
12 Reviews
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Simulant (2023)
To Simulant or not to Simulant
9 May 2023
Where do I begin. Well, for one thing, the acting and photography/coloring/effects is great. I don't always judge a movie by how it looks, but sometimes I do and I give this one extra points for looking very good. Every shot is spot-on and whoever was hired to do the job should get a raise. The sound quality was excellent and that person should also get a raise. This was of course made by HBO and they have enough money to to make a high quality film. That being said, the story is just not done right. I feel like whoever wrote the screenplay should have put more thought into it. Then again, I know how difficult it can be to be a writer and create a screenplay that a director can use to make a successful movie. I think it was an OK movie. Not something I would want to watch again. Someone else might like it.
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What a "Joy" to watch!
18 May 2022
I have been a fan of Michelle Yeow ever since Wing Chun. That being said, this film was PHENOMENAL! I remember seeing the preview for it and thought "hmm, this looks interesting" then I totally forgot about the film until I saw it. If you're someone who is fascinated with the possibility of there being multiverses, this is the film for you. I don't understand all the 1 star reviews. Reading them just makes me think those people just hate any movie. Anyways, one of the scenes in the movie was just like a scene in Kung Fu Hustle and I really enjoyed that. Bravo to everyone who was involved in making this film!
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The Sadness (2021)
At first I thought this film was made in China.
9 April 2022
So, I looked it up and found out it was made in Taiwan by Rob Jabbez. What a MASTERPIECE! The special effects and actors were really good! This is like Hostel but even better! I had to cover my eyes and peek through them during some scenes. I hardly ever have to do that in the majority of gory films! This film deserves to be a cult classic! That being said, China would never allow a film like this to exist due to their government censorship. In that case, TAIWAN NUMBAH WON! CHINA NUMBAH TWO!
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This movie deserves better than 5 stars.
7 February 2022
If you're familiar with most of Stephen Chow's comedy, you will like this film. My only complaint is the computer generated imagery isn't more advanced. It feels like I'm watching a cheap Bollywood movie. There are some India references and colors that make me think this movie was made specifically for both China and India. And there is nothing wrong with that. I actually enjoyed it. That being said, it has different actors compared to the movie before it back in 2013 I think, except one person. I don't know if that is considered a spoiler or not. Anyways, it's worth watching! Enjoy!
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This was hilarious at times!
1 December 2021
The fact that it had so many adult jokes made it 10X better! The people who hate this film have no sense of humor whatsoever! It reminds me of watching the old cartoons back in the 70's, 80's, 90's that had so many adult jokes, but children could still watch it without harming their innocent minds. If you're a fan of stuff like South Park or Rick and Morty, you WILL like this film!
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Too many GD bombs.
20 November 2021
I'm not even a Christian, but I absolutely hate hearing GD here. GD there. Over and OVER! I mean, WHO THE HECK thought it would be a good idea to do this??? Those words are not even spoken at all in the original anime!
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One of the dumbest films I have seen in my life.
16 June 2021
What exactly was the purpose of this film? To throw money away?
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
This won an Emmy???
22 September 2020
One of the most boring "comedy" I have ever seen. What We Do In the Shadows is a THOUSAND times funnier than this big pile of stinking cow doo doo.
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Let There Be Light (I) (2017)
Your religion is due to where you are born and raised.
12 March 2019
There are many religions all over this planet. Most people won't believe in a religion unless it's a popular religion where they were born. That being said, this movie takes advantage of that. This movie talks good about one religion and talks bad about others. That is not acceptable. People should keep an open mind about other religions and cultures.
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Peppermint (2018)
One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I could not connect with any of the characters in this movie at all. The acting was stale. The directing was stale. The story was stale. I was falling asleep waiting for something to happen. THEN the action started to happen after half the movie and it was BORING. Who the heck likes these boring movies??? I mean, there seems to be a lot of people giving this movie a 10/10. What is this? Propaganda?! Did Trump direct this pile of turd? I did notice it had "bad hombres" smoking "reefer" in it. I'm a Republican, and if this is how low Republicans will stoop to make Mexicans look bad, I may need to rethink what party I am voting for.
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This is one of the dumbest movies I ever seen.
13 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's so dumb, it's DUMBDUMB! I have to write three lines of text about this movie, so here it goes. I saw a bunch of good actors in this film, so that means the director FAILED in making this a good movie. I could have directed this film a thousand times better than the director of this film. Mainly because I love films. I realize that directors have a certain time to make a film, but this film is the reason why they should be given more time.
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2012: Supernova (2009 Video)
I'm gonna go ahead and do a
28 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
/facepalm! this film had so much potential. it was like the director didn't care about the acting and just let them get away with bad acting? I'm sure the actors tried their best but c'mon! DIRECTOR DO YOUR JOB!!! I could direct a film better than this and I never made a single film in my entire life! it just makes me mad that a director can ignore how people act. what is he trying to do? is he trying to just make the film as fast as he can? are the actors irritated with the director and act bad on purpose? or is everyone in the film part of the whole "lets make is lame on purpose"?. I know I sound mean typing this but I was really looking forward to this being a good film and was let down. :(
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