
17 Reviews
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The Perfect Pairing (2022 TV Movie)
Contractor: Yes. The Rest: No
17 January 2022
Ms Contractor is an appealing, talented actress, who has a terrific Hallmark vibe. It's wonderful to see her again in a Hallmark project. More, please! However, she has no chemistry with the male lead (Mr Elliott, who mails it in). And how does a woman forget her purse?? Plus, ice wine is not grown where Pinot Noir is also grown. Take note, writers: It makes the film feel fake. As does the ice wine cave at 14F where you cannot see their breath. And please tell me who is the zillionaire who can afford a New York apartment like hers! Finally, Hallmark, let's use some fresh names for characters.
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Where Your Heart Belongs (2022 TV Movie)
Ye Gods. Where Is the Reality?
3 January 2022
Besides the chronic lack of chemistry between the leads (yes, there are exceptions) and overexposure of actors, a maple farm that taps redwoods?? Set (they say) in the northeast, it's British Columbia once again. And who taps maple trees with a metal (new metal, at that) bucket? And washing dishes by hand while standing in front of a dishwasher? C'mon, Hallmark. You're not event trying.
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Hot Mess Holiday (2021 TV Movie)
Every Indian Trope Is Here
22 December 2021
With a virtually all Indian cast and crew, every Indian trope and caricature is here. Set during Diwali (a floating holiday that occurs in late October or early November) we still see Christmas decorations. Really? And the weather is all wrong as well. It has much energy, and the two female leads are pretty (esp. Melanie, a total smoke show) but this project is mostly slapstick, with not much new in the genre. Hey, it's a fun romp, and a change from all the usual holiday films, but it's not going to be a breakout moment for our two leading ladies. Try again.
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Better Than Imagined
11 December 2021
Xmas films are formulaic, and this is no exception. That said, the lead (Miss Payton) is too cute for words, and is the main reason to watch. Her chemistry with the male lead is not great (his fault) but her path to love seemed honest. And there are some good one-liners. Nice change of pace. And she IS adorable.
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Christmas Beneath the Stars (2021 TV Movie)
Yikes! Painful to Watch
5 December 2021
Supposedly set in Alaska, around Christmas. Where's the cold? Snow? Darkness? And what's with the green leaves on maple trees? It's all just too much to take. The 'B' list Canadian cast tries, but the direction and script make that an uphill battle. This film is filler for holiday cable schedules.
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What Were They Thinking?
30 November 2021
Ponderous and dull, with zero chemistry, everyone seems to be trying too hard to generate energy. Sad to say, the script is so feeble that this is like trying to pour water up hill. It's all formula - a bad one. The extra stars in my rating express pity for the actors trapped in this mistake.
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Baking Spirits Bright (2021 TV Movie)
No Chemistry
22 November 2021
The concept of trying to make Christmas fruitcake cool again is a terrific script concept, and they make the most of it, but the minor characters are minor and unidimensional and make the storyline thin, and Miss Sharma (who tries really hard) has no chemistry with the male lead. Her comment about what she'd teach her child - when that happens - seems a bit odd for a woman who is at least in her mid-40s. While the film has some original aspects, execution is often contrived and awkward, and Miss Sharma's talent is wasted.
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Nantucket Noel (2021 TV Movie)
Nantucket? Ha!
21 November 2021
Hey Hallmark: The setting looks nothing like Nantucket. OK, you shoot in Canada for the subsidies, but at least shoot it in Nova Scotia and not BC. And shoot it in winter. The vibe is all wrong.
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Christmas in My Heart (2021 TV Movie)
Well Done, Hallmark
25 October 2021
It has the warm, friendly Hallmark vibe, but also touches on more profound social and romantic issues than is common from the studio. And that it does so without being preachy or smarmy or just plain annoying is an achievement. Plus the plot is far less predictable. Heather Hemmens is an excellent choice as a lead, and she shows a range of talent that gets wasted in too many of her other projects. Attn Producers: Give her better roles. She can deliver. And Hallmark: We want more films like this.
