
2 Reviews
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180 degree turn from his first film.
23 March 2008
When I first watched Pollio's first feature film, HOW IT ALL WENT DOWN, I was blown away with the story, the style and the execution. I had no idea that the same guy that delivered hardcore grit with his first film would go completely the other way with a glossy and witty SHUT UP AND SHOOT.?? I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and thought it was well done. The ending through me for a big surprise and was not expecting that at all. Joe Cortese does a great job as Spencer Spector and the supporting cast was great. Pollio just skates by as Sonny Westwood and although his character has some fun moments in the film with his singing dancing, Pollio's real acting chops show in his first movie, HOW IT ALL WENT DOWN. Here it just looks like he filled that role himself to save the money he'd have to give another actor as Im sure Pollio had a lot at stake in this movie being the Producer with limited funds too. Overall, fun film and I'd recommend it, but my preference in this guy's movie making style is for sure HOW IT ALL WENT DOWN.
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One great movie.
23 March 2008
A friend of mine passed me this film that he got from a friend and I watched it not expecting much, but I was blown away. This character of Istante, that was played by Silvio Pollio, is one of the best depictions I've ever seen of a drug dealer. I read somewhere that Pollio was friends with this guy in film school before he became a dealer, but nevertheless Pollio is so damn hardcore in this movie, you'd think that maybe he was Istante. Gritty, stylishly choppy and hardcore to the bone, HOW IT ALL WENT DOWN is a must see movie and if you'd like to learn a thing or two about drug dealing and cocaine, this is your tour guide. Pollio takes you through some tough neighborhoods in the Vancouver downtown east side, that is known as scummiest skid row in North America.
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