
3 Reviews
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Tempting Fate (2019 TV Movie)
Bad acting all around
16 June 2019
Lower than lifetime standards and that's low. bad acting can't hide. Where do they get these losers.
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Worse Christmas movie that I have ever seen.
16 March 2019
F bombs from the adults and the kids. Full of Despicable people. Just awful.
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Mother! (2017)
Like a very very very bad Rosemary's Baby.
15 September 2017
I wanted my money back. J-La should have picked something else. They never seem to connect with the Audience. Javier is so distance from her and it seems like she would say hey and slap him and and say hey dumb ass. Also why did she not call 911 on the first day or when the man is attacked in the house. Bizarre does not describe it. Psycho trip. No thank you.
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