3 Reviews
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The best spoof EVER!!!!!
17 December 2002
This fifteen minute short is a hundred times better than the revisionist crap it makes fun of. I found myself laughing all the way through it. I hear schools are making kids watch "Pearl Harbor" around December 7th. They should watch this short film, then a real movie about the cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor. A movie such as "Tora, Tora, Tora".
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Probably best samurai movie not made by Kurosawa
5 October 2002
This is a great samurai movie. Set in the period of the 1600s, has great costuming, especially the armor. Shows the contrast of the samurai using both the traditional Japanese assymetrical long bow, and the arquebus (firearm) introduced to them by the Europeans. The battle sequences are very well done. Only way it could have been done any better is if Kurosawa did it.....

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Pretty good for a movie trying to sell prophecy to the mainstream audience...
2 October 2002
Taking into account it is very hard to sum up prophecies that cover decades of end time into 90 minutes or so, the movie is very well done. Excellent performance by all the key actors. The battle scenes at Megiddo look like the movie came from one of the top regular studios. Could it have been done better? Yes. Could it have been done better at this length? That would be harder.
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