
2 Reviews
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Fuel (2008)
"Fuel" the film ...a beautifully effective message
16 October 2008
Josh Tickell's film "FUEL" outlines the global illness created by disproportionally using petroleum fuel for energy. The viable alternative solutions information that we can all do today (unless apathy has gotten a grip on us (not me! I'm in a state of action)..) is absolutely exhilarating. Josh's great humanitarian gift of showing people how to lead themselves out of the gooey, polluting sludge and into a variety of life-style habits that put us in a higher state of mind and higher state of being is truly great...FUEL is a must for 2009 students from high school through all levels of college. In todays world we need a huge team of people committing to driving different fuels and looking for the many choices we all have to protect the natural environment that we all rely on. We all also need to join green community groups that communicate the latest information about applying the green knowledge. Spread the word about "FUEL" ..the people of the world really need this message
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Fuel (2008)
we might have a chance with several different (smart ) fixes to oil
15 June 2008
We have a chance of turning the imported oil fiasco around with algae and marginal land oil seed products to get us back to our roots of being ahead of the world in smart solutions that make sense environmentally and economically we are the agriculture powerhouse if we get to work on alternative means like wind solar non corn based fuel that will work in diesels(originally designed to run on peanut oil a biofuel) when run on petroleum are the largest polluters (in trucks ships trains tractors) and can operate on camelina oil diesel like Montana is growing (68,000 acres) yielding 120 gallons per acre (irrigation fertilizer herbicides pesticides not required) on semi arid unproductive land and have had with no problems for 5 years get with it America there is a chance
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