
8 Reviews
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J. Edgar (2011)
...and the Oscar goes to...
12 November 2011
This film has been receiving quite a bit of mixed reviews that I thought I would throw my hat into the ring and explore my own views and experience on what I thought of this film. Well, I loved it! This is my favorite non-animated film this year and I am saddened that there were a good number of people who did not share my movie going experience, but to each his own I suppose.

Leonardo DiCaprio really busts out his acting chops in this film, decorated with Eastwood goodies, supported by a strong cast including Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, and Judi Dench. His depiction of Hoover was nothing short of miraculous, from young to old, he really captured the mysterious and powerful essence that was this iconic figure in American History. Being narrated by Hoover himself, it is very interesting to see how the elements he dictated to the scribe became exaggerated and embellished, while moments that were being remembered or recollected were deeper and in some cases, darker and in others intimate.

Eastwood's use of camera tricks and pacing were well placed. One distinct element was the use of camera style coloring and lighting to help assist with the various time periods, from a more sepia inspired younger Hoover to a more colorful, yet faded older Hoover. I also loved how the film paced back and forth (one moment comes to mind when they enter the elevator old, and leave it young in a flashback). His simplistic composition really added to the sadness and dramatic elements of the film.

Though I won't say that other's criticisms were necessarily wrong, I will say that I disagreed with many of them. Though I understand much of the make-up critiques, example, DiCaprio reminding me a lot of Jon Voight and Hammar a little like the Six Flags dancing old guy, it did not detract me from the film at all. I can very much see many aspects of the film being at the very least nominated, though sadly I don't think there are enough people who care for the film to see it win many of them.

Being as it may, I had no complaints about the film and left feeling very satisfied and recommended it to everyone who asked me about it, though they may not share my admiration.
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Cars 2 (2011)
As Brilliant as Pixar Gets
25 June 2011
I came into this film worried because of the many negative reviews for it, but I have to say that by the end of it, I didn't know what they were talking about. Cars 2 is as good a film that belongs in the Pixar norm. I laughed, I was excited, and I cared for Mater throughout the film. All in all, it was fantastic. It reminded me of Speed Racer, Thunderbirds, and most noticeably James Bond. It was a great concept to combine all of these films and show it from the Cars' point of view.

Mater is charming to watch and all of the comedy read well with me. So, for all of us regular movie goers who get excited every time a new Pixar film comes out, be relieved that this film is great and the kids will absolutely love it.
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Horsemen (2009)
All the Elements Were There, but...
20 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a great trailer, good actors, and a skeleton of a great story idea; however, when thrown together it just doesn't seem to mesh as well, which is unfortunate because the first 40 minutes of this film are top notch. When things start to come together, it becomes less so.

The story revolves around Breslin (Dennis Quaid) brought onto a case due to his forensic dental expertise about a series of murders that eventually involve the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the book of Revelations. Each death being somehow meaningful to each of the horsemen, Breslin slowly but surely puts the pieces together as each one is made known by his or her color and category.

In the film: War is red, Pestilence is black, Death is green, and famine is white (white being the leader). However, if one were to read the scripture, white is supposed to be pestilence and black famine, though there is no reason given nor even necessary why this was switched. What started to bother me was that as each horseman was revealed, they were all relatively the same age (a bunch of 18-20 year old young adults). This made the film implausible, as they were able to assemble together expensive rigs, possess extensive medical knowledge that confounded the forensic coroner with years of training, own several computers and media equipment, and be untraceable to law enforcement. I could have bought it if they had developed it a bit more.

The real flaw for me was that I saw the ending coming. They put way too much time and development into a particular storyline for it not to eventually lead somewhere, and it turns out I was right. That was a bit of a downer. But I loved the acting in the film, kudos to Ziyi Zhang for showing us that she can play a creepy villain, and the rest of the horsemen did their job well. I did feel Quaid was a tad too much and a little goofy with his "bad cop" approach.

The film is enjoyable though not memorable. It has elements of Se7en in it, but it just didn't quite reach it's greatness. Maybe if they had hired the same director.
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Rango (2011)
A Tribute to Spaghetti Westerns That Would Make John Wayne and Clint Eastwood Proud
10 April 2011
After viewing this movie with my friends, we could not stop talking about how awesome it was. It was a relief to have finally viewed a proper movie this year, especially after having to sit through the travesty that was Sucker Punch. Anyways...

This movie does well in its environment in giving both Pixar and DreamWorks a proper run for their money this year in the Oscar contenders for Best Animated Film. It is both beautiful to look at in every aspect and angle. No expense was spared to give the audience a systematic treat of characters, environment, and an overall western feel that younger audiences will enjoy...though not too much younger.

Johnny Depp once again reminds us why he is such a great actor, that you don't have to see Depp to feel his brilliance. Verbinski brings another tale that though it resembles elements of his previous films (i.e. Pirates of the Caribbean), it still stands on its own as a fun film worthy of his name.

It did drag slightly towards the end, but like all great westerns, they give the audience action, great dialog, heart, and fun characters that look like they've been out in the sun for too long (the point I believe).

