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Hunger Point (2003 TV Movie)
By far the The Best Movie on Lifetime
5 October 2022
Lifetime went brave in this movie. They were way ahead of their time. They took on a subject so enormous many were too afraid to touch or pretended it was not important enough to touch. Body image in young women. Obviously it is a very important subject because it is in the top mind of everyone. Kudos to the writer for crafting a screenplay far more true and interesting than the book, much of it based on her own sisters' trouble with eating disorders. The LA Times said it was THE most important movie on the subject of all time and that every mother and daughter should watch it. The Hollywood Reporter said Ms. Amelon's writing is extraordinary and she should get an Emmy for the movie. Too bad the director threw in the scene about the websites, something that wasn't in the book. Reviews have been critical on that scene and the writer was right in trying to keep it out of the movie. Over all, the movie should have been a feature and nominated instead for an Oscar.
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Save McCarthy
20 June 2022
Please stop the brilliant Melissa McCarthy from doing one more thing written and directed by her non talented hubby. He's just one of those entitled, narcissistic males who arrogantly think they are funny but are nauseatingly annoying. Somebody tell him to stop wasting HER precious years so she can continue to do brilliant work.... WITHOUT HIM.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
25 February 2019
Funny, funny, and more funny. This series should be required viewing for all humans. It should be shown in schools to students before they graduate so they learn some inkling of the realities of having babies. It is fun and frustrating and almost impossible. This shows captures all the pain and the humor of the brave women who do the impossible. It's real and raw and you will love it, whether of not you have children. The best part is that it tells the stories from the women's point of view. Each of them is an incredibly developed personality and character, exactly how I know the women in my life to be but NEVER see them portrayed on screen. Why? Because most film and Tv are written by males. Males are incapable of writing about women. Males only write their own fantasies and stereotypes of women, what they wish women to be, what they've gleaned from other male literature, male written and directed film, their unconscious biases litter and spoil the work. Males know nothing of a woman' s world and don't care to know, don't care to learn and it always shows. Women can always write men well because they have to live within a man's world. It's all they are taught, all they get in school, is male literature, male history, male art, male film and TV, they go to male sports games, are stuck in this awful patriariarchy and hate it. But thank god, they make fun of it! It's the only way to get through the days. All men should be expected to be Women's Studies majors before they try to become writers but that will never happen because they are egomaniacs. The United States should be ashamed that there is NO work in TV and Film that begins to emulate the POV of this outstanding series. It took Canada to give it to us. Applause to them. It should be required viewing to show all the stuffy old, it still terribly immature male writers of the WGA so they understand the level of writing they must achieve but never will. Because they are just men. And will never evolve. Brave to the women who are bringing THIS world TO the world. Keep it up. And to the US, get your own show like this, you idiots! These characters reflect truth of how everyone feels!!!
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