4 Reviews
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La strada (1954)
La Strada and Cecil B de Mille
1 April 2018
Anthony Quinn who was Cecil B de Mille's son in law told the story of showing La Strada to his father in law. It seems that De Mille couldn't take it. He asked for the projection to be interrupted in more than one occasion. He was disturbed, confused. Maybe it was the simplicity, the total lack of artifice. Let's remember Fellini shot it in the immediate post-war Italy with no means whatsoever and here it was, a masterpiece changing the world of cinema pushing us to a reality that was as pungent as it was poetic. The heartbreaking story of Gelsomina - an extraordinary Giulietta Masina - and Zampano - a spectacular prime Anthony Quinn who plays his humanoid with shattering truth - went to become a global sensation and an Oscar winner. Apparently, after the film was over, Cecil B de Mille got up and left the room without saying a word.
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Marilyn Monroe in 1952
1 March 2018
1952 was just before Marilyn became Marilyn and 10 short years before her death. Look at her character here and look at her performance. She plays a psychopath. brilliantly. Look into her eyes and tell me if she's not totally there. Dangerous and tender. Thorough and insane. I know I had seen this film before but the truth is I didn't remember. Another plus is an early glimpse at the wonderful Anne Bancroft, billed above Marilyn here. For film buffs this movie is a total must.
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It happens when you least expect it
12 December 2017
Beauty in the midst of all the ugliness we're living in, it's like a shock. I wept like I hadn't wept in a movie since I was very young. It made me think and remember summers of my own life. It made remember sounds and smells. I was transported. The smartness, candor and gentleness of this unexpected love story goes beyond anything I've ever seen. Luca Guadagnino is rapidly becoming one my favorite directors working today. Armie Hammer completely demolished my preconceptions with a performance that is total perfection and I haven't mention Timothee Chalamet yet. No I need to dedicate the lasts paragraphs to him because his performance goes beyond perfection. I didn't know him at all. Now I' a fan. It reminded me of the first time I saw Daniel Day Lewis playing a gay punk in "My Beautiful Launderette" An explosion of beauty when you least expected. Thank you for that.
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Feud (2017–2024)
An The Winner Is....a classic
3 April 2017
The whole series so far is a rewarding surprise. No camp caricature here but a serious, incisive portrayal of two iconic characters. Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon create her characters based on Joan Crawford and Bette Davis with such virtuosity that every new episode allow us to go deeper without ever turning into parody. Their reality is parody enough. But what touches me is that Lange and Sarandon, taking our preconceptions into account, inspire us to look at this two women as human beings. My admiration also to Alfred Molina - Robert Aldrich? Wow! Absolute perfection. On the latest episode "And The Winner Is..." Two extraordinary moments: Geraldine Page (A superb Sarah Paulson) taking Crawford's call and surrendering to her request because "She needs it" or Anne Bancroft (a wonderful Serinda Swan) receiving Crawford in her dressing room. Bancroft and Page understand Crawford's agony even from a distance. Compassion at last. I'm enjoying Feud with all my senses. Thank you Ryan Murphy and everyone involved.
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