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ER: Day One (1994)
Season 1, Episode 2
Day one Episode 2
21 August 2014
I like this one as it follows on from the pilot episode. With Mark being the doctor woken up. This time it is Susan Lewis who is woken up by a nurse. More chaos and character building in this one from the pilot.

It's great how each of the characters have different issues they have to face and overcome. You are kind of drawn into them. With Carter having to learn the ropes being a med student. Lewis is having issues trying to get help with a patient with dementia. You also get to see the family life of the Dr in this show and how much time and effort they put into it and struggling with people at home.

I also like how the show includes the background characters. it's not just about the main characters. Everyone in the hospital interacts with the main characters. Not like some shows were the 2nd characters are ignored sometimes. I always wondered how they found so many extras for this show.
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ER: 24 Hours (1994)
Season 1, Episode 1
Best Hospital show ever
21 August 2014
If you are ever going to embark on a TV marathon then this is the show to watch. Many many seasons of it. This is the starting point. Episode 1 season 1. It's a bit dated and stuff being in 1994 but it is still pretty good and fresh even with todays standard. There are some shows that are based on characters and some on situations. This is definitely a character driven show.

Even from this one the show knows what it is and creates a world with characters and vibe. It really feels like a real hospital. You feel for the characters and what they are going through. Pretty good. Even though I have seen it before many years ago. You kind of forget what happens and it is the kind of show with so much going on that you can watch it again.
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Lean Green Fighting Machine
18 January 2013
You would have to be living under a rock not to know who the TNMT are. Even if you don't like them you have to give them the respect that they deserve. Entertaining kids and adults alike for decades.

I have been a been a fan since I was a kid and am glad they are still around in one form or another. (Except if Michael Bay gets a hold of it. :) )

This form of the TNMT is great. They have taken some of the ideas from previous series and adapted it to this story. Nick has taken the ideas and applied them for a new generation to enjoy. The CGI is certainly a great idea and it gives the guys a modern look and I like that they have made them more individual.

Deep down the core of the story is still the same 4 brothers being a team and kicking Shredders butt. But it is more than that it is also about family and applying the things they learn from Splinter in everyday life.

Leonardo is still the leader. I like this one because he seems to be able to lead but still have a sense of humour. Some of the other series he can be a bit serious and always more worried about how to be a better leader.

Raphael is still the hot head. He always likes to punish the bad guys and ask questions later. And like the other series his aggressive nature lands him in trouble more often than not and a good source for conflict with Leo. (See Temper turtle)

Michelangelo is always fun and source of amusement from the other turtles. They always treat him like most brothers do with funny calls and giving him a hard time in a brotherly way. Especially Raph.

And of course Donatello, I don't know why but he always seems to be the one I connect with (Everyone has their favourite). He is calm, easy going. He seems to be the positive influence in the group always trying to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence. Although he doesn't mind beating a few heads with his bo staff to get his point across. Plus the other turtles would be lost without his tech knowledge and ability to build awesome turtle vehicles and smoke bombs.

What ever your fancy this show has something for everyone. Little kids and big kids alike.

Don't think about it too much Buy it, download it, watch it, enjoy!
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Supernatural: Dead in the Water (2005)
Season 1, Episode 3
21 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
it's probably no mystery that I'm giving all these episodes 10 out of 10. It's just a brilliant show like a moving piece of art. I hope it ends up being one of those classic shows in the future. Great plots, great characters and the ability for the shows creators to write and make a TV show that makes you feel like your watching a blockbuster movie.

This one is no exception. With a spirit in a lake killing people by drowning them. The back story to this one is pretty good as Sam and Dean always research what ever they are dealing with and talking to victims friends and relatives posing as different authority figures. I don't know how they get all of those fake IDs and badges.

It's great that we get to see Dean expand his character in this one and show that he is not all ways a smart arse, picking up girls like he does at the start. We get to see Dean use his charms to connect with a young boy of one of the victims.

And the scenes in this are pretty good especial the sequence with the girl in the bathtub. And the end is really well done and has a great pace on it to keep audience on the edge of your seat.
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Supernatural: Wendigo (2005)
Season 1, Episode 2
great 2nd episode
21 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As far as I'm aware this show is like a snowball rolling down hill. it needed the next episode to expand the 2 main characters. After the explosive pilot they needed something that was different and could get the 2 brother talking about there situation. with Sam not able to sleep over his girlfriend's death.

Plus I like this one with the father sending the brothers, after they find map coordinates in his journal, out in the middle of nowhere to what looks like bear attacks. It has Dean following his father blindly and Sam questioning his orders. But at least they both agree they want to find Dad. But according to Dean he would have a better luck winning the lottery than finding him.

The creature in this one is okay as well. Something that use to be an Indian living in an underground mine eating campers near buy. They go out searching for one of the victims with his sister and brother. And it's interesting that the plot involves them helping someone find a missing family member.

I love Dean giving lip to the guide that Haley (the sister) brings. It's pretty obvious that he has no idea what he is dealing with right up until the point when the Wendigo gets him.

You shouldn't skip any of these episode because they are all great to watch and have funny bits in them. As well as a some on going character development.
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Supernatural: Pilot (2005)
Season 1, Episode 1
Best Pilot ever
21 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you have never seen Supernatural then you can't watch it with out first seeing the Pilot basically the show evolves around the first 5 mins of the show. and the events that took place 22 yrs ago. it sends the father obessive path to hunt down the thing that killed his wife. Driving his 2 sons around the country and hunting down ghost stories and urban ledgends and killing things that are evil. Dean is just old enough at the time to remember his mum (or mom) and understand his fathers goal. Where as Sam is a mere 6mnths old and doesn't remember any of it.

Sam appears to be a typical law student at Stanford university until his brother drops in. Telling him his dad is missing and they have to go and find him. Sam is loyal enough to his family to drop what ever he is doing and go help his brother.

We are also introduced to the 3rd character in this show th Impala. That's part of the lour of this show is the tone and the vibe of a story of 2 brothers driving, in an unreal car, the back roads of America, leather jackets, trunk full of sawn off shotguns, rock salts gasoline and all kinds of weapons for fighting evil. This is where I think it differs greatly from what other people comparing it to the "x-files". They even manage to put humor into the show and poke fun at themselves, even in the pilot when Dean calls 2 FBI agents Moulder and Scully.

The first place they go is the last place they heard from Dad and encounter their fathers previous case. With the 'Woman in white' who appears on the highway at night and ask unfaithful men to drive her home. The actress who plays the ghost is awesome even if she is a suppose to be a ghost. The blinking effect they use on her to make her a supernatural ghost is a great effect. and having her disappear and reappear in the car is really creepy.

The Winchester brothers investigate the disappearance of local men in the area and also using fake IDs and credit cards find their fathers hotel room. We see he has left all his stuff there so he must of been in a hurry.

i love the bit where the cops arrest Dean after the cops are looking for the dad, and ask him if he has anything real on him and he says 'My boots.' And Dean is able to get his dad's journal and sneak out of the sherries office. There is areally well done shot of Dean escaping down a ladder. the DOP of this show is awesome.

After they figure out who the Woman in White is there is also a great scene with Sam interviewing the husband of the dead ghost. He was really intense he was great.

The ending of this one is really good to and it's great how they can improvise at the last second (Sam - 'What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak!').

All in all as the other comments said they fit a whole heap of stuff into an hr show and it was awesome.

And I fully understand the writers killing off Sam's girlfriend at the end and pushing him over the edge. He is a stubborn character and they had to motivate him out his life and put him in the car with Dean. and this seemed like the thing to Join them together.
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