead to indict Christianity as the true Satan of our time.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Please kill this series
10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Oh boy where to start. First of all I was initially intrigued by this show and the premise. I had it in my Watchlist on Netflix for several weeks before deciding to binge watch it. Oddly enough I got an email from my sons high school administrator encouraging parents to "monitor" their child viewing. So off I went to watch and see what I should protect my son from. The first episode started interestingly enough. But quickly degraded from there. The plot had the potential to be a great story, soon though it suffers from contrived and unbelievable plot devices and story telling.

None of the characters are really likable. Especially the main protagonist Hanna and her mom. With Hanna I found her character tone narcissistic, over-blown, bitchy, needy and whiny. Sure I know many teens have a very tough time with teen angst and fitting in. Even more are subjected to daily bullying or pressure to fit in. But this character truly had nothing in my mind, that would lead someone to suicide.

In fact in found she was one of the main bullies. Consider why she seemed to blame everyone else for mistreating her or others, yet she herself instigated much of the same on her friends. Especially true for forcing her one true friend Clay to first be lead to believe he had something to do with her death, which he didn't, and to force him to seek revenge on anyone else she perceived slighted her. She even stood by and did absolutely nothing while her friend was raped. I grew quickly tired of her over done rants against everyone or trying to rationalize her suicide. Then her mother to me was equally bad. Blaming everything and everyone else for her daughters demise, completely ignoring her own child's culpability. I found both characters to be cringe worthy.

The rest of the ensemble cast are just one dimensional character who one could care less about. The acting was solid, but writing was sub-par for me. Too many plot holes and inconsistencies in character behavior and actions. Just made the series seem lost on only thrown together to shock the audience into sympathies for Hanna. It just didn't work for me. This is sad on many levels. In the end I agree with the school, that this show does nothing more than glamorize the very serious subjects of suicide and mental health.
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The Strain (2014– )
Started good, but time to end the misery
1 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I won't make this a long review. That would being giving this mess way too much credit. What started as an interesting premise, has quickly degenerated into a wandering, sloppy, stupid mess full of nonsensical ideas and plot holes big enough to fit the moon. The writing is atrocious, the acting sub par especially the annoying kid, the sfx were about the only good thing going for it. But the really silly and illogical things done like, the government only using 200 nation guard troops to defend New York against the vampire horde, people seemingly oblivious to vampires killing hundreds if not thousands off every night, and the lists goes on endlessly. Perhaps though the worst was the ending of season 3. ***Spoiler Alert***Dumb kid detonates nuke cause??? And our protagonist gang looks dead on straight at the explosion a mile away without suffering flash blindness, radiation poisoning, blast and debris damage to themselves? No really! They all get up and walk away without a scratch. Wow! There's not enough suspension of disbelief to cover-up that crappy writing. I'm done.
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My Refuge (2013)
Run away fast from this disaster
14 August 2015
This has to be the worst piece of crap ever to be put to film. Whoever gave this 4 1/2 stars must be with the film. Horrible acting, vomit inducing dialog, poor plot, crazy music and much more. Think of all the ways someone can screw up a movie and you come away with this. The editing, camera angles & special fx are amateurish. Not sure if a Christian group put this together. I so they should burn in hell with this turd. Save yourself 80 minutes And stay away from this garbage. Now I love a good apocalypse movie and give non-Hollywood productions a chance. I enjoy the human drama vs Michael Bay type movies. But this thing was a true let down. None of the characters are likable or even believable. This movie starts with a nuke being detonated in New Year. But the reactions to the event are just not believable at all. The teenage girl lead was annoying as was most of the cast. How this got to distribution is beyond me.
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Grave Mistake (2008 Video)
Oh how I hate thee let me count the ways
23 May 2014
Why is it that some people waste valuable time and coin creating such tripe. I usually love independent b movies, especially anything zombie related, but this dead mess is beyond redeeming. The horror is not the zombie horde, but the crap plot, crap acting, crap FX, crap directing and so on. I really tried to give chance but couldn't hold the puke any longer. The script writing is plain dumb. Character are not believable with actors who seem to be all related to the director. This is one of those movies thought up, written and shot in one day on a drunken stupor. The obnoxious dummy what started the infections was just sickening to watch. This has to the the worst movie I've ever seen. PLEASE do you mind and stomach a favor and pass this up.
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