
3 Reviews
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The Clearing (2020)
Wasn't impressed
3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Found myself saying really and no way a lot. I mean seriously had parts that made no since.. my glasses are missing a lense and shattered but I will leave them on my face dumb.. Don't start watching because although it is very bad, you can't stop watching..
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Extinct to a Highly evolving race?
6 April 2019
Show is not bad if you weren't a fan of the movies. If they were going to dive in with Critters being highly evolved and flying ships then they should have at least had a short prelude on how they went from extinct to what seems a large evolved race and how one of them ended on earth since the last 2 were sent into space to preserve the race.
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Return (2011)
Slow but portrays a realistic feel that draws you in
25 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is average and nothing special that would draw in a crowd. If your a movie buff and enjoy watching movies for the art and story this is a good one to watch. Acting was very good and draws you into her story and her life. The star of the movie Linda Cardellini really brings out the character and her emotions really show on screen. As you follow her throughout her life after she returns from tour, you get drawn into her life and the troubles she faces upon that return. Facing her past responsibility seems hard for her and hard to get back into the mom and wife routine causing many more issues as she struggles to trust her husband and take care of her children while adjusting to get her life back to the way it was before she left.
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