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Missed Opportunity
24 October 2021
First, the setting looks nothing like Connecticut, where it is said to be set. Second, Hallmark needs to find a younger cast. Third, whoever wrote this knows zilch about the Christmas tree business. So-so interesting. Was this shot in the spring??
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Love at Look Lodge (2020 TV Movie)
Weak Script, Mixed Quality Cast
9 September 2021
The script is more than a little obvious, and many of the scenes are forced, but the female lead (Clark Backo) is good, albeit underused, and has a solid Hallmark vibe. She even manages to tolerate the utterly miscast and annoying male lead. That's an achievement.
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Sweet Pecan Summer (2021 TV Movie)
Fresh Twist.
30 August 2021
It was nice to see a Hallmark that is not shot in BC or Toronto, with the same cast we have seen too often. Miss Ko is refreshing, and has a strong affinity for the material. She has a nice mix of fun and strong. Perhaps we will be lucky and see more of her. Hallmark needs a younger and fresher leading lady (and man) set.
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Sand Dollar Cove (2021 TV Movie)
Filmed in CT. Pleasant Change
28 June 2021
Any Hallmark film that is said to take place in Connecticut (or anyplace) and is actually filmed there (as opposed to Vancouver) gets a few stars from me. Aly Michalka is also charming, and even seems to be a real estate developer. She has backbone. And having the female lead be something other than a baker or writer or some such is a plus. Nice job.
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Love, Lost & Found (2021 TV Movie)
Cute, Scenic RomCom
10 February 2021
Small budget, tiny cast, big heart. We've seen this plot a zillion times before, but the cast manages to pull it off. Danielle Chuchran is always appealing, and her physicality is an asset here. Nice way to spend 90 minutes.
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Snowkissed (2021 TV Movie)
Who Wrote This Mess?
31 January 2021
Let's see...Jen Lilley is really annoying, and the lead male (so forgettable) is a dolt. No chemistry. The inevitable gal pal (Groening) is watchable and approachable. If only she were the lead. It also seems the good people of Alberta are trying to get in on the Hallmark action. This is the second recent Hallmark film explicitly set in Banff. So we no longer need to hide the Canadian flags or pretend that Vancouver looks just like Miami. And the tourism marketing by those Albertans is not subtle. I guess everyone needs to eat. And how does a late-30s freelance writer (Lilley) afford that fabulous NYC apartment??
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Clueless Millennials vs. Aliens
18 January 2021
The one joke here (utterly clueless Millennials, who seem incapable of the simplest task) wears thin after a while, but the depth and breadth of cluelessness provide rich comedic fodder. Let's have sex. Oops, later maybe. Just got a text. Stick shifts. Guns. Fireplaces. Canoes. Car seats for infants. There is no limit to their ineptitude. And it's very funny. You're laughing at them. Not with them.
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City of Trees (2019)
Pitch Perfect Story of 2 Adults Falling in Love
26 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Heartfelt, with a fine ear for genuine dialogue, there are no unnecessary drama, phony set pieces or Big Speeches here. Nope, there are just two adults you wish you knew and were friends falling in utter love. If only all romance films were this good. Don't let the lack of much back story deter you. It's a brave choice on the part of Swarens (writer) and works brilliantly. We don't need it. We have the Here and Now, and that's the point. And the details are so wonderful, with an ending that is pitch perfect. Sophie (Buckle -- fabulous) wants to attend the high school reunion, to which Ainsley (Swarens -- spectacular, and she also directs) has not been invited. So Sophie says let's skip the reunion, a gift to her sweetheart. But Ainsley knows how important it is to Sophie, and says Let's Go. I'll Be Fun. She signals with a look and wink that it will truly be fun. She'll make sure of it because it's important to Sophie. When Sophie kisses Ainsley, it's a kiss of thanks and genuine love. and the kiss back is You're Welcome, Darling. Could it get better? It does! the head rested on the shoulder as they sit before the fire, the kiss on the forehead. Wow. Kudos to Swarens (star, writer and director). You've created a gem.
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