I will definitely be purchasing this film when it comes out on DVD and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves the classic westerns of Wayne and Eastwood. 9/10
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Saw 3D (2010)
An Acceptable Ending to a Great Franchise
28 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen Saw 7 (i.e. 3D) both in theaters and on DVD as well as the commentary where it is described what the real intention for the finale was. After hearing their intake on the matter, I wish the producers would have permitted the series to finish as planned. It would have brought a more permissible conclusion to this great franchise; however, being as it was it was still acceptable though a bit too easy of a route to take.

For the past few years, fans have been reviewing, picking apart, and making theories on how this would all end and upon viewing this final chapter, some were satisfied while others were down right outraged. Though I do not think that those negative towards this film are wrong in their criticisms, I still found it to be a fine finish. However, I had a completely different view on where they could and I thought they would take this story. Being as it was, it felt forced and almost cop-out in the idea, as if they spent the whole time listening to our theories and just decided to end it like that. It felt too easy on their part and almost useless in terms of both Jigsaw and Gordon's story.

Also, I didn't really believe Gibson's character as the cop tracking down Hoffman, nor did I really accept Jill's demise. I felt that her character deserved more. On a plus side, I fully accepted Hoffman as the newly mantled Jigsaw in his attempt to start a game in distracting the police. Though I did not care for the Bobby Dagen story in that it felt out of place, this being the final film. I actually was against the idea of introducing really any new characters by this point and was hoping for a series of traps set for Jill in Hoffman's attempt to kill her off and any other loose end characters once and for all, involving Gordon in there somehow.

The acting was okay, a little on the downside for a usual saw performance. The traps were enjoyable, however it felt that they got lazy as the film progressed or that they just ran out of steam. Though there were some really good and clever ones overall.

All in all, the franchise is finally concluded and though I am okay with the ending, I really felt like they could have dropped the 3D and spent more time writing and bringing it all together in a way that we all would have loved, not just found acceptable. Maybe like all horror franchises, it will start anew eventually and really be planned ahead and brought to its full potential. Until then, we are just left with what could have been.
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A Film Worthy of a Game Console
27 March 2011
Scott Pilgrim vs the World is by far one of the most enjoyable films of the year, if not ever. A truly unique experience with both gaming and comic book reference to treat the audience in all of their favorite games growing up.

It takes a little bit to pick up, but with each progressive evil ex, the movie really shines with each baddie bursting into coins, KOs on the screen, and point values appearing, it is a fun ride of 8-bit proportions. We've been waiting a long to time for them to get a video game movie right and Edgar Wright was the perfect director to deliver the goods.

Michael Cera, though in his usual character, fits perfectly in this role as Scott Pilgrim as we've never seen him take on the martial arts in such a fun fashion.

From Street Fighter to Zelda, this movie contains all of our favorite video game references growing up as children and will please all of those familiar with them.

Each ex adds a level of difficulty and never bores as each fight is different, from weapons to music to multiple battles, this movie has it all. Be sure to give this move a look if you love such a genre as this. You will not be disappointed. You'll want to bring your own control.
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Nothing More Than a Pubescent Geek's First Orgasm
26 March 2011
Having viewed the trailer and reading the plot, I was very excited about this movie and had been for a good while. After the credits rolled, however, I felt like I had been sucker punched right in the wallet. This movie should just be called Sucker, for those duped into seeing this movie.

There was barely a plot and no character development, I didn't care if they succeeded or not. All of the cgi fight sequences made no sense nor relevance to anything they were trying to accomplish nor were they revolutionary by any means. I have seen it all before in much better executed formats and films. It was simply put, empty and soulless. The fluff of eye candy tried to mask an underdeveloped storyline, but movie goers are not stupid and I totally called his bluff.

I am so disappointed because I was really excited for this movie and the trailer totally mislead me into thinking I was going to see something well made...

And another thing, the whole woman empowerment was utter b.s. You can tell that it was an afterthought of trying to think of a way to make women want to see this failure. Yeah, women will be empowered by burlesque whores dancing while they fantasize into an anime style fight scene revealing both cleavage and pantie shots. Whatever.

This movie makes me worried for Superman, apparently his next big project. This movie is this year's Last Airbender and will surely rack up in the Razzie nominations. I wanna just meet Zack Snyder so I can sucker punch him in the face for making this garbage.
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Buried (2010)
A Hitchcock Worthy Film That Leaves You Breathless...Literally!
25 March 2011
I was unfortunate not be able to see this film in theaters, as I did not live near any of the locations of the limited release. However, upon hearing about the movie and seeing trailers, I was very excited about it and as soon as it came on DVD, I picked up a copy and watched it alone in my house...WOW! That was what I thought as the end credits began to roll; my heart pacing and my breathing accelerated, I was left almost speechless at the boldness and sheer genius at what would be described as one of the best films of 2010. The scenario was realistic and suspenseful, the acting (i.e. actor Ryan Reynolds) was brilliant, and the directing was nothing short of amazing. It was a whole package and it was truly exciting to see what could be done with so little.

The ending was unforgettable, and as they pulled the rug from under my feet, I literally found myself gasping for air with surprise and shock. Overall, the film delivered on every scale that I can think of and I find it sad that it didn't do so well in the box office, for if it had, it could have been quite the Oscar contender including Best Actor, Director, Cinematography, Screenplay, etc. I highly look forward to more films of this nature, to push the boundaries of the common film into something artistic.